Will of ROBERT DICKSON of Duplin County, North Carolina:
In the name of God Amen, I Robert Dickson of the State of North
Carolina and County of Duplin. Being in a low state of health but of
sound mind and perfect memory blessed be God, do make and ordain this my
last will and testamenty in manner and form following Viz.
I. I recommend my soul to God that gave it me and my body to have
decent and Christian burial at the deceretion of executors here after to
be named--
2nd. I will and desir ethat my just debts and funeral charges be
paid by my executors out of the most perishable part of my estate.
3rd. I will and ordain that should the child my wife Barbara is now
great with be a male child that then in that case all my lands (except
such as are here after to be silled for sale) be equally divided between
said male child and my sons Edward and Robert Dickson and their heirs
forever provided always that should the said child my wife Barbara is
now great with be a female child then and in that case my son John
Dickson is to have an equal divide in the said land with his brothers
Edward and Robert and that in such case he receive no more of my
moveable estate than what he is already possessed off--
4th. I will and desire that my wife Barbara Dickson do have and
quiet and peaceable possession of one third of my mannor plantation and
building during her widowhood and no longer--
5th. I will and desire that all my moveable estate after my just
debts are paid be equally divided between my wife Barbara Dickson and
all my children except my daughter Anne Bryan and my son John Dickson
who are to receive in the following manner viz: Anne Bryan is to
receive one half a share including what she hath already recd. and my
son John Dickson is to receive one half share also including what he
hath already recd. excepting he should receive a third of my lands as
afore mentioned in which case he is to receive no more of my moveable
property that what he is already possessed of--
6th. I will and desire that should any of my sons die before they
are of lawfull age or have lawfull heirs of their body (Edward excepted)
that the patent of my land allotted them shall be the property of my son
Edward and of his heirs forever--
7th. I will and ordain that should any of my children die without
lawfull heirs of their body or the age of twenty one years that then
their share of the moveable property be equally divided among the rest
of my children (my son John & daughter Anne Bryan excepted)--
8th. I will and ordain that should my wife Barbara Dickson upon her
marriage refuse to resign up to my heirs her right of dower in my
aforesaid mannor plantation that she then forfits the aforesaid share
that she may have drawn of moveable estate to be equally divided among
all my children (John & Anne Dickson excepted).
9th. I will and desire that my negro girl now in the possession of
Dickson Dickson named Celah do remain in her possession and forward for
the term of seven years from this date--
10th I give & bequeath to my two step children Lincoln Shuffield
and Mary Shuffield a tract of land containing two hundred acres on the
River joining James Wallace running ______? said river joining Ison
Shuffield old plantation to them and their heirs forever--
11th I give and bequeath to my stepdaughter Mary Shuffield on
cow and calf her choice out of the stock called the river stock --
12th I will and ordain that should my executors think it
advisable and for bennifit of my children they be hereby empowered to
sell a certain tract of land on Maxwell joining John Boney and Chasons
land, also one hundred and fifty acres on Alder joining the land Swinson
bought from Peter Morris as also such other part of my land before the
division there of as they shall judge best, so as to enable them to
purchase (if to be sold) a trac t of one hundred acres on Elder below
the bridge now the property of John Chambers, which if purchased is to
be considered as part of the land hereby willed to be divided among my
sons as aforesaid --
Lastly, I nomainate, constitute and appoint my son John Dickson and
my brothers William Dickson and Joseph Dickson executors to this my last
will revokeing all other wills and testaments by me hereto fore made. In
witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal at Duplin this
eighteenth day of March Anno Domo 1790
Signed, Sealed and published Robert Dickson
and declared by Robert Dickson
the testator as his last will and
testament in presence of
James Dickson
Dorothy Dickson
Jane Dickson
State of No Carolina {}
Duplin County {} April Term 1790
The within will with a codicl there to annexed was proved in open
court in due form of law by the oaths of the subsecribing witnesses
there to-- and at the same time William Dickson and Joseph Dickson two
of the executors named in the said will qualified as ececutors--
Ordered that letters issue accordingly
Test Wm Dickson C.C.
Duplin county -- 24 Mar 1790
The following is a codicil to my will which I made and published on the
18th day of this ins.t. March.
