This information is contributed by Carolyn Shank Inquest of the Murder of William PEACOCK Duplin County, June 3rd, 1760 This Day Robert ROLLINS made information to me one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for af'sd County That this Day William PEACOCK was found Dead in his Corn field These are therefore in His Majestys Name to Will and Command you to Summon Twenty four Lawful men or So many as you Possibly can of the Said Number to appear with out Delay at the Said Deceased Plantation to act and hold a Jury of Inquest over the Said Dead Person herein fail Not as you will answer the Contrary at your Perill and for so Doing this shall be your Sufficiant Warrent Given Under my Hand and Seal the Day & Date above Written To M'r John OWENS Constable to Execute William MAGEE JP Executed on the Persons Under Written p'r one John OWENS Constable Robert ROLLINS William VANN Addoniram TREADWELL Richard HERRING William ATKEISON James TINKER Benjamin BLACKBURN Daniel CREAMER John TREADWELL Joseph WHITE William CROMERTY Isaac ATKEISON Frances NELMS Henry VANN Duplin County June ye 3d 1760 We the under Subscribers being Duly Qullified before William MAGEE one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid Upon an Inquest on the Body of William PEACOCK Being found Dead in his Corn field and upon Searching the said Dead to the Best of our Judgment that the Said William PEACOCK Was Murdered Given Under our hand the Day & Date above Written Witnesseth William MAGEE JP Adoniron TREADWELL Richard HERRING Wm. ATKEISON Daniel CREAMER William CROMARTY John TREADWELL Isaac ATKEISON Joseph ( his "x" mark) WHITE Benjamin (his "B" mark--"B" pointed downward) BLACKBURN James TINKER Robert (his "x" mark) ROLLINS William VANN Henry VANN Frances NELMS The Said William PEACOCK was Murthered by one of his Negroes Which was Try'd & Condem'd and Burnt at a Stake the Sixth Day of June 1760. |