Will of Jacob Wells II
Contributed by Pauline Pierce

  JACOB WELLS wrote a will in 1803 and again in 1807. He named his wife Mary Wright in the first one but not in the second one. She had evidently died between these two wills.

 Names Included:

Jacob Wells, Son, Executor
William Wells, Son
Jean Stallings, Daughter
Mary Wells, Grandaughter
Mary Boney, Daughter
Barbara Linton
Wells Linton, Grandson
Sarah Linton, Grandaughter
Betsy Linton, Grandaughter
Ann Sloan, Daughter
Elizabeth Murphy, Daughter
Ester Murphy, Grandaughter
Boney Wells, Grandson
William Stokes, Executor
Daniel Teachy, Executor
Gibson Sloan, Test
John Maxwell, Test
Austin Bussy, Test
Wm. Dickson, C.C.

Homer (woman)

Bk. A, pg. 516-517

In the name of God Amen. I JACOB WELLS of the state of North
Carolina and County of Duplin being week in body but of perfect mind and
memory blessed be God and calling to mind the uncertanty of life &
knowing it is appointed for men once to die do this fifth day of
December in the year of one thousand eight hundred & seven make and
ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following
VIX: it is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid
by my executors hereafter named with the most perishable part of my
estate at their descration. 2nd. My will is that I give and bequeath to
my son JACOB WELLS 3 negro fellows namely JOE, SLATEN? & GEORGE also my
woman name PHEBY Also I give six hundred and _____? acres of land on
shear?? puscow?? to him and his heirs forever. 3rd. I give and
bequeath to my son WILLIAM WELLS 3 negro men named BEZEL, JAMES & RYLE
also one negro woman name JEAN also the land where he now lives also
part of a new survey by a direct line as I have marked it near an est &
____? line to him and his heirs forever. 4th. I give and bequeath to
my daughterJEAN STALLINGS twenty pounds in cash.
I also give and bequeath to my grand daughter MARY WELLS one negro woman
named CLOE I give and bequeath to my daughter MARY BONEY one negro
woman name LUCY and all her increase & two pounds in cash. 6th. I give
and bequeath to my daughter BARBARA LINTON one negro woman name HOMER to
her and her heirs also the plantation where I now live and also a part
of a new survey the north end of it joining the plantation that I have
given her. 7th. I give to my grandson WELLS LINTON a negro girl name
NANCE and I give to my grandaughter SARAH LINTON one negro boy name
BILLY. 9th. I give to my grandaughter BETSY LINTON fifteen pounds in
cash. 12th. I give and bequeath to my daughter ANN SLOAN one feather
bed stead and furniture also it is my will that all my stock of horses
cattle & hogs and sheep be sold at public auction also all the household
furniture and all my plantations tools. My will is that my negro fellow
JACK also the other half to be equelly divided between my two daughters
ELIZABETH MURPHY, BARBARA LINTON also my will is that the money a
rising from the auction after paying all my just debts and funeral
charges is to be equelly divided between my three daughters ELIZABETH
LINTON. I give and bequeath to my grand Daughter ESTHER MURPHY one
feather bed sted and furniture also my will is that my grandson BONEY
WELLS should have my saddle and bridle and my shot gun. Lastly I hereby
constitute and appoint my son JACOB WELLS and WILLIAM STOKES and DANIEL
TEACHEY executors to this my last will and testament -- In witness where
of I the said JACOB WELLS have here unto set my hand and seal to this my
last will and testament this day year first above written signed sealed
published and declared by the said JACOB WELLS the testator as his last
will and testament in presence of us who was present at the time of
signing and delivery hereof.
JACOB WELLS (X his mark)

State of North Carolina
Duplin County April Term 1808
There was the within proved in open court in due form of law by the oath
of GIBSON SLOAN, JOHN MAXWELL and AUSTIN BUSBY the subscribing witnesses
thereto and at the same time JACOB WELLS and WILLIAM STOAKES two of the
executors named in said will came before court and qualified as such
according to law ordered that letters issue accordingly.

This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!

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