Will of David Wright

Contributed by Jason Bourdeaux

Will of David Wright

Original Will


  Source: Duplin Co Nc Will Book A, Pg 500-2 Written: March 13, 1827 Duplin County NC Wills, Will Book A, pg 500-2, 1827 (LDS 0018813) In the name of God, Amen. I David Wright of the county of Duplin and State of North Carolina being far advanced in age and in low state of bodily health but of sound mind, disposing mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind that it is appointed once for all men to die have thought it best to dispose of my worldly estate among my heirs by making this my will and revoking all other former wills by me made, do make this my last will and testament in the manner and form following. And first recommend my Soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it came, to be decently entered at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named and secondly, that all my just debts shall be paid by my said Executors and thirdly in order to enable my wife the better to raise my small children and educate them without her being obliged to charge them board and clothing and leave her without- my two old negros Venus & Mack as long as she and the Executors think they will be of service to her, and then be at the expense of the estate. I then loan to her during her natural life the lands I now live on except the land I bought of Brother Thomas Wright and that until my son David Wright becomes of lawful age on condition that she consents to have it rented and in such manner that the Executors may think best. I also lend her the following named negroes, viz: Bristor, Easter, Milly, Lewis and Lench and Dicy which she has liberty to keep be him or them (or any part of them). And also my household kitchen furniture all such as she can not or will not do without so as to enable her to give a bed and furniture to each child when they marry or become of lawful age. I give her to dispose of as she pleases. My new gig horses and my old horse called Mary and her choice of two of the mules. It is my will that a part of the crop stock and provisions as will be sufficient for her and family to be left (unable ?) until a new crop comes in. Item 1st, I give to my son Thomas H. Wright the negro Moon, which he has already received by dead of gift, also the furniture given by me to him, in addition to this I give him my negro boy Jackson to him and his heirs forever. Item 2nd, I give to my son John Wright the money he has already received, and have in addition to this the negro he has already received. I also give him at my death my negro boy Brittan and one hundred dollars for his attendance on me while on my sick bed. Item 3rd, I give to my daughter Mary C. Bush , wife of Lewis B. Bush, the negroes Mom and furniture she has already received. To my grandson William Burch (not written as Bush) her son, I give and bequeath my negro boy Nomid to him and his heirs forever. Item 4th, I give to my daughter Rebecca E. Hooks, wife of Thomas C. Hooks, the negroes she has in possession by deed of gift and the furniture she has received and seventy dollars to buy a house if she thinks proper to put it to that use to her and her heirs forever. Item 5th, I give to my daughter Patsey E. Wright my negro girls Jude, Hannah and Dolly and one hundred dollars to buy her a house. Also one bed and stead and furniture to her and her heirs forever. Item 6th, I give to my son David Wright my land that I bought of my brother Thos. Wright the contents of which may be optional by refining to the deed, also my young black mare, also one bed and furniture and bedstead to him and his heirs forever. Item 7th, I give to my son Isaac Wright all the balance of my land at the death of his mother, also one bedstead and furniture and one hundred dollars to receive when he marries or becomes of lawful age to him and his heirs forever. Item 8th, I give to my two little daughters, Eliza Smith Wright and Kittie Ann Wright the following negroes, viz: Kerry, Mary, Dusia, Tony, Mona, Gellis and Evalene & Edward also one bedstead and furniture to each of them to them and their heirs forever. Also my will and desire that if the Executors think the balance will over pay my debts together with the judgement of mine against John B. Wright taken in the Supreme Court of this County on so much as can be collected in time, that they reserve from sale the following negroes: George, Stephen, & Calvin. Which negroes in that case and not otherwise I give George to my daughter Patsey E. Wright; Stephen to my son David Wright and balance to my son Isaac Wright to them and their heirs forever. At my death, as soon as is convenient, after the first Court, my Executors may advertise for all at six months credit my negro woman Sally & child. I desire and if found necessary the others when named together with what part of the crop stock and proving household & kitchen furniture, plantation tools & C, as may be thought advisable to all by the Executors and my wife to pay my just debt. At the death of my wife all the property loaned her that may be left on the plantation to be sold to the highest bidder and equally divided among all my children that are then living and if any be dead to his or her children as her or his or their portions would amount to had he or she been living. If any of my children unmarried or married die without lawfull issue then and in that case the daughters part to be divided among my daughters and if male his share be equally divided among my sons. Lastly I constitute and appoint, giving lawful authority to act as such my beloved and trusty sons Thomas H. Wright and John Wright my lawful Executors. This I ordain to be my last will and testament, in witness whereof this day set my hand and affix my seal, March 13th 1827. D. Wright (seal) In presence of signed, sealed and delivered Teste: William Hodges, Wilson Hodges

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