The State Of Texas} Harrison County } I, WILLIAM GRIMES, of the State and County aforesaid being sound in body and Mind do make and declare this my will and testament Viz: My son ALBERT GRIMES who is now dead received in his lifetime in various ways and times his portion and all that I intended to give him, therefore his widow and her two children are not entitled to anything from my estate after my death. There is other and sufficient reasons existing why they should not expect anything more from me than has already been given. To my sons, WILLIAM S. and JOSEPH W., I intend to give three hundred & twenty acres of land each but as I have already given JOSEPH a quarter section of improved land on which he has been living several years, I intend giving him unimproved land and if he does not move to this State he is not to have the land herein contemplated. To my son WILLIAM S. GRIMES, I give Negro man, BOB, which will make the portion he has received equal to the married heirs. To my son, JOSEPH W. GRIMES, I give him Negro man, CHARLES, which will also make him equal to the rest. To my daughter, MARTHA J. GRIMES, I give Negro girl, RACHEL, and a good horse, saddle & bridle and such other outfit as her sisters had when they married. To my grandsons, WILLIAM EVERITT and WILLIAM WOMACK, I will and bequathe a pony each worth sixty dollars. Which is to be furnished them by my executors as soon as practicable after my demise. And lastly, I constitute and appoint my son, WILLIAM S. GRIMES, and my son-in-law, JOHN F. EVERITT, executors of this my last will and testament and require that they make distribution of my estate amongst the several heirs and legatees thereof as soon as the law is on their part complied with. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this Third day of May in the Year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred & fifty eight. Witness Wm. Grimes { Seal } ?? Lister Jno. Rain
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