The copy of this oath was obtained from the
New Bern-Craven County Public Library. You can contact the library for more information on this or many more documents they have obtained. Here is the email in which I received the information: Diane, The Oath of Allegiance and Abjuration Act was passed by the NC General Assembly on 15 Nov 1777 while the legislature met in New Bern. It required all state officials (and possibly county officials), including Justices of the Peace, to swear an oath of allegiance to the State of North Carolina and to renounce allegiance to Parliament and the King of Great Britain. The copy of the wording came from the Colonial and State Records of North Carolina edited by Clark and Saunders (vol. 24 page 103). The signers that you indicated appear to be state and local officials from Duplin County who took the oath of allegiance. They didn't necessarily have to be a Revolutionary War soldier. I believe some state and local officials actually were exempt from militia service because of their office. Best wishes, Victor The following is the oath and signers: CHAPTER X. An Act for ascertaining the Oath of Allegiance and Abjuration. I. Whereas it is necessary, to prevent Persons disaffected to the
present Government from enjoying Seats in the Legislature, or
holding Offices under the State, that the Oath of Allegiance and
Abjuration should be ascertained by a permanent Law; II. Be it therefore Enacted, by the General Assembly of the State
of North Carolina, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the
same, That every Person who shall hereafter be elected as a
Member of the General Assembly, or who shall be appointed to
hold any Office of Trust or Profit in this State, shall, before taking
his Seat in the General Assembly, or executing the Office to which
he shall be appointed as aforesaid, repeat and subscribe the following
Oath, that is to say, I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will be
faithful and bear true Allegiance to the State of North Carolina, and
to the Powers and Authorities which are or may be established for
the Government thereof, not inconsistent with the Constitution. And
I do solemnly and sincerely declare, that I do believe in my Conscience
that neither the King of Great Britain, nor the Parliament thereof, jointly
with the said King or separately, or any foreign Prince, Person, State,
or Potentate, have, or ought to have any Right or Title to the Dominion
or Sovereignty of this State, or to any part of the Government thereof.
And I do renounce, refuse, and abjure any Allegiance or Obedience to
them, or any of them, or to any Person or Persons put in Authority by
or under them, or any of them. And I will do my utmost Endeavours to
disclose and make known to the legislative or executive Powers of the
said State, all Treasons and traiterous Conspiracies and Attempts
whatsoever, which I shall know to be made or intended against the
said State.. And I do faithfully promise, that I will endeavour to support,
maintain and defend, the Independence of the said State, against him
the said King, and all other Persons whatsoever. And all these Things
I do plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to these
express words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common
Sense and Understanding of the same Words, without any Equivocation,
mental Evasion, or secret Reservation whatsoever. And I do make this
Acknowledgment, Abjuration, and Promise, heartily, willingly, and truly.
SO HELP ME GOD. Thomas Routledge** William Ball Michael Kenan** Richard (John) Herring*** J.P. Ballard Robert Dickson** Joseph Dickson James Lockart George Smith** Thomas R. Dickson Alexander Gray** Edward Toole Darcy Fowler Fleet Cooper Richard Clinton** William Dickson** J. Spiller J. Rand** John Molton John Wright** Samuel Houston** James Kenan** James Sampson** William Taylor** ** Revolutionary War Record. *** [Possible] Revolutionary War Record Return to Duplin County Page |