Will of William Stroud ~ 1890

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

  Last Will and Testament of William Stroud I William Stroud of the County of Duplin and state of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence I do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form, as follows that is to say I give and devise to my son W. G. Stroud his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all that tract of land known as the Dolan(looks like) place lying and being in the County of Duplin and State above mentioned containing Seventy Acres. Also one other tract known as the Woodland tract containing 54 acres to have and to hold unto him-self, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, for ever and ever. I also give to my son W. G. Stroud my entire estate of personal property, such as horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep, household and kitchen furniture and farming implements also one double barrel gun. I give and devise to my son T. E. Stroud and daughter Wineford Stroud and lastly I do hear-by appoint W. J. Jones my lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will and testament accorden to the true intents and meaning of the same and evry part and clawse hearby by me hear-to-fore made. In witness where of I the said William Stroud do hearby set my hand seal this the 18th day of March A.D. 1884. Signed Sealed published and declared by the said William Stroud to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and his presence do subscribe our names as witness hear-unto. his William x Stroud (Seal) mark Witness W. J. Jones his J. x H. Brock mark Personally appeared before me Thaddews Jones Justice of the Peace of Duplin County. W. J. Jones & J. H. Brock and maketh oath that they were present and saw William Stroud signed the above instrument of (looks like willings) in there presents and that they witnessed the same. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of March A.D. 1890 Thad Jones. J.P. (Seal) North Carolina Superior Court Duplin County before R. C. Broadhurst, cfc In the matter of the probate of the last will and Covenant testament of William Stroud deceased Thomas Stroud and W. F. English came into court with a covenant to the probate of a certain paper writing proported to be the last will and testament of William Stroud deceased of date 18th day of March 1884 and admitted to probate in couveran form in this court on the 13th day of March 1890 and say that this paper is not the last will and testament of the said William Stroud or any part thereof, for that the said William Stroud did not sign said paper writing, and said is not in the his handwriting and was not witnessed at his request by W. J. Jones and J. H. Brock. They further say that if said William Stroud did sign said paper writing his signature thereto was procured by fraud and under influence and at a time when he was not capable of making a will. They further say that Thomas Stroud, William Stroud, and Winneford Stroud are the kins-at law and distributors of said William Stroud deceased and devises under said paper writing and his widow Elizabeth Stroud. They further offer for probate a paper writing of date 30 day of September 1882 as the last will and testament of the said William Stroud deceased and ask that the same be admitted to probate. T. E. Stroud Number 206. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY-Printed and for sale at Harrell's Printing House, Weldon, NC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Duplin County. IN THE MATTER OF THE LAST WILL OF Before A. C. Broadhurst William Stroud Clerk Superior Court W.J. Jones being duly sworn, doth say: That William Stroud, late of said County is dead, having first made and published his last WILL AND TESTAMENT; and that W. J. Jones is the executor named therein Further, that the property of said William Stroud consisting of 124 acres of land, horse, cattle hogs sheep and household and kitchen furniture. is worth $1000.00 so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application; and that Elizabeth Stroud wife, WM Stroud decd, Winnifred Stroud, Wm G. Stroud, & J. E. Stroud all of the state of North Carolina & County of Duplin and over twenty one years of age are the parties entitled under said will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me the 13th day of March, 1890. A. C. Broadhurst W. J. Jones Clerk of Superior Court

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