North Carolina Marriage Records 1807

    Transcribed by Diane Siniard

    Adams, Ann of Pittsylvania county, Va. to Nathan Chaffin of Surry county, Je. 25, Pittsylvania 
    county, Va. R. R. Jly. 23, 1807 
    Adams, Mrs. to James Mumford, Aug., Fayetteville. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807 
    Alves, Anne to Richard Henderson, Feb. 19, Orange county. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Amis, John D. to Eliz. Bynum, Dec. 3, Northampton county. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    Anthony, Eliz. to James Gordon, Dec. 8, Scotland Neck. R. R. Dec. 17, 1807 
    Archdell, Francis to Samuel Vines, Apr. 23, Washington. R. R. My. 7, 1807 
    Armistead, Maria to Wm. Goodwin, Feb., Scotland Neck. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Arnold, Sally to Joseph Green of Newbern, Feb., Craven county. R. R. Feb. 11, 1807
    Arrington, Mary J. of Nash county to Capt. James M. Nicholson, Dec. 11. R. R. Jan. 12, 1807
    Ashe, Major Samuel to Jane Moore, Jly. 14, Pleasant Hall, New Hanover county. R. R. Jly. 30, 1807
    Barrow, Pherebee to Robert Justice, Dec., Scotland Neck. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    Baskerville, Betsey of Mecklenburg county, Va. to Robert H. Jones of Warrenton, Apr. 9, 
    Mecklenburg county, Va. R. R. Apr. 16, 1807
    Beck, Rachel of Duplin county to Colin Shaw, Aug. 27, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 2, 1807
    Benbury, Polly to .Joseph Creecy, Oct. 4, Edenton. R. R. Oct. 15, 1807 
    Bennet, Mary to Jesse Guy, Jan., Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1807
    Bill, Capt. Avery A. to Ann M. Wayne, My. 19, Wilmington. R. R. Je. 4, 1807
    Blount, Benjamin to Mrs. Eliz. Evart, Je. 14, Washington. R. R. Je. 25, 1807
    Blount, Dr. Frederick to Mrs. R. Bryan, Oct. 1, Newbern. R. R. Oct. 15, 1807
    Bonner, Mrs. Henry to Capt. Wm. Vines, Jan., Washington. R. R . . . Jan. 5, 1807
    Bradley, Sarah of Raleigh to Dr. George Thomas of Southampton, Va., Feb., Halifax county. 
    R. R. Mar. 2, 1807 
    Bryan, Mrs. R. to Frederick Blount, Oct. 1, Newbern. R. R. Oct. 15, 1807 
    Burch, Rev. James of Virginia to Eleanor P. Smith, Jly. 31, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807
    Burgwin, Geo. W. of Wilmington to Maria Nash of Newbern, Apr. 7, Newbern. R. R. Apr. 16, 1807
    Bynum, Eliz. to John D. Amis, Dec. 3, Northampton county. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    Campbell, Mrs. to Marcus George, Apr. 23, Warrenton. R. R. Apr. 30, 1807
    Castex, Dr. German to Mrs. Avis O'Leary, Feb., Newbern. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Caswell, Richard of Raleigh to Sally Lytle of Rutherford county, Nov. 27, Nashville. 
    R. R. Jan. 19, 1807
    Chaffin, Nathan of Surry county to Ann Adams of Pittsylvania county, Va., Je. 25, Pittsylvania 
    county, Va. R. R. Jly. 23, 1807
    Christmas, Alice to Thomas Power, Sept. 3, Warren county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1807
    Colston, Fanny of Edenton to Thomas Liles of Chowan county, Feb. 19, Edenton. 
    R. R. Mar. 9, 1807
    Cook, Mrs. to Weeks Parker, Nov., Tarborough. R. R. Nov. 26, 1807 
    Creecy, Joseph to Polly Benbury, Oct. 4, Edenton. R. R. Oct. 15, 1807 
    Cummings, Mary of Wilmington to Benjamin S. King of Raleigh, Nov., Wilmington. 