Wereas in my said will of the aforesaid date I there ordained that my
son John Dickson and my daughter Anne Bryan should each of them draw
only a half share of my personal estate includeing what they have
already rec.d from me and where as I have since farthere considered and
deliberated on my said will I have thought proper hereby to further will
and ordain that my said son John Dickson and my said daughter Anne Bryan
instead of the half share of my personal estate which by the said will
they were entitled to draw, shall have delivered to them each by my
executors William Dickson and Joseph Dickson one young negro out of my
estate of negroes as soon as may be convenient previous to any division
of my estate among the other heirs, which said delivery of the said two
young negroes by my said executors delivered to my son John Dickson and
my daughter Anne Bryan shall exclude each of them from any claim or
right to receive any other part of my estate except what they have
already received --
And I do further will and ordain that my executors named in the said
will do immediately proceed to contract with some workmen to brick
chimmeys to my new house lay the floors, errect partitions wialls, make
and hang the doors and windows, shutters and discharge the expense there
of out of my estate before any division be made there of --
And I do hereby further will and ordain that my said executors be
hereby empowered and directed for to sell one hundred acres of land
lying on Stocking Head Branches, joining James Marshalls land, as to
them amy seem most advisable in order to enable them to discharge such
debts as are or may be
contracted on account of my sd. estate --
And I do hereby ordain that this codicil shall be considered as a part
of my said will herein before mentioned and that my executors therein
named by hereby empowered to execute the same together with the said
will -- and it is hereby expressly declared by me that this codicil
shall be meant or construed in such manner as to affect any part of my
aforesaid will except the clauses respecting my son John and my daughter
Anne Bryan --
Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by Robert Dickson to be a part
of his will in presences of us who where present at the time of sealing
and publishing the same.
James Dickson Robert Dickson
Dorothy Dickson
Jane Dickson
State of No Carolina {}
Duplin County {} April Term 1790
Then was the within codicil to the last will and testament of Robert
Dickson proved in open court by the oaths of James Dickson, Dorothy
Dickson and Jane Dickson in due form of law --
Test W. Dickson C.C.
Codicil to the will of
Robert Dickson Dec.d.
Recorded in Book A, page 98.
Taken from THE DICKSON LETTERS, compiled and edited by James O.
Copy in my possession (PMP) Also a manuscript, DICKSON FAMILY by Douglas
N. Travers; 1836 Oakhill; San Antonio, Tx 78238 - 1988. Also an undate
of this manuscript dated 1997.
ROBERT DICKSON, b. ca. 1741-42, in either Maryland or North Carolina.
He was a member of the House of Commons from Duplin Co., in 1777, 1784
and 1788, and was appointed a Second Major in the forces of Duplin by
the Provincial Congress sitting at Halifax 4 Apr 1776. He appears among
the signers of the "Oath of Allegiance and Abjuration," required by the
assembly at New Bern, 15 Nov 1777 to promise allegiance to North
Carolina and renounce the authority of the King. In the first of the
Dickson letters his brother WILLIAM wrote, "he [ROBERT] is a very
frugal, industrious man, has about as many working slaves as I have, he
lives very well and plentifully, is in as good credit as any man in the
county."ROBERT'S plantation in Duplin Co., during the march of
CORNWALLIS through the area, became a one day encampment for his army.
The date for this establishes the approximate birthdate of his last
daughter, ELIZABETH, by his first wife, CATHERINE PEARSALL, and the date
of CATHERINE'S death.
History establishes CORNWALLIS' march thru Duplin as in the spring of
1781. The first Dickson Letter clearly places the one day encampment at
ROBERT'S plantation near the date of 28 Apr 1781 when the N.C. militia
was discharged by GENERAL LILLINGTON. WILLIAM DICKSON writes: "The next
day after being discharged we returned home. CORNWALLIS' army was then
in the middle of our county, encamped at my brother ROBERT DICKSON'S
plantation." A few sentences later he writes: "I will now give you some
account of how we all fared while the enemy were in our neighborhood. My
brother ROBERT had left his place and removed his family and property.
The enemy encamped one day and night at his plantation and destroyed
some of his stock which he had not got off." A few paragraphs later he
writes the crucial information: "Robert moved his property into the back
parts of Virginia when Cornewallis went through us and returned in JULY
to move his family there also, but his wife died the very day of his
return and left him an infant but a few days old, which he put to nurse
and returned to Virginia again; but not liking to settle there he
returned home as soon as the enemy left Wilmington and being resettled
again he married another wife."
This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!
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