Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Adams, C. L. of Burlington to Miss C. L. Rains of Selma, Feb. 20, Selma. N. O. Feb. 23, 1887 Aiken, Delia of Granville county to O. T. Moore of Augustus, Ga, Jan. 20, Granville county. N. O. Jan. 21, 1887 Allen, S. Pauline of Atlanta to John W. Murray of Winston, Sept, Burnsville, Ga. N. 0. Sept. 3, 1887 Alley, Annie to Mr. Braddy of South Carolina, Nov. 30, Wilson. N. 0. Dec. 2, 1887 Allcott, Lucy M. to John T. Davis of Raleigh, Jan. 19, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 21,1887 Alligood, Elna to Redding Woolard, Oct. 26, Beaufort county. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Alspaugh, W. E. to Mary E. Miller, Oct. 27, Winston. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Alston, Mark P. to Mrs. Lou Jones, Mar. 2, near Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 3, 1887 Anderson, David Marsden formerly of Raleigh to Dora Thomas of Richmond, Va, Sept. 21, Washington, D. C. N. O. Sept. 28, 1887 Anderson, Miss A. E. to W. E. Caddell, Dec. 8, Maxton. N. O. Dec 16, 1887 Anderson, W. B. of Asheville to Miss A. Karl of Louisville, K y , Nov. 15, Louisville, Ky. N. O. Nov. 20, 1887 Angel, Minnie E. of Weldon to John A. Johnston of Halifax county, Dec. 20, Weldon. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Archibald, Shelby of Concord to S. J. Hooks of Mathews, Nov. 23. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Armfield, Alica to W. C. Heath, Nov. 10, Monroe. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Armstrong, C. B. to Dorcas Jenkins, Oct. 20, Gaston county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Ashley, Chas H. of Bloomfield, N. J. to Pattie Lawrence of Raleigh, Aug. 4, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 5, 1887 Atkins, Capt. Frederick T. of Clinton to Nellie Morisey, Nov. 23, Clinton. N. 0. Nov. 27, 1887 Atkinson, Ned of Asheville to Annie Miller of Waynesville, Oct. 19, Waynesville. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Autrey, Louise to Rev. J. R. Betts of N. C. Conference, Nov. 25, Mt. Island. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Bailey, Maggie F. to Major John W. Graham of Hillsboro, Dec. 14, Tallahassee, Fla. N. O. Dec. 15, 1887 Bailey, Sallie to W. N. Jones, Feb. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 17, 1887 Baldwin, Miss O. J. of Richmond county to John Lentz of Norwood, Oct. 20, Richmond county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Ballard, Sidney to Alice Long, Nov. 2, Lincoln county. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 . Ballard, Rev. T. J. to Miss M. E. Taylor, Oct. 31, Henderson county. N. O. Nov. 9, 1887 Barbee, Margaret to Sid Proctor, Nov. 3, near Durham. N. 0. Nov. 8, 1887 Barden, Annie 0. to M. R. B. Smith of Johnston county, Dec. 21, Clinton. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Barker, Annie to W. M. Kirby, Dec. 21, Person county. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1887 Barnes, Fannie to James Green, Nov. 17, Davidson county. N. O. Nov. 18, 1887 Barnes, Hattie T. to John F. Bruton, Nov. 15, Wilson. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Barnett, H. Perry, Jr. to Elise Lee Drake, Nov. 30, Hendersonville. N. O. Dec. 8,1887 Barringer, Wm. F. to Sue Holdbrooks, Nov. 22, Cabarrus county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Battle, Thos. H. of Rocky Mount to Bettie M. Davis, Nov. 9, Wilson. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 Baty, F. Y. to Leoney Toney, Nov. 10, Rutherford county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Beasley, M. of Wake county to Wilsey Smith, Apr. 14, Charlotte. N. O. Apr. 16, 1887 Bell, Dr. Chas. D. of Gates county formerly Pender to Susie R. Eure of Norfolk, Va., Dec. 23, Gatesville. N. O. Dec. 25, 1887 Betts, Chas. H. to Roxie Johnson, Nov. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 17, 1887 Betts, Rev. J. R. of N. C. Conference to Louise Autry, Nov. 25, Mt. Island. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Bitting, Louise to Dr. D. N. Dalton, Dec. 7, Winston. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Blackwelder, Victor to Pauline H. Greene, Nov. 9, Concord. N. O. Nov. 17, 1887 Blair, Miss of Catawba county to Tal Hunter of Mecklenburg county, Nov. 16, Maiden, Catawba county. N. O. Nov. 18, 1887 Blount, Mamie to James Martin of Hickory, Nov. 30, Wilson. N. O. Dec. 2, 1887 Bobbitt, Jas. H. of Littleton to Bessie Litchford of Raleigh, Jan. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 6, 1887 Bobbitt, Lorena to Dr. J. B. Hunt, Je. 3, Oxford. N. O. Je. 4, 1887 Bobbitt, Willie to Robt. H. Morris, My. 11, Littleton. N. O. My. 26, 1887 Bograt, William F. of Greensboro to Julia Deming of Fayetteville, Nov. 30, Greensboro. N. O. Dec. 2, 1887 Bogle, William G. of Lenoir to Lelia Mcintosh, Jan. 6, Taylorsville, Alexander county. N. 0 . Jan. 15, 1887 Boone, Minnie of Lincoln county to Oliver Hing, Nov. 22. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Borden, Frank K. of Goldsboro to Sallie Jones of Moncure, Dec. 21, Moncure. N. O. Dec. 22, 1887 Borden, Loulie of Goldsboro to Col. A. C. Davis of LaGrange, Je. 14, Goldsboro. N. O. Je. 16, 1887 Bostwick, Florence to J. C. Stubbs, Dec. 7, Richmond county. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Bostwick, Virginia to Jerome Currie, Dec. 7, Richmond county. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Boyden, Belle of Salisbury to T. K. Brunner of Raleigh, Dec. 14, Salisbury. N. O. Dec. 15,1887 Braddy, Mr. of S. C. to Annie Alley, Nov. 30, Wilson. N. O. Dec. 2, 1887 Brady, Ed. B. of Seven Mile Ford, Va. to Sallie Lee Kerner, Oct. 27, Kernersville. N. 0 . Nov. 8, 1887 Brandt, N. F. of Charleston, S. C. to Josie M. Hewlett of Wilmington, Dec. 21, Wilmington. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Breedlove, David alais Walter Blair to Mrs. W. J. Gibson of Davidson College (eloped), Sept. 24, Charlotte. N. 0. Sept. 29, 1887 Briles, Thomas to Nannie Westmoreland, Nov. 23, Thomasville. N. 0 . Nov. 27, 1887 Britt, Dizy to Capt. R. L. Denmark of Atlantic Coast Line, Nov, Wayne county. N. 0 . Nov. 8, 1887 Brittain, P. S. to Addie Livingstone, Nov. 1, Hendersonville. N. O. Nov. 9, 1887 Brockwell, Wm. N. of Raleigh to Almea Virginia Walker of Washington, D. C, Nov. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 Broughton, Fannie S. to Geo. B. Montague, Nov. 16, Garner. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Bruner, T. K. of Raleigh to Belle Boyden of Salisbury, Dec. 14, Salisbury. N. 0. Dec. 15, 1887 Bruton, John F. to Hattie T. Barnes, Nov. 15, Wilson. N. O. Nov. 17, 1887 Bryan, Mary of Nash county to Wm. Culpepper of Hendersonville, Sept. 5, Raleigh. N. 0 . Sept. 6,1887 Bryan, Rev. W. S. Plumer of Asheville to Alice Cochran Reid, D e c , Staunton, Va. N. 0. Dec. 4, 1887 Bunting, T. 0. of Wilmington to Jennie Smith of Raleigh, Je. 15, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 16, 1887 Burrie, D. B. to Kate McArthur, Oct. 26, near Fayetteville. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Burwell, Nannie to Walter D. Hay, Dec. 14, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 15, 1887 Bynum, Nannie of Hertford to Thomas E. Cross of Gates county, Oct. 18, Maney's Neck, Hertford county. N. O. Oct. 21, 1887 Caddell, W. E. to Miss A. E. Anderson, Dec. 8, Maxton. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Carraway, Gertrude of Newberne to W. D. Sprague of Round Knob, Jan. 20, Newberne. N. 0. Jan. 27, 1887 Carter, David M. to Ella Mann, Je. 25, Hyde county. N. O. Je. 16, 1887 Caudle, A. L. to Lula C. Smith, Nov. 9, Polkton. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Chamblee, W. T. of Raleigh to Annie M. Mathews of Ohio, My. 31, Raleigh. N. 0 . Je. 1,1887 Chandler, John of Chandler's Mill to Alice Wright of Ruffin, Dec. 7, Ruffin. N. 0 . Dec. 16, 1887 Chandler, Mary to Thomas Stokes, Dec. 7, Reidsville. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Chapman, Emma to D. P. McLean, Oct. 10, Laurinburg. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Chapman, Joel to Corrie Crowder, Nov. 5, No. 8 Township, Shelby. N. O. Nov. 12, 1887 Cheatham, Jennie B. of Ridgeway to E. M. Ward of Franklinton, Jan. 12, Ridgeway. N. O. Jan. 16, 1887 Child, S. P. of New Port, R. I. to Lena A. Stith of Raleigh, Je. 29, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 30, 1887 Childs, E. T. to Jennie Motz, Nov. 3, Lincolnton. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Clark, Mary E. to Robert Little, Nov. 9, Pitt county. N. O. Nov. 13,1887 Cobb, Henry W. to Jennie B. Scales, Jan. 25, Greensboro. N. 0. Jan. 27, 1887 Coble, Geo. W. to Laura Sumner, Dee. 14, Trinity College. N. O. Dec. 22, I 1887 Coker, Lillie to B. W. Vinson, Nov. 9, near Garysburg, Northampton county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Coker, Olivia to J. L. Jones, Nov. 9, near Garysburg, Northampton county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Collins, Thos. H. of Washington, D. C. to Annie L. Mitchell of Oxford, Aug. 11, Oxford. N. O. Aug. 17, 1887 Cooper, Alice to Thomas Walker, Dec. 7, Caswell county. N. 0. Dec. 16, 1887 Coleman, Ella of Gordonton to Tuggle O'Briant, Oct. 30, Person county. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Costner, Jonas M. to Carrie Wilson, Aug. 31, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 1, 1887 Coward, Hebe to Gertrude Hooker, Dec. 22, Hookerton. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Cozart, Col. B. H. of Oxford to Mrs. Lelia A. Thorpe, Feb. 9, Dunsville, Wake county. N. O. Feb. 11, 1887 Crawford, Katie B. to Wm. Towe, Nov. 30, Elizabeth City. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Creech, Julia of Raleigh to Jas. B. Ransom, of Newbern, Je. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 3, 1887 Creessimore, Jennie of Lincolnton to Michael Plonk of Newton, Nov. 3 N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Cross, R. E. L. of Charlotte to Emma Miner of El Paso, Texas, Sept. 14, El Paso, Texas. N. 0. Sept. 23, 1887 Cross, Thomas E. of Gates county to Nannie Bynum of Hertford, Oct. 18, Maney's Neck, Hertford county. N. 0. Oct. 21, 1887 Crow, J. J. to Alice Shute, Nov. 10, Monroe. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Crowder, Corrie to Joel Chapman, Nov. 5, No. 8 Township, Shelby. N. O. Nov. 12, 1887 Culpepper, Wm. of Hendersonville to Mary Bryan of Nash county, Sept. 5, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 6, 1887 Currie, Jerome to Virginia Bostwick, Dec. 7, Richmond county. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Dalton, Dr. D. N. to Louise Bitting, Dec. 7, Winston. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Dameron, John E. to Susan Horsley, Oct. 20, Gaston county. N. 0. Nov. 2, 1887 Dancy, E. T. to Martha Kilby, Nov. 27 near Reddies river, Wilkes county. N. O. Dec. 14, 1887 Dancy, Frank B. to Bessie H. Grimes, Dec. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Daniel, James to Nannie Winstead, Oct. 26, Caswell county. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Davis, Col. A. C. of La Grange to Loulie Borden of Goldsboro, Je. 14, Goldsboro. N. 0 . Je. 16, 1887 Davis, Bettie M. to Thos. H. Battle of Rocky Mt, Nov. 9, Wilson. N. O. 13,1887 Davis, Jefferson of La Grange to Mamie Gannaway, Dec. 28, Trinity College. N. O. Dec. 31, 1887 Davis, John T. of Raleigh to Lucy M. Allcott, Jan. 19, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 21, 1887 Davis, Laura to Charles R. Thomas, Jr., Je. 1, Beaufort N. O. Je. 5, 1887 Deaton, Ed. C. of Charlotte to Jennie E. McKnight of Mooresville, Dec. 15, Mooresville. N. O. Dec. 16,1887 Debnam, Mrs. S. V. to Capt. M. W. Page of Raleigh, Nov. 2, Earpsboro. N. O. Nov. 4, 1887 Deitz, Mary of Catawba county to Will W. Holsclaw of Watauga county, Nov, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 8, 1887 Deming, Julia of Fayetteville to William F. Bogart of Greensboro, Nov. 30, Greensboro. N. 0 . Dec. 2, 1887 Denmark, Capt. R. L. of Atlantic Coast Line to Dizy Britt, Nov, Wayne county. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 DeRosset, William L , Jr. of Wilmington to Routh Pender, Je. 16, Tarboro. N. O. Je. 23, 1887 Dewey, Mollie of Goldsboro to Capt. J. C. Slocum of Wilmington and Weldon R. R , Dec. 22. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Drake, Elise Lee to H. Perry Barnett, Jr., Nov. 30, Hendersonville. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Durham, I. W. formerly of Winston to Lelia Shore of Winston, Dec. 21, Wilson. N. 0 . Dec. 22, 1887 Edell, Sol. of Asheville to Rose Mark of Greenville, S. C , Nov. 16, Greenville, S. C. N. 0. Nov. 20, 1887 Edmundson, Anna of Halifax Court House, Va. to Joe F. Ferrall of Raleigh, Nov. N. 0 . Nov. 16, 1887 Edwards, Minnie to James Robbins, Oct. 19, Trinity College. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Eldridge, Allie C. of Thomasville to Thomas J. Willis of Greensboro, Nov. 22, Thomasville. N. O. Nov. ^ 0 , 1887 Eldridge, Wm. H. o f Thomasville and Martinsville, Va. to Sarah A. Starr, Nov. 22, Salem. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 English, Lucius to Cora Sledge, Aug. 4, Marion. N. O. Aug. 18, 1887 Eure, Susie R. of Norfolk, Va. to Dr. Chas. D. Bell of Gates county formerly Pender county, Dec. 23, Gatesville. N. O. Dec. 25, 1887 Exum, Mattie to J. W. Exum, Nov. 30, Nash county. N. 0. Dec. 2, 1887 Faucette, A. J. to Rachel Jennings, Nov. 22, Durham. N. 0 . Nov. 30, 1887 Ferrall, Joe F. of Raleigh to Anna Edmunson of Halifax Court House, Va, Nov. N. 0. Nov. 16, 1887 Fishblate, Ella to Sol. C. Weill, D e c , Wilmington. N. O. Dee. 15, 1887 Fleming, Dulcie H. to Walter R. Fleming, Dec. 21, Oxford. N. O. Dec 22, 1887 Ford, Lillie to W. T. Wike, Oct. 19, Newton. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Foster, Wm. of Caswell county to Mattie Newman of Leaksville, Oct. 27, Leaksville. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Fowle, Jno. B. to Lizzie Taylor, Nov. 9, Washington, Beaufort county. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Fox, Emma to Hardy Woodberry, Nov. 22, Henderson. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 French, John T. of Wilmington to Irene Henshaw of Amherst, Mass, Oct. 17, Amherst. N. O. Oct. 18,1887 Frye, Samuel T. to Anna Lena Muse, Nov. 10, Carthage. N. O. Nov. 18,1887 Gannaway, Mamie to Jefferson Davis of La Grange, Dec. 28, Trinity College. N. O. Dec. 31, 1887 Garlick, Mana of Garysburg to James S. Moore of Coast Line, Dec. 20, Garysburg. N. O. Dec. 24,1887 Gibson, Mrs W J of Davidson College to David Breedlove alias Walter Blair (eloped), Sept. 24, Charlotte. N. O. Sept. 29, 1887 Glenn, Annie A. to Allen Pace of Raleigh, Sept. 6, Raleigh. N. 0. Sept. 7, 1887 Goode, Dr. Will of Shelby to Sue E. Kendrick of Waco, Nov. 16, Cleveland county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Goodman, James A. to Sallie J. Nicholson, Je. 2, Roberdell. N. O. Je. 7,1887 Goodwin, Dr. A. W. to Miss L. C. Haughton, Je. 29, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 30, 1887 Gordon, B. H. of Grenada, Miss, to Fannie McCombs of Charlotte, Nov. 10, Charlotte. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Gorham, Josie of Fayetteville to D. McD. Grady, Dec. 21, Fayetteville. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Grady, D. McD. to Josie Gorham of Fayetteville, Dec. 21, Fayetteville. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Graham, Major John W. of Hillsboro to Maggie F. Bailey, Dec. 14, Tallahassee, Fla. N. O. Dec. 15, 1887 Grainger, Mrs. N. R. of Goldsboro to Rev. W. M. Robey, ed. of Methodist Advance, Oct. 4, Goldsboro. N. O. Oct. 8, 1887 Green, Anna J. of Henderson to E. C. Morgan of Buncombe county, Dec. 7, Asheville. N. O. Dec. 15, 1887 Green, James to Fannie Barnes, Nov. 17. Davidson county. N. 0. Nov. 18, 1887 Greene, Pauline H. to Victor Blackwelder, Nov. 9, Concord. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Grimes, Bessie H. to Frank B. Dancy, Dec. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Grissom, L. T. to Martha A. Miner, Jan. 11, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 14, 1887 Gunn, Jones to Eva Moore, Oct. 18, Rockingham. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Gwyn, Mamie E. of Elkin to Thomas Lillard of Ashe county, Je. 15, Elkin. N. O. Je. 21, 1887 Hales, Jake of Rocky Mt. to Martha Staunton, Nov. 9, Wilson county. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Hamer, Delilah of Marlboro, S. C. to Dr. E. Floyd of Fayetteville., Nov. 23, Marlboro, S. C. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Hardee, Roberta to Roland Hodges, Nov. 23, Kinston. N. 0. Nov. 30, 1887 Hardin, Emma to Magruder B. Wyatt, Nov. 3, Durham. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Hardison, Lucy to Rev. Edward L. Pell of N. C. Conference, Dec. 21, Beaufort county. N. O. Dec. 31, 1887 Hardy, Woodberry to Emma Fox, Nov. 22, Henderson. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Harper, Anna to Willie Murphey, Oct. 13, Snow Hill. N. 0. Oct. 23, 1887 Harris, Bettie S. of Concord to Thos. J. Wilson of Winston, Oct. 27, Concord. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Harris, J. p. to Maggie G. Keith, Dec. 13, Carthage. N. 0. Dec. 16, 1887 Hart, Capt. M. Weddell of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. to Louisa M. Whitfield of Edgecombe county, Mar. 31. N. 0. Apr. 3, 1887 Hasty, Frances to Peter Jones, Nov. 10, Richmond county. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Hatch, J. R. to Mamie Hatch, Nov. 10, Liberty. N. O. Nov. 18, 1887 Hatch, Mamie to J. R. Hatch, Nov. 10, Liberty. N. O. Nov. 18, 1887 Hatley, Daniel to Lucy Moose, Oct. 18, Stanly county. N. 0 . Oct. 23, 1887 Haughton, Miss L. C. to Dr. A. W. Goodwin, Je. 29, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 30,1887 Hay, Walter D. to Nannie Burwell, Dec. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 15, 1887 Hayes, Mrs. Fannie to John T. Jenkins of Montgomery county, Oct. 20, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 21, 1887 Hayes, Mary E. to James M. Strother, Oct. 11, Raleigh. N. 0 . Oct. 13, 1887 Heath, W. C. to Alice Armfield, Nov. 10, Monroe. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Heilig, Hattie V. to Wm. W. H. Huff, Nov. 30, Rowan county. N. O. Dec. 4, 1887 Henshaw, Irene of Amherst, Mass. to John T. French of Wilmington, Oct. 17, Amherst, Mass. N. O. Oct. 18, 1887 Hewlett, Josie M. of Wilmington to N. F. Brandt of Charleston, S. C , Dec. 21, Wilmington. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1887 Hill, Thomas N. of Halifax county to Mary A. Long, Mar. 1, Weldon. N. 0. Mar. 4, 1887 Hilliard, Blanch to Capt. Orren Williams of Tarboro, Nov. 15, Whitakers. N. 0. Nov. 20, 1887 Hines, Margaret of near Sassafras Fork, Granville county to D. D. Mc- Intyre of Laurinburg, Nov. 23, Granville county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Hing, Horace of Lincoln county to Miss Puett of Lenoir, Nov. 22. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Hing, Oliver of Lincoln county to Minnie Boone, Nov. 22. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Hodges, Mary of New Berne to William Muse Moore of Norfolk, Va., Oct. 26, New Berne. N. 0 . Oct. 28, 1887 Hodges, Roland to Roberta Hardee, Nov. 23, Kinston. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Hodgin, Jas. N. of Winston to Daisy Meroney of Salisbury, Oct. 18, Salisbury. N. 0. Oct. 23, 1887 Holdbrooks, Sue to Wm. F. Barringer, Nov. 22, Cabarrus county. N. 0. Nov. 30,1887 Holleman, Sara Carrall of Morganton to John T. McGarigle of Balto., Oct. 17, Morganton. N. 0. Oct. 23, 1887 Holsclaw, Will W. of Watauga county to Mary Deitz of Catawba county, Nov., Raleigh. N. 0 . Nov. 8, 1887 Holt, James A. of Burlington, Alamance county to Maggie L. Jones, Dec. 7, Chatham county. N. 0. Dec. 16 1887 Hooker, Gertrude to Hebe Coward, Dec. 22, Hookerton. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Hooker, Julia of Kinston to H. W. McKinne of Mt. Olive, Nov. 23, Kinston. N. 0. Nov. 30, 1887 Hooks S. J. of Mathews to Shelby Archibald of Concord, Nov. 23. N. 0. Nov. 30, 1887 Horsley Susan to John E Dameron Oct. 20, Gaston county. N. O. Nov. 2 1887 Huff, Wm. W. H. to Hattie V. Heilig, Nov. 30, Rowan county. N. 0 . Dec. 4, 1887 Hunt, Dr. J. B. to Lorena Bobbitt, Je. 3, Oxford. N. 0. Je. 4, 1887 Hunt Myra M of Easton, Pa to J L Ludlow of Winston Jan 6 N.O. Jan 15 1887 Hunter, Amity to J F Jordan of Raliegh Jly 28 Charlotte N.O. Jly 29 1887 Hunter Rev A D of Apex to Irene Wlker of Cary Nov 15 Cary N.O. Nov 17 1887 Hunter Tal of Mecklenburg county to Miss Blair of Catawba county, Nov. 16, Maiden, Catawba county. N. 0 . Nov. 18, 1887 Hyman, Kenneth P. of Hendersonville to Dollie G. Price of Flat Rock, Nov. 30, Flat Rock. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Jacobs, Alexina to Samuel Sherrick, Nov. 30, Elizabeth City. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Jenkins, Dorcas to C. B. Armstrong, Oct. 20, Gaston county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Jenkins, Henry of Rutherford county to Mrs. Lizzie P. Walker, Oct. 18, Gaston county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Jenkins, John T. of Montgomery county to Mrs. Fannie Hayes, Oct. 20, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 21, 1887 Jenkins, L. L. to Kate Johnson, Nov. 23, Gastonia. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Jennings, Rachel to A. J. Faucett, Nov. 22, Durham. N. 0. Nov. 30, 1887 Johnson, Kate to L. L. Jenkins, Nov. 23, Gastonia. N. O. Nov. 23, 1887 Johnson, Roxie to Chas. H. Betts, Nov. 16, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Johnston, John A. of Halifax county to Minnie E. Angel of Weldon, Dec. 20, Weldon. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Jones, Charles to Emma Morriss of Wilson county, Nov. 14, Nash county. N. 0. Nov. 19, 1887 Jones, J. L. to Olivia Coker, Nov. 9, near Garysburg, Northampton county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Jones, Lizzie of Raleigh to W. Henry Macon, Oct. 4, near Louisburg. N. O. Oct. 8, 1887 Jones, Maggie L. of Chatham county to James A. Holt of Burlington, Alamance county, Dec. 7, Chatham county. N. 0 . Dec. 16, 1887 Jones, Peter to Frances Hasty, Nov. 10, Richmond county. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Jones, Sallie of Moncure to Frank K. Borden of Goldsboro, Dec. 21, Moncure. N. O. Dec. 22,1887 Jones, W. N. to Sallie Bailey, Feb. 16, Raleigh. N. O. Feb. 17, 1887 Jordan, A. E. of Raleigh to Emily Williams of Cary, Dec. 21, Cary. N. 0. Dec. 22, 1887 Jordan, J. F. of Raleigh to Amity Hunter, Jly. 28, Charlotte. N. 0. Jly. 29, 1887 Jordan, Minnie Ola to Wm. Clarence Scott, Dec. 25, Greensboro. N. 0 . Dec. 31, 1887 Julian, Anna to Frank White, Je. 2, Winston-Salem. N. 0 . Je. 7, 1887 Justice, Adina to C. A. Smith, Jan. 14, Asheville. N. 0. Jan. 14, 1887 Karl, Miss A. of Louisville, Ky. to W. B. Anderson, Nov. 15, Louisville, Ky. N. O. Nov. 20, 1887 Keith, Maggie G. to J. P. Harriss, Dec. 13, Carthage. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Kelly, Lorena to W. C. Rich, Nov. 16, Goldsboro. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Kendrick, Sue E. of Waco to Dr. Will Goode of Shelby, Nov. 16, Cleveland county. N. 0 . Nov. 19, 1887 Kennedy, Isabel of High Point to Joel C. Shepherd of Burlington, Oct. 19, Burlington. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Kerner, Sallie Lee to Ed. B. Brady of Seven Mile Ford, V a , Oct. 27, Kernersville. N. 0 . Nov. 8, 1887 Kilby, Martha to E. T. Dancy, Nov. 27, near Reddies River, Wilkes county. N. O. Dec. 14,1887 King, Horace J. of Lincoln county to Eva C. Puett near Lenoir county, Nov. 23, near Lenoir county. N. 0 . Nov. 30, 1887 King, J. D. to Mattie M. Snipes, Nov. 3, Winston. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Kirby, W. M. to Annie Barker, Dec. 21, Person county. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Kitchen, Eva to Sam Kitchen, Dec. 20, Scotland Neck. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1887 Kitchen, Sam to Eva Kitchen, Dec. 20, Scotland Neck. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Kivett, Walter R. to Dulcie H. Fleming, Dec. 21, Oxford. N. O. Dec. 22, 1887 Knolls, Lizzie of Lynchburg, Va. to Thos. J. Nichols of New York, Oct. 20, Wentworth. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Lane, Mamie of New Berne to Jacob A. Shuping of Morganton, Oct. 18, New Berne. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Laney, Mary to Geo. S. Lee, Nov. 23, Monroe. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Lawrence, Pattie of Raleigh to Chas. H. Ashley of Bloomfield, N. J , Aug. 4, Raleigh. N. 0 . Aug. 5, 1887 Ledwell, Rosa of Randleman to J. E. McLaughen, formerly of Dallas, Oct. 16. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Lee, Geo. S. to Mary Laney, Nov. 23, Monroe. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Lee, Paul H. to Ellen E. Tyson, Nov. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 24, 1887 Lee, Robert E. to Annie M. Upchurch, Mar. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Mar. 24, 1887 Lentz, John of Norwood to Miss O. J. Baldwin of Richmond county, Oct. 20, Richmond county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Lillard, Thomas of Ashe county to Mamie E. Gwyn of Elkin, Je. 15, Elkin. N. 0. Je. 21, 1887 Litchford, Bessie of Raleigh to Jas. H. Bobbitt of Littleton, Jan. 5, Raleigh. N. 0. Jan. 6, 1887 Little, Annie H. of Raleigh to Jas. F. Moore of Enfield, Dec. 7, Raleigh. N. 0. Dec. 8, 1887 Little, Robert to Mary E. Clark, Nov. 9, Pitt county. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Livingstone, Addie to P. S. Brittain, Nov. 1, Hendersonville. N. O. Nov. 9, 1887 London, Frank O. of Pittsboro to Lily Moore of Lancaster, S. C , Sept. 30. N. 0. Oct. 11, 1887 Long, Alice to Sidney Ballard, Nov. 2, Lincoln county. N. 0. Nov. 8, 1887 Long, Lelia of Franklinton to I. G. Staunton, My. 9, Franklinton. N. 0. My. 10,1887 Long Nellie B. of New Berne to W. Frank Yost of Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9, New Berne. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Long Mary A. of Halifax county to Thomas N. Hill, Mar. 1, Weldon. N. 0. Mar. 4, 1887 Lott, Dr. H. Stokes of Winston to Dorcas S. Adams of Augusta, Ga., Nov. 2, Augusta, Ga. N. 0. Nov. 3, 1887 Ludlow, U , of Winston to Myra M. Hunt of Easton, Pa., Jan. 6. N. 0. Jan. 15, 1887 Lunsford, Lula M. to E. B. Turrentine, Sept. 31, Durham. N. O. Dec. 23, 1887 Lyda John B to Fannie Tow Oct 30 Henderson county N.O. Nov 9 1887 Lynch Fannie E. to J. E. Martin of Shelby, Dec. 7, Rutherford county. N. 0. Dec. 14, 1887 McArthur Ellen A of Patrick county Va to Edwin P. Patton of Asheville, Nov. 10, Patrick county, Va. N. O. Nov. 17, 1887 McArthur Janie of Cumberland county to N. A. McQueen of Red Springs, Dec. 14, Cumberland county. N. A. Nov. 22, 1887 McArthur, Kate to D. B. Burrie, Oct. 26 near Fayetteville. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 McCombs, Fannie of Charlotte to B. H. Gordon of Grenada, Miss., Nov. 10, Charlotte. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 McCormack, Maggie to Charlie May of Morven, Anson county, near Laurinburg, Nov. 3. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 McCorkle, George of Newton to Annie N. Sorber, Nov. 10, McEwensville, Pa. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 McDowell, W. F. to Helen Thomas, Nov. 24, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 26, 1887 McDowell, John, Jr. of Elizabethtown to Bessie Thomson of Clinton, Feb. 23, Clinton. N. 0 . Feb. 26, 1887 McGarigle, John T. of Balto. to Sara Carrall Holleman, Oct. 17, Morganton. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 McGhee, C. H. to Roxie A. Maynard, Aug. 25, Raleigh. N. 0 . Aug. 26, 1887 Mcintosh, A. C , Jr. of Taylorsville to Carrie Seagle of Newton, Je. N. 0. Je. 17,1887 Mcintosh, Lelia to William G. Bogle of Lenoir, Jan. 6, Taylorsville, Alexander county. N. O. Jan. 15, 1887 Mclntyre, D. D. of Laurinburg to Margaret Hines of near Sassafras Fork, Granville county, Nov. 23, Granville county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 McKinne, H. W. of Mt. Olive to Julia Hooker of Kinston, Nov. 23, Kinston. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 McKnight, Jennie E. of Mooresville to Ed. C. Deaton of Charlotte, Dec. 15, Mooresville. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 McLaughen, J. E. formerly of Dallas to Rosa Ledwell of Randleman, Oct. 16. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 McLean, D. P. to Emma Chapman, Oct. 10, Laurinburg. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 McLean, P. C. to Mrs. Mary L. Moore, Nov. 9, near Athens. N. O. Nov. 17, 1887 McMillan, Maggie R. of Laurinburg to R. N. Monroe, Je. 29, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 30, 1887 McQueen, N. A. of Red Springs to Janie MeArthur of Cumberland county, Dec. 14, Cumberland county. N. O. Nov. 22, 1887 Macon, W. Henry to Lizzie Jones of Raleigh, Oct. 4, near Louisburg. N. 0. Oct. 8, 1887 Mallory, Lillie M. of Brunswick county, Va. to Dr. John L. Moore of Northampton county, Dec. 20, Northampton county. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Mann, Ella to David M. Carter, Je. 25, Hyde county. N. O. Je. 16, 1887 Mark, Rose of Greenville, S. C. to Sol. Edel of Asheville, Nov. 16, Greenville, S. C. N. O. Nov. 20, 1887 Martin, J. E. of Shelby to Fannie E. Lynch, Dec. 7, Rutherford county. N. O. Dec. 14, 1887 Martin, James of Hickory to Mamie Blount, Nov. 30, Wilson. N. 0. Dec. 2, 1887 Martin, Mary to John G. Queen, D.D.S., Nov. 10, Asheville. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Martin, P. Victoria to S. L. Spaugh, Nov. 17, Forsyth county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Mathews, Annie M. o f Ohio to W. T. Chamblee of Raleigh, My. 31, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 1, 1887 May, Charlie of Morven, Anson county to Maggie McCormack near Laurinburg, Nov. 3. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Maynard, Roxie A. to C. H. McGhee, Aug. 25, Raleigh. N. O. Aug. 26, 1887 Meroney, Daisy of Salisbury to Jas. M. Hodgin of Winston, Oct. 18, Salisbury. N. 0. Oct. 23, 1887 Merrill, Martenia of Columbia, S. C. to L. B. Pegram of Raleigh, Jan. 27, Columbia. N. 0. Feb. 2, 1887 Miller, Annie of Waynesville to Ned Atkinson of Asheville, Oct. 19, Waynesville. N. 0 . Oct. 23, 1887 Miner, Emma of El Paso, Texas to R. E. L. Cross of Charlotte, Sept. 14, El Paso, Texas. N. 0. Sept. 23, 1887 Miller, Mary E. to W. E. Alspaugh, Oct. 27, Winston. N. 0. Nov. 2, 1887 Minor, Martha A. to L. T. Grissom, Jan. 11, Raleigh. N. O. Jan. 14, 1887 Mitchell, Annie L. of Washington, D. C. to Annie L. Mitchell of Oxford, Aug. 11, Oxford. N. 0 . Aug. 17, 1887 Monroe, R. N. of Laurinburg to Maggie R. McMillan, Je. 29, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 30, 1887 Montagne, Geo. B. to Fannie S. Broughton, Nov. 16, Garner. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Moore, Cora to C. M. Vanstory, Nov. 17, Greensboro. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Moore, Dillard to Fannie Walker, Oct. 25, Reidsville. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Moore, Eva to Jones Gunn, Oct. 18, Rockingham. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Moore, James S. of Coast Line to Mana Garlick of Garysburg, Dec. 20, Garysburg. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Moore, Jas. F. of Enfield to Annie H. Little of Raleigh, Dec. 7, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Moore, Dr. John L. of Northampton county to Lillie M. Mallory of Brunswick county, V a , Dec. 20, Northampton county, Va. N. 0 . Dec. 24, 1887 Moore, Lilly 0 f Lancaster, S. C. to Frank 0. London of Pittsboro, Sept. 30. N. O. Oct. 11, 1887 Moore, Mrs. Mary L. to P. C. McLean, Nov. 9, near Athens. N. O. Nov. 17, 1887 Moore, O. T. of Augusta, Ga. to Delia Aiken of Granville county, Jan. 20. Granville county. N. 0 . Jan. 21, 1887 Moore, William Muse of Norfolk, Va. to Mary Hodges of New Berne, Oct. 26, New Berne. N. 0 . Oct. 28, 1887 Moose, Lucy to Daniel Hatley, Oct. 18, Stanly county. N. 0. Oct. 23, 1887 Morgan, E. C. of Buncombe county to Anna J. Green of Henderson county, Dec. 7, Asheville. N. O. Dec. 15, 1887 Monsey Nellie to Capt. Frederick T. Atkins of Clinton, Nov. 23, Clinton. N. O. Nov. 27, 1887 Morris, Delia to Walter 0. Scott, Dec. 8, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 9, 1887 Morns, Emma of Wilson county to Charles Jones, Nov. 14, Nash county. N. 0. Nov. 19,1887 Morris, Robt. H. to Willie Bobbitt, My. 11, Littleton.N. O. My. 26, 1887 Moseley Sallie of Halifax county to Rev. W. B. Oliver of Marion, S. C Oct. 26, Raleigh. N. 0. Oct. 28, 1887 Mosely Thos. B. to Minnie Wilkinson, Nov. 9, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 10, 1887 Motz, Jennie to E. T. Childs, Nov. 3, Lincolnton. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Motz, W. W. to Miss Sherrill, Nov. 16, Lincolnton. N. O. Nov. 18, 1887 Mundy, J. H. to Mattie Turner, Dec. 21, Person county. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Murphey, Willie to Anna Harper, Oct. 13, Snow Hill. N. 0. Oct. 23, 1887 Murray, John W. of Winston to S. Pauline Allen of Atlanta, Sept., Barnesville, Ga. N. 0 . Sept. 3, 1887 Muse, Anne Lena to Samuel T. Frye, Nov. 10, Carthage. N. 0. Nov. 18, 1887 Newcomb, C. W. to Annie Timberlake, Apr. 13, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 14, 1887 Newman, Mattie of Leaksville to Wm. Foster of Caswell county, Oct. 27, Leaksville. N. 0. Nov. 2, 1887 Newsom, Jacob of Washington to Maggie Nissen, Oct. 22, Lexington. N. 0. Oct. 30, 1887 Nichols Thos. J. of New York to Lizzie Knolls of Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 20, Wentworth. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Nicholson, Sallie J. to James A. Goodman, Je. 2, Roberdell. N. O. Je. 7, 1887 Nissen, Maggie of Washington to Jacob Newsom, Oct. 22, Lexington. N. 0. Oct. 30, 1887 O'Briant, Tuggle to Ella Coleman of Gordonton, Oct. 30, Person county. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Oliver, Rev. W. B. of Marion, S. C. to Sallie Moseley of Halifax county, Va., Oct. 26, Raleigh. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Pace, Allen of Raleigh to Annie A. Glenn, Sept. 6, Raleigh. N. 0. Sept. 7, 1887 Page, Capt. M. W. of Raleigh to Mrs. S. V. Debnam, Nov. 2, Earpsboro. N. O. Nov. 4, 1887 Park, Maggie L. to Charles E. Wood, Nov. 1, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Patton, Edwin P. of Asheville to Ellen A. MeArthur, Patrick county, Va., Nov. 10, Patrick county, Va. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Pearce, Corra to E. L. Wilson, Dec. 21, Wilson. N. O. Dec. 22, 1887 Pegram, L. B. of Raleigh to Martenia Merrill of Columbia, S. C, Jan. 27, Columbia, S. C. N. O. Feb. 2, 1887 Pell, Rev. Edward L. of N. C. Conference to Lucy Hardison, Dec. 21, Beaufort county. N. O. Dec. 31, 1887 Pelletier, Dr. R. W. to Mrs. Mary Perry, Oct. 25, Trenton. N. 0. Oct. 28, 1887 Pender, Routh to William L. DeRosset, Jr. of Wilmington, Je. 16, Tarboro. N. O. Je. 23, 1887 Penn, James S. of Bristol, Tenn. to Ada Worth, Creton, Ashe county, Nov. 29, Creton, Ashe county. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Perkins, Theodore of Caldwell county to Alice Williams of Burke county, Nov. 17, Burke county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Perry, Mrs. Mary to Dr. R. W. Pelletier, Oct. 25, Trenton. N. O. Oct. 25, 1887 Plonk, Michael of Newton to Jennie Creessimore of Lincolnton, Nov. 3. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Poindexter, Mollie to N. A. Steadman formerly of Raleigh now Winston, Oct. 5, near Germantown. N. O. Oct. 8, 1887 Powell, Mary G. of Edgecombe county to Wm. Twombley of Washington, D - C, Oct. 19, Edgecombe county. N. O. Oct. 21, 1887 Price, J. s. to Nellie Williamson, Mar. 16, Raleigh. N. 0 . Mar. 17, 1887 Proctor, Sid to Margaret Barbee, Nov. 3, near Durham. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Puet, Josephine to Theodore Thompson, Dec. 11, John's River. N. O. Dec. 16,1887 Puett, Eva C. near Lenoir to Horace J. King of Lincoln county, Nov. 23, near Lenoir. N. 0 . Nov. 30, 1887 Puett, Miss of Lenoir to Horace King of Lincoln county, Nov. 22. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Price, Dollie G. of Flat Rock to Kenneth P. Hyman of Hendersonville, Nov. 30, Flat Rock. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Purvis, Mamie A. of Martin county to V. L. Stephens of Greenville, Nov. 8, Hamilton. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 Queen, John G., D.D.S. to Mary Martin, NovT 10, Asheville. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Rains, Miss C. L. of Selma to C. L. Adams of Burlington, Feb. 20, Selma. N. O. Feb. 23, 1887 Rankin, E. H. of Gaston county to Lola A. Stone of Mecklenburg county, Nov. 2, Mecklenburg county. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Ransom, Jas. B. of Newbern to Julia Creech of Raleigh, Je. 2, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 3, 1887 Reid, Alice Cochran to Rev. W. S. Plumer Bryan of Asheville, Dec. 1, Staunton, Va. N. O. Dec. 4, 1887 Reston, Isabella Clayton to Walter Smallbones, Je. 22, Wilmington. N. O. June 24, 1887 Rich, W. C. to Lorena Kelly, Nov. 16, Goldsboro. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Robbins, James to Minnie Edwards, Oct. 19, Trinity College. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Robey, Rev. W. M., editor of Methodist. Advance to Mrs. N. R. Grainger of Goldsboro, Oct. 4, Goldsboro. N. 0 . Oct. 8, 1887 Robinson, Mary C. of Catawba county to W. A. Self of Charlotte, Nov. 12, Atlanta, Ga. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Rogerson, Jno. of Edenton to Mrs. Scott of Washington, Beaufort county, Oct., Washington, Beaufort county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Rush, Mary Belle to C. W. Wooley of Montgomery county, Nov. 24, Albemarle. N. 0. Nov. 30, 1887 Sasser, Dr. Louis L. to Julia Sneed, Nov. 30, Smithfield. N. O. Dec. 2, 1887 Scales, Jennie B. to Henry W. Cobb, Jan. 25, Greensboro. N. O. Jan. 27,1887 Scott, Jennie to B. B. Terrell, Nov. 20, Cedar Grove, Orange county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Scott, Walter O. to Delia Morris, Dec. 8, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 9, 1887 Scott, Mrs. of Washington, Beaufort county to Jno. Rogerson of Edenton, Oct., Washington, Beaufort county. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Scott, Wm. Clarence to Minnie Ola Jordan, Dec. 25, Greensboro. N. O. Dec. 31, 1887 Seagle, Carrie of Newton to A. C. Mcintosh, Jr. of Taylorsville, Je. N. O. Je. 17, 1887 Self, W. A. of Charlotte to Mary C. Robinson of Catawba county, Nov. 12, Atlanta, Ga. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 Shepherd, Joel C. of Burlington to Isabel Kennedy of High Point, Oct. 19, Burlington. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Sherrick Samuel to Alexina Jacobs, Nov. 30, Elizabeth City. N. O. Dec. o, 1887 Sherrill, Miss to W. W. Motz, Nov. 16, Lincolnton. N. O. Nov. 18, 1887 Shore Lelia of Winston to I. W. Durham formerly of Winston, Dec. 21, Winston. N. O. Dec. 22, 1887 Shull, John to Martha Yount, Nov. 6, Lincolnton. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Shuping, Jacob A. of Morganton to Mamie Lane of New Berne, Oct. 18, New Berne. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Shute, Alice to J. J. Crow, Nov. 10, Monroe. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Silver, Manual of Orlando, Fla. to Kate H. Sprague of Morganton, Oct. 19, Morganton. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Sledge, Cora to Lucius English, Aug. 4, Marion. N. O. Aug. 18, 1887 Slocumb, Capt. J. C. of Wilmington & Weldon Railroad to Mollie Dewey of Goldsboro, Dec. 22. N. O. Dec. 24, 1887 Smallbones, Walter to Isabella Clayton Reston, Je. 22, Wilmington. N. O. Je. 24, 1887 Smallwood, Dr. W. P. of Paris, Tenn. to Ida Stansill of Rockingham, Nov. 22, Rockingham. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Smith, C. A. to Adina Justice, Jan. 14, Asheville. N. O. Jan. 14, 1887 Smith, H. S. to Nannie Weir, Dec. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Dec. 15, 1887 Smith, Jennie of Raleigh to T. 0. Bunting of Wilmington, Je. 15, Raleigh. N. 0. Je. 16, 1887 Smith, Lula C. to A. L. Caudle, Nov. 9, Polkton. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Smith, M. R. B. of Johnston county to Annie O. Barden, Dec. 21, Clinton. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1887 Smith, Wilsey of Wake county to M. Beasley, Apr. 14, Charlotte. N. 0. Apr. 16, 1887 Sneed, Julia to Dr. Louis L. Sasser, Nov. 30, Smithfield. N. O. Dec. 2, 1887 Snipes, Mattie M. to J. D. King, Nov. 3, Winston. N. 0. Nov. 8, 1887 Sorber, Annie N. to George McCorkle of Newton, Nov. 10, McEwensville, Pa. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Sorsby, Jno. R. of Rocky Mt. to Viola Tillery, Nov. 10, Tarboro. N. 0 . Nov. 17, 1887 Spaugh, S. L. to P. Victoria Masten, Nov. 17, Forsyth county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Sparrow, William to Ida Vernon, Nov. 27, Reidsville. N. 0. Dec. 4, 1887 Sprague, Kate H. of Morganton to Manuel Silver of Orlando, Fla., Oct. 19, Morganton. N. O. Oct. 23, 1887 Sprague, W. D. of Round Knob to Gertrude Carraway of Newberne, Jan. 20, Newberne. N. O. Jan. 27, 1887 Stansill, Ida of Rockingham to Dr. W. P. Smallwood of Paris, Tenn, Nov. 22, Rockingham. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Starr, Sarah A. to Wm. H. Eldridge of Thomasville and Martinsville, Va, Nov. 22, Salem. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Staunton, I. G , Jr. to Lelia Long of Franklinton, My. 9, Franklinton. N. 0. My. 10, 1887 Staunton, Martha to Jake Hales of Rocky Mt, Nov. 9, Wilson county. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Steadman, N. A. formerly of Raleigh now of Winston to Mollie Poindexter, Oct. 5, Germantown. N. O. Oct. 8, 1887 Stephens, V. L. of Greenville to Mamie A. Purvis of Martin county, Nov. 8, Hamilton. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Stith, Lena of Raleigh to S. P. Child of New Port, R. I , Je. 29, Raleigh. N. O. Je. 30,1887 Stokes, Thomas to Mary Chandler, Dec. 7, Reidsville. N. 0. Dec. 16, 1887 Stone, Lola A. of Mecklenburg county to E. H. Rankin of Gaston county, Nov. 2, Mecklenburg county. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Strother, James M. to Mary E. Hayes, Oct. 11, Raleigh. N. 0 . Oct. 13, 1887 Stubbs, J. C. to Florence Bostwick, Dec. 7, Richmond county. N. 0. Dec. 16, 1887 Sumner, Laura to Geo. W. Coble, Dec. 14, Trinity College. N. 0. Dec. 22, 1887 Tate, Dr. William N. o f Alamance county to Fanny Tinnin of Orange county, Oct. 25. N. 0. Oct. 28, 1887 Taylor, Ella to Luther Ball, Dec. 8, Elizabeth City. N. 0. Dec. 16, 1887 Taylor, Lizzie to Jno. B. Fowle, Nov. 9, Washington, Beaufort county. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 Taylor, Miss M. E. to Rev. T. J. Ballard, Oct. 31, Henderson county. N. 0. Nov. 9, 1887 Terrell, B. B. to Jennie Scott, Nov. 20, Cedar Grove, Orange county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Thomas, Charles R , Jr. to Laura Davis, Je. 1, Beaufort. N. O. Je. 5, 1887 Thomas, Dora of Richmond, Va. to David Marsden Anderson formerly of Raleigh, Sept. 21, Washington, D. C. N. 0. Sept. 28, 1887 Thomas, Helen to W. F. McDowell, Nov. 24, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 26, 1887 Thompson, Theodore to Josephine Puet, Dec. 11, John's River. N. 0. Dec. 16, 1887 Thompson, Bessie of Clinton to John McDowell, Jr. of Elizabethtown, Feb. 23, Clinton. N. O. Feb. 26, 1887 Thorpe, Mrs. Lelia A. to Col. B. H. Cozart of Oxford, Feb. 9, Dunsville. N. O. Feb. 11, 1887 Tillery, Viola of Rocky Mt. to Jno. R. Sorsby, Nov 10, Tarboro. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Timberlake, Annie to C. W. Newcomb, Apr. 13, Raleigh. N. 0. Aprl. 14,1887 Tinnin, Fanny o f Orange county to Dr. William N. Tate of Alamance county. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Toney, Leoney to F. Y. Baty, Nov. 10, Rutherford county. N. O. Nov. 19, 1887 Tow, Fannie to John B. Lyda, Oct. 30, Henderson county. N. O. Nov. 9, 1887 Towe, Wm. to Katie B. Crawford, Nov. 30, Elizabeth City. N. O. Dec. 8, 1887 Turner, Mattie to J. H. Mundy, Dec. 21, Person county. N. 0. Dec. 24, 1887 Turrentine, E. B. to Lula M. Lunsford, Sept. 31 Durham. N. 0. Dec. 23, 1887 Twombley, Wm. of Washington, D. C. to Mary G. Powell of Edgecombe county, Oct. 19, Edgecombe county. N. 0. Oct. 21, 1887 Tyson, Ellen E. to Paul H. Lee, Nov. 23, Raleigh. N. O. Nov. 24, 1887 Upchurch, Annie M. to Robert E. Lee, Mar. 23, Raleigh. N. 0. Mar. 24, 1887 Upchurch, Maggie of Raleigh to John W. Walker of Oak City Manufacturing Co, Apr. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Apr. 13, 1887 Vanstory, C. M. to Cora Moore, Nov. 17, Greensboro. N. 0. Nov. 19, 1887 Vernon, Ida to William Sparrow, Nov. 27, Reidsville. N. 0. Dec. 4, 1887 Vinson, B. W. to Lillie Coker, Nov. 9, near Garysburg, Northampton county. N. O. Nov. 19,1887 Walker, Almea Virginia of Washington, D. C. to Wm. N. Brockwell of Raleigh, Nov. 12, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 13, 1887 Walker, Fannie to Dillard Moore, Oct. 25, Reidsville. N. 0. Oct. 28, 1887 Walker, Irene of Cary to Rev. A. D. Hunter of Apex, Nov. 15, Cary. N. 0. Nov. 17, 1887 Walker, John W. of Oak City Manufacturing Co. to Maggie Upchurch of Raleigh, Apr. 13, Raleigh. N. 0 . Apr. 13, 1887 Walker, Mrs. Lizzie P. to Henry Jenkins of Rutherford county, Oct. 18, Gaston county. N. 0 . Oct. 23, 1887 Walker, Thomas to Alice Cooper, Dec. 7, Caswell county. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Ward, E. M. of Franklinton to Jennie B. Cheatham of Ridgeway, Jan. 12, Ridgeway. N. 0 . Jan. 16, 1887 Warren, James of Edenton to Pattie Wood, Nov. 30, Hertford. N. 0. Dec. 2, 1887 Warren, J. C. of Edenton to Pattie Wood of Hertford, Nov. N. 0. Nov. 26, 1887 Watson, J. W. to Mattie Exum, Nov. 30, Nash county. N. 0. Dec. 2, 1887 Weaver, Daisy to R. V. Williams, Nov. 2, Weaverville. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Weill, Sol C. to Ella Fishblate, Dec, Wilmington. N. 0. Dec. 15, 1887 Weir, Nannie to H. S. Smith, Dec 14, Raleigh. N. 0 . Dec. 15, 1887 Westmoreland, Nannie to Thomas Briles, Nov. 23, Thomasville. N. 0. Nov. 27, 1887 White, Frank to Anna Julian, Je. 2, Winston Salem. N. O. Je. 7, 1887 Whitfield, Louisa M. of Edgecombe county to Capt. M. Weddell Hart of Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, Mar. 31. N. 0. Apr. 3, 1887 Wike, W. T. to Lillie Ford, Oct. 19, Newton. N. 0 . Oct. 23, 1887 Wilkinson, Minnie to Thos. B. Mosely, Nov. 9, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 10, 1887 Williams, Alice of Burke county to Theodore Perkins of Caldwell county, Nov. 17, Burke county. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Williams, Emily of Cary to A. E. Jordan of Raleigh, Dec 21, Cary. N. 0. Dec. 22, 1887 Williams, Capt. Orren of Tarboro to Blanche Hilliard, Nov. 15, Whitakers. N. O. Nov. 20, 1887 Williams, R. V. to Daisy Weaver, Nov. 2, Weaverville. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Williamson, Nellie to J. S. Price, Mar. 16, Raleigh. N. 0 . Mar. 17, 1887 Willis, Thomas J. of Greensboro to Alkie C. Eldridge of Thomasville, Nov. 22, Thomasville. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Wilson, Carrie to Jonas M. Costner, Aug. 31, Raleigh. N. O. Sept 1, 1887 Wilson, E. L. to Corra Pearce, Dec. 21, Wilson. N. 0. Dec. 22, 1887 Wilson, Thos. J., Jr. of Winston to Bettie S. Harris of Concord, Oct. 27, Concord. N. O. Oct. 28, 1887 Winstead, Nannie to James Daniel, Oct. 26, Caswell county. N. O. Nov. 2, 1887 Wood, Charles E. to Maggie L. Park, Nov. 1, Raleigh. N. 0. Nov. 2, 1887 Wood, Pattie to James Warren of Raleigh, Nov. 30, Hertford. N. O. Dec. 2,1887 Woodall, W. A. to Mabel Parham, Sept. 14, Raleigh. N. O. Sept. 15, 1887 Woolard, Redding to Elna Alligood, Oct 26, Beaufort county. N. O. Nov. 2,1887 Wooley, C. W. of Montgomery county to Mary Belle Rush, Nov. 24, Albemarle. N. O. Nov. 30, 1887 Worth, Ada of Creston, Ashe county to James S. Penn of Bristol, Tenn. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Wright, Alice of Ruffin to John Chandler of Chandler's Mill, Dec. 7, Ruffin. N. O. Dec. 16, 1887 Wyatt, Magruder B. to Emma Hardin, Nov. 3, Durham. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887 Yost, W. Frank of Balto, Md. to Nellie B. Long of New Berne, Nov. 9, New Berne. N. O. Nov. 13, 1887 Yount, Martha to John Shull, Nov. 6, Lincolnton. N. O. Nov. 8, 1887
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