    R. R. Nov. 26, 1807
    Daly, Sidney to Frederick Jones, Je., Newbern. R. R. Je. 25, 1807
    Dickins, Lucretia to Thomas 1. Moore of Person county, Dec., Granville county. R. R. Dec. 24, 1807
    Dickson, Betsey of Duplin county to Edward Ward of Onslow county, Mar.
    	28, Duplin county. R. R. Apr. 6, 1807
    Doggitt, Betsey of Rutherford county to James Elliott of Lincoln county, Feb. 26. 
    R. R. Mar. 30, 1807
    Donaldson, Henry A. to Elizabeth M'Donald, Feb. 19, Edenton. R. R. Mar. 9, 1807
    Downing, John to Miss Outlaw, Dec. 18, Bertie county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807 
    Duguid, Mrs. Mary to Salma Hall, Dec. 8, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 19, 1807 
    Dunn, James of Duplin county to Ann Hurst of Lenoir county, Dec. 23, Lenoir county. 
    R. R. Jan. 12, 1807
    Elliott, James of Lincoln county to Betsey Doggitt of Rutherford county, Feb. 26. 
    R. R. Mar. 30, 1807 
    Ennis, Eliza to John Goff, Feb. 8, Duplin county. R. R. Mar. 2, 1807 
    Evart, Mrs. Eliz. to Benjamin Blount, Je. 14, Washington. R. R. Je. 25, 1807
    Falkener, W. A. K. of Warrenton to Betsey Johnson, Sept. 24, Warrenton. R. R. Oct. 1, 1807
    Fitzgerald, James of Surry county to Polly Lester. Aug. 23, Rockford. Surry county. 
    R. R. Sept. 17, 1807
    George, Marcus to Mrs. Campbell. Apr. 23. Warrenton. R. R. Apr. 30. 1807
    Goff, John to Eliza Ennis, Feb. 8, Duplin county. R. R. Mal'. 2, 1807
    Goodwin, Wm. to Maria Armistead, Feb., Scotland Neck. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Gordon, Alexander to Susan Johnston, of Caswell county, Oct. 15. R. R. Nov. 5, 1807
    Gordon, James to Eliz. Anthony, Dec. 8, Scotland Neck. R. R. Dec. 17, 1807
    Grimes, James to Polly Singletary, Dec. 21, Washington. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807
    Gunn, Griffin of Caswell county to Dorothy Minns Mitchell, My. 28, Petersburg, Va. 
    R. R. Je. 11, 1807
    Guy, Jesse to Mary Bennet, Jan., Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1807 
    Hall, Salmon to Mrs. Mary Duguid, Dec. 8, Newbern. R. R. Jan. 19, 1807 
    Halling, Francinia Greenway to James Usher, Apr. 28, Wilmington. R. R. My. 14, 1807
    Harrison, Thomas to Mildred Johnston, Nov., Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    Hawkins, Benjamin of Warren county to Sally Person of Granville county, Sept. 2, Granville 
    county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1807
    Henderson, Richard to Anne Alves, Feb. 19, Orange county. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Henderson, Samuel Sr. of Caswell county to PricilIa Nichols of Person county, Mar. 12. 
    R. R. Apr. 6, 1807 
    Hill, James J. to Patsey Jeffers, Jan., Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 12, 1807 
    Hilliard, John of Nash county to Betsey Tunstall, Dec. 24, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807
    Hinton, Capt. Henry of Wake county to Mary Sanders, Apr. 30, Johnston county. 
    R. R. My. 7, 1807
    Hunter, Capt. William to Sarah M'Donald, My. II, Wilmington. R. R. :My. 21, 1807
    Hurst, Ann of Lenoir county to James Dunn of Duplin county, Dec. 23, Lenoir county. 
