Will of William Bright ~ 1762

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

  Kennansville Courthouse, Duplin Co., NC. Will Of William Bright book A page 62 In the name of God Amen this day being the second day of July ___ one thousand seven hundred & Sixty two. I William Bright of Duplin County- North Carolina being sick and weak of body but of proper mind and memory ___to given to God therefor calling to mind the mortaleyof my body and that is appointed for all men over to die do make & ordain this my last will and testament that is to say p____. I first of all recommend my soul unto the hand of God that gave it, hoping for pardon & the remission of sins thro the merits and __session of my lord and savior Jesus Christ and my body to the ground to be buried at the directioni f any of my Exrs hereofin named, nothing doubting but as the gereleral resevraction and as the last day I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as taking my world estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in my life time I_____and bequeath the same as follows- First my wish & desire to pay all my debts after my fureneal charges is paid. Item. I give to my son in law John Winders two feather beds. Item, I give to my son in law Stephen Hearing one feather bed also. Itame ? I give to my sons in laws John Winders & Stephen Hearing all my hole estate that is not mentioned to be equally divided between John Winders & Stephen Hearing. ?Lixevere ? I also leave John Winders & Stephen Hearing my sole Exrs to this my last will and testament. Signed sealed and delevered dis the presence of no. Test. George Outlaw, William Taylor, Daniel Lacr____? William Bright (seal)

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