Andrew Thally Deed 18 December 1794

Andrew Thally Deed 18 December 1794

(Transcribed by Ken Stuckey) Deed Book G Page 15 No 1379 Granted to Andrew Thally One Hundred and sixty four Acres of Land in Duplin County in the fork of Cabbin branch and Maxwell Beginning at a Persiminon and Gum on Maxwell run by Robert Slouns Corner. Thence his Line S. 25. W. 52. Poles to a Hickory and red Oak Saplin_ Thence an old line about S. 5. W. 112 pole to a Maple. Thence an old line about S. 85. E. 102. Pole to a pine. Thence S. 42. E. 43. Pole to a pine. Thence an old Line about S. 85. E. 166 poles to a white Oak. Thence N. 5. E. 12 pole to a water Oak. Thence up the Meanders of Maxwell Creek to the first Station ___________ Dated the 18th day of Dec. in the 19th Year of our independence and in the year of our Lord 1794___ Rich? Dobbs Spaight __ James Dickson reg r

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