    R. R. Jan. 12, 1807
    Huske, John to Joanna T. Tillinghast of Rhode Island, Mar. 15, Fayetteville. R. R. Mar. 30, 1807
    Huste, Anne to Dr. James Webb, Feb. 12, Hillsborough. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Jackson, Mrs. Mary to John O'Quinn, Oct., Wilmington. R. R. Oct. 22, 1807 
    Jeffers, Patsey to James J. Hill, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 12, 1807 
    Jennings, Mrs. George to Capt. John Nelson, Apr. 16, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 30, 1807
    Jessup, George H. to Elizabeth Turner, Aug., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807
    Johnson, Betsey to W. A. K. Falkener of 'Warrenton, Sept. 24, Warrenton. R. R. Oct. 1, 1807 
    Johnson, Miss to John Wright, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807 
    Johnston, Chas. of Chowan county to Nancy Taylor of Franklin county, Aug., Franklin county. 
    R. R. Aug. 20, 1807
    Johnston, Mildred to Thomas Harrison, Nov., Caswell county. R. R. Dec. 10. 1807
    Johnston, Susan to Alexander Gordon of Caswell county, Oct. 15. R. R. Nov. 5. 1807
    Johnston, Wm. E. to Mrs. Willis, Jly. 30, Warren county. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807
    Jones, Abigail of Warren county to Eli Whitaker of Halifax county, Mar. 11, Warren county. 
    R. R. Mar. 23, 1807 
    Jones, Frederick to Sidney Daly, Je., Newbern. R. R. Je 25, 1807 
    Jones, Robert H. of Warrenton to Betsey Baskerville of Mecklenburg county, Va., Apr. 9, 
    Mecklenburg county. R. R. Apr. 16, 1807
    Jordan, Nancy to David Terry, Nov. 12, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1807
    Justice, Robert to Pherebee Barrow, Dec., Scotland Neck. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    King, Benjamin S. of Raleigh to Mary Cummings of Wilmington, Nov., Wilmington. 
    R. R. Dec. 3, 1807
    King, Nathaniel to Ann Kirkland, My., Orange county. R. R. Je. 4, 1807 
    Kirkland, Ann to Nathaniel King, My., Orange county. R. R. Je. 4, 1807 
    Kirkwood, Mary to Joshua Potts, Dec. 24, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 19, 1807
    Leonard, Margaret to Samuel Pearce, Dec. 25, Fayetteville. R. R. Jail. 12, 1807
    Lester, Polly to James Fitzgerald Of Surry county, Aug. 23, Rockford, Surry county. 
    R. R Sept. 17, 1807
    Liles, Thomas of Chowan county to Fanny Colston of Edenton, Feb. 19, Edenton. 
    R. R. Mar. 9, 1807
    Long, John of Orange county to Sibly Ramsey of Fayetteville, My. 6, Fayetteville. 
    R. R. My. 14, 1807
    Lytle, Sally of Rutherford county to Richard Caswell of Raleigh, Nov. 27, Nashville. 
    R. R.. Jan. 19, 1807
    M'Donald, Elizabeth to Henry A. Donaldson, Feb. 19, Edenton. R R. Mar. 9, 1807
    M'Donald, Sarah to Capt. William Hunter, My. 11, Wilmington. R. R. My. 21, 1807 
    M'Kay, John to Zula Williams, Oct. 9, Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 22, 1807 
    M'Millan, Ann of Bladen county to John Nicholson of Wilmington, Nov. 5. R. R. Nov. 19,1807 
    Macon, Polly to James Moss, Jly. 9, Warren ton. R. R. Jly. 16, 1807 
    Mallett, Caroline to Carleton Walker, Je. 11, Wilmington. R. R. Je. 25, 1807
    Mallett, Eliza of Fayetteville to Dr. Scott of Wilmington, Feb. 9, Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Mitchell, Dorothy Minns to Griffin Gunn, My. 28, Petersburg, Va. R. R. Je. 11, 1807
    Moore, Jane to Major Samuel Ashe, Jly. 14, Pleasant Hall, New Hanover county. R. R. Jly. 30, 1807
    Moore, Thomas I. of Person county to Lucretia Dickins, Dec., Granville county. R. R. Dec. 24, 1807
    Moss, James to Polly Macon, Jly. 9, Warrenton. R. R. Jly. 16, 1807 
    Mumford, James to Mrs. Adams, Aug., Fayetteville. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807 
    Nash, Maria of Newbern to Geo. W. Burgwin of Wilmington, Apr. 7, Newbern. R. R. Apr. 16, 1807
    Nelson, Capt. John to M1'S. George Jennings, Apr. 16, Wilmington. R. R. Apr. 30, 1807
    Newby, Henrietta to Robert Raiford, Nov. 12, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 26, 1807
    Nichols, Priscilla of Person county to Samuel Henderson, Sr. of Caswell county, Mar. 12. 
