Will of Timothy Murphey

Transcribed by Fran Powell

Will of Timothy Murphey


9 Feb 1827 - Apr Term 1827

 wife MARY my household goods and chattles, plantation tools likwise my Stock of Cattle and hogs, one horse, negro Tener, Ten pounds current money;

 dau. SUSAN STALLINGS Ten Shillings;

 son DAVID Ten Shillings;

 dau. ELIZA ANN BRICE Ten Shillings;

 son WILLIAM Ten Shillings;

 son HENRY Negro Sam;

 dau. JEMIMA Ten Shillings and the next child Teiner may have;

 dau. Phebe Ten Shillings and the next child Teiner may have;

 son Timothy W. negro Charls;

 dau. MARY JANE Teiner and her last child that She may have and if so be her increase exceed what has been mentioned I wish them equally divided between my children DAVID, WILLIAM, HENRY, JEMIMA, PHEBE, TIMOTHY W. & MARY JANE; (Fran's Note that Mary Jane married William WEST).

 Negro Sam to be hired out until my Debts are paid then to be in the use of my wife MARY During her lifetime then to be equally Divided be tween the above mentioned children.

 extrs: wife MARY, Wiley STALLINGS, Henry MURPHEY

 wit: Jno. HUFHAM, William (sign) SELLARS SENR.

 signed: Timothy Murphey

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