Will of William Carr ~ 1754

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

  Source: Nc Wills & Inventories - Grimes Written: 1754 WILLIAM CARR'S WILL. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, Willaim Carr, of the County of Duplin, & Province of North Carolina, Am Sick in Body, but perfect In Memory and of a Sown Judgment, Blessed be God for It, and having Called to Mind the Scertainty of Death and of a future State, and that it is appointed for all Men Onest to Die Do hereby Recommend My Soul to God, and my Body to the Earth to be Buried at the Descration of my Executors, whome I shall hereafter Name, And in hopes of a Glorious Res- urraction through the Merits of My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Do hereby as far as Almighty God Enabels me in this My present Condition, Do Renounce the World & the Things of this Life, and by these Presents Do Constitute and Ordain, this to he my last Will & Testament, Revocking all other Wills and Testament by me Made, Either by Word or Writing, and this only to Stand and remain for my last Will & Testament: Therefore Doth Order, Settle & Leave what Woreldey Estate God bath Blessed me with, In the following Manner, Viz: Itam. I Order that all my Just Debts & Funeral Expenses be first Pay'd out of my Estate That Almighty God hath Now Blist me with, And the rest of my woreldey Substance I leve and Bequeath In the following Manner, Viz: Itam. I Leave & Bequeath to my Beloved Wife, Hannah, The one third part of all my Moveable Estate after my Lawful Debts & funeral Expences is pay'd, together with the Houses & plantation where I now live to Such times as My Son, Archi- bald Carr, comes to ye age of Twenty one years, and then the Sd. Houses & Plantation to be his for Ever. But In falure of him to ye Nixt Heir In Law & so on; And the rest of my Goods & Chattles, after my Just Debts and Funeral Expenses is pay'd, and the one Third of ye rest of ym. taken off to my Wife, as afsd., then ye remainder I leave & Bequeath to be Divided Equaly In it's kine Amongs my other Children, Viz: Archibald Carr, Jane Carr, & ye one that is yet unborn if it Should pleas God that it comes to the woreld; and In case that any of ye children Should Die before that they arive to age; I order that the part of the Deceased shall be Equally Devided Amongst the rest of the Surviving Children. To Which Last Will & Testament, I Do hereunto set my Hand and fix my Seal, this fifth Day of December, In the year of our Lord, One thousand, Seven Hundred and fifty Three; I order & appoint my Beloved Wife, Hannah, Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. WILLIAM CARR. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, and Declared In presents of Us: JOHN DICKSON. WILLIAM MCREE. SUSANNAH McALEXD. NORTH CAROLINA, DUPLIN COUNTY, SS. October Court, 1754. This Day Hannah Carr, Executrix of the last Will & Testament of William Can., Deceased, Came Into Court & proved the sd. Last will & Testament of ye Deceased, And Took ye Oath of An Executrix as by Law prescribed. And produced an Inventrey Upon Oath of what Goods & Chattels & Debts Due to ye Estate of the Deceased, and Pray'd Letters Testamentorey upon the Same &c. The Court then and There Ordered that the Above proceedings of Sd. Executrix be given to ye Secretarys Office In Order to the Obtaining of sd. Letters. The Above Certified by me, October ye 9th, 1754. JOHN DICKSON, C. C. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State.

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