Samuel Sowell Deed 31 December 1792

Samuel Sowell Deed 31 December 1792

(Transcribed by Rose Sullivan) Deed Book H Page 39 No. 1353 Granted to Samuel Sowell thirty one acres of land in Duplin County on the North side of Limestone Swamp Beginning at a stake on the lake run of Limestone Creek in Mumfords third line-Thence that line N. 50°. W. 74 pole to a water oak in a pond. Thence nearly North 65°. East 54 pole to a pine a little distance from Anthony Lewises corner-Thence to and with his line 50 or 55°. E. 90 poles to the run of Gum Swamp. Thence down said run as it meanders to the mouth and down the lake run as it meanders to the Beginning. Dated the 31st day of December in the 17th year of our independence and in the year of our Lord 1792. James Dickson regr. Richd. Dobbs Spaight

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