    R. R. Apr. 6, 1807
    Nicholson, Capt. James M. of Halifax county to Mary J. Arrington of Nash county, Dec. 11. 
    R. R. Jan. 12, 1807
    Nicholson, John of Wilmington to Ann M'Millan of Bladen county, Nov. 5. R. R. Nov. 19, 1807
    Norwood, William to Rebecca Thomas, Sept. 9, Granville county. R. R. Sept. 24, 1807
    O'Farrel, Barnabas to Anne Jameson Williams, Dec. 3, Hillsborough. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    O'Leary, Mrs. Avis to Dr. German Castex, Feb., Newbern. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    O'Quin, John to Mrs. Mary Jackson, Oct., Wilmington. R. R. Oct. 22, 1807 
    Outlaw, Miss to John Downing, Dec. 10, Bertie county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807 
    Parker, Weeks to Mrs. Cooke, Nov., Tarborough. R. R. Nov. 26, 1807 
    Pearce, Samuel to Margaret Leonard, Dec. 25, Fayetteville. R. R. Jan. 12, 1807
    Perkinson, Martha to Thomas Reynolds, Jan, 3, Warrenton. R. R. Jan. 12, 1807
    Person, Sally of Granville county to Benjamin Hawkins of Warren county, Sept. 2, Granville 
    county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1807
    Peters, Miss of Wake county to John Sanders of Johnston county, My., Wake county. 
    R. R. Je. 4, 1807
    Porie, Eliza M. to Daniel Redmond, Je. 30, Tarborough. R. R. Jly. 23, 1807
    Potts, Joshua to Mary Kirkwood, Dec. 24, Wilmington. R. R. Jan. 19, 1807
    Power, Thomas to Alice Christmas, Sept. 3, Warren county. R. R. Sept. 10, 1807 
    Purdie, Polly to Edward Reiley, Je. 14, Edenton. R. R. Je. 25, 1807 
    Raiford, Robert to Henrietta Newby, Nov. 12, Fayetteville. R. R. Nov. 26, 1807
    Ramsey, Sibly of Fayetteville to John Long of Orange county, My. 6, Fayetteville. 
    R. R. My. 14, 1807
    Redmond, Daniel to Eliza M. Porie, Je. 30, Tarborough. R. R. Jly. 23, 1807
    Reed, Elizabeth of Catawba Springs to Robertson Williamson, Nov. 27, Lincoln county. 
    R. R. Jan. 5, 1807 
    Reiley, Edward to Polly Purdie, Je. 14, Edenton. R. R. Je. 25, 1807 
    Reynolds, Thomas to Martha Perkinson, Jan. 3, Warrenton. R. R. Jan. 12, 1807 
    Rogers, Derrell to Mrs. Camp, Mar., Wake county. R. R. Mar. 10, 1807 
    Sanders, John of Johnston county to Miss Peters of Wake county, My., Wake county. 
