John Sulivant Deed 26 November 1789

John Sulivant Deed 26 November 1789

(Transcribed by Joan S Dunn) Deed Book B Page 198 No. 1158 John Sulivant seven hundred and ninety acres of land in Duplin County in the fork of Goshen and the North Et. joining Sampson Grimes', William Sulivent & his own lines. Begining at a black jack & pine Grimes's corner and runs with his line So. 80 Et. 222 poles to a stake. Thence So. 32 Et. 116 poles to a pine on William Sulivents line. Thence with his line No. 45 Et. 150 poles to a stake by the Old School House. Then So. 76 Et. 102 poles to a pine. Thence No. 14 Et. 88 poles to a pine on his own line. Thence with his line No. 76 Wt. 208 poles to a gum. Then No. 14 Wt. 114 poles to a pine on Neds Marsh. Thence up the same No. 47 Wt. 100 pole to a pine on Brocks line then So. 22 Et. 28 pole to a spanish oak. Then So. 60 Wt. 108 poles to a pine Brocks corner. Then with his other lines No. 30 Wt. 130 poles to a pine then So. 65 Wt. 40 poles to a pine on John Sulivents line. Then So. 45 poles to a stake his corner. Then Wt. 163 poles to a stake. Then So. 230 poles to a pine. Thence to the begining. Dated November the 26th 1789

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