NC Archives Duplin Co Wills CR.035.801.12 I W. H. Williams Sr of the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina do make this my last will I direct that all my just debts be paid with convenient speed I give devise and bequeath my estate and property real personal and mixed as follows. To my nephew E. P. Williams I bequeath all my books: household and kitchen furniture: spoons Knives, and forks and parlor furniture. I devise to the children of my deceased brother Joseph Williams namely – E. P. Williams, Carrie Williams, Ida Williams, Hattie Williams and Lula Williams the tract of Land in Lenoir County, where the said Joseph Williams formerly lived about two miles from the town of Kinston and bounded as follows – on the North by the lands of John Tull and Wm. Hill deceased: on the east by the lands of Wm. Hill deceased: on the south by Neuse River and on the west by the lands of L. C. Desmond deceased and the lands of Parrot Hardy containing Five Hundred and Thirty six acres more or less I hereby give my executor hereinafter named full power and authority, in such way and Manner as he may deem expedient to make sale of all the residue of my estate (not heretofore bequeathed and devised) both real personal and mixed and convey title to same and to do all needful acts requisite to convey a title thereto to a purchaser or purchasers and with the proceeds arising from such sale or sales to pay the following bequests: namely To my nephew E. P. Williams the sum of Twenty Five Hundred Dollars To my nephew Dr. W. W. Faison the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars To my niece Ida Williams the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars To my niece Hattie Williams the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. To my niece Lula Williams the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and the balance to be divided into three equal shares – one share, which is one-third, given to the following named children of my deceased brother Joseph Williams namely – E. P. Williams, Ida Williams, Hattie Williams and Lula Williams: one share which is one-third, to be given to my sister Mrs. H. C. Faisen and the other share, which is one-third to my sister Mrs. M. E. Lee. I hereby revoke all wills by me heretofore made and appoint Henry Lee of Goldsboro, NC executor of this my last will In witness whereof I the above named W. H. Williams Sr have hereunto set my hand and seal the 24 day of November 1885 in the City of Goldsboro County of Wayne and State of North Carolina Signed W. H. Williams Sr Witness Jno D. Spicer, Jas. Spicer, John Spicer Then & there signed and sealed and declared by said W. H. Williams Sr as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who, at his request, in his presence & in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses The Will of William H. Williams was exhibited in Duplin County Superior Court by Henry Lee on the oath of John D. Spicer and James Spicer Oct 16th 1889 R. C. Broadhurst, Clerk Superior Court On 7 Oct 1889, Henry Lee, reported to the court that said W. H. Williams had personal property worth about $1250 END OF DOCUMENT
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