    R. R. Je. 4, 1807
    Sanders, Mary to Capt. Henry Hinton of Wake county, Apr. 30, Johnston county, 
    R. R. My, 7,1807
    Scott, Dr. of Wilmington to Eliza Mallett of Fayetteville, Feb. 9, Fayetteville. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Seaberry, Raleigh to Kitty Swinson, Jan., Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1807
    Seawell, Patsey of Moore county to H. Williams of Cumberland county, Nov. R. R. Nov. 19, 1807
    Shaw, Colin to Rachel Beck of Duplin county, Aug. 27, Fayetteville. R. R. Sept. 2, 1807
    Singletary, Polly to James Grimes, Dec. 21, Washington. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807
    Smith, Eleanor P. to Rev. James Burch of Virginia, Jly. 31, Raleigh. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807
    Standin, Henderson to Fanny Blount, Apr. 5, Edenton. R. R. Apr.' 16, 1807 
    Stanly, Lydia D. to Wm. Ward, Nov. 24, Newbern. R. R. Dec. 17, 1807 
    Swinson, Kitty to Raleigh Seaberry, Jan., Duplin county. R. R. Feb. 2, 1807
    Taylor, Nancy of Franklin county to Chas. Johnston of Chowan county, Aug., Franklin county. 
    R. R. Aug. 20, 1807
    Terry, David to Nancy Jordan, Nov. 12, Warren county. R. R. Nov. 19, 1807
    Thomas, Dr. George of Southampton, Va. to Sarah Bradley of Raleigh, Feb., Halifax county. 
    R. R. Mar. 2, 1807
    Thomas, Rebecca to William Norwood, Sept. 9, Granville county. R. R. Sept. 24, 1807
    Thomas, William to Nancy Wynne, Feb., Franklin county. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Tunstall, Betsey to John Hilliard of Nash county, Dec. 24, Franklin county. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807
    Turner, Elizabeth to George H. Jessup, Aug., Washington, Beaufort county. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807
    Usher, James to Francinia Greenway Halling, Apr. 28, Wilmington. R. R. My. 14, 1807
    Vines, Samuel to Francis ArchdelI, Apr. 23, Washington. R. R. My. 7, 1807
    Vines, Capt. Wm. to Mrs. Henry Bonner, Jan., Washington. R. R. Jan. 5, 1807
    Walker, Carleton to Caroline Mallet, Je. II, Wilmington. R. R. Je. 25, 1807
    Ward, Edward of Onslow county to Betsey Dickson of Duplin county, Mar. 28, Duplin county. 
    R. R. Apr. 6, 1807 
    Ward, Wm. to Lydia D. Stanly, Nov. 24, Newbern. R. R. Dec. 17, 1807 
    Wayne, Ann M. to Capt. Avery A. Bill, My. 19, Wilmington. R. R. Je. 4, 1807
    Webb, Dr. James to Anne Huste, Feb. 12, Hillsborough. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807
    Wilkinson, Mrs. Jaheshaba to Thomas Whedbee, My. 28, Edenton. R. R. Je. 11, 1807
    Williams, Anne Jamesson to Barnabas O'Farrel, Dec. 3, Hillsborough. R. R. Dec. 10, 1807
    Williams, H. of Cumberland county. to Patsey Seawell of Moore county, Nov. R. R. Nov. 19, 1807
    Williams, Zula to John M'Kay, Oct. 9, Fayetteville. R. R. Oct. 22, 1807
    Williamson, Robertson to Elizabeth Reed of Catawba Springs, Nov. 27, Lincoln county. 
    R. R. Jan. 5. 1807
    Willis, Mrs. to Wm. E. Johnston, Jly. 30, Warren county. R. R. Aug. 6, 1807
    Whedbee. Thomas to Mrs. Jaheshaba Wilkinson, My. 28, Edenton. R. R. Je. 11, 1807
    Whitaker, Eli of Halifax county to Abigail Jones of Warren county, Mar. 11, Warren county. 
    R. R. Mar. 23, 1807 
    Wright, John to Miss Johnson, Feb., Rowan county. R. R. Feb. 23, lS07 
    Wright, William of Duplin county to Raphel Whitfield, Dec. 23, Lenoir county. R. R. Jan. 5, lS07
    Wynne, Nancy to William Thomas, Feb., Franklin county. R. R. Feb. 23, 1807

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