Will of William Barnes
(Duplin Co, NC. Original Wills. LDS #1548853)
In the Name of God Amen The 12th Day of Decemr in the year of our Lord one Thousand
Seven Hundred and Sixty nine.. ~
I William Barns of the County of Duplin in the Province
of North Carolina being Sick and Weak but of Sound Mind
Memory and understanding Thanks be to Almighty God for
the same and knowing the certainty of Death and the uncer
tainty of this time thereof do make and Ordain this my Last
Will and Testament in manner and form following – Viz
First and Principally I Recommend my Soul to Almighty
God Who gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Buried
at the Direction of my Executors hearafter Named –
Imprimis It is my Will and Desier that all my Jus De
And Funeral expenses be Discharged out of
Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Lewi
Maner Plantation whereon I now Liv
Hundred and forty Acres as will appe
my Water Mill and Still also Ne
Bosen Judy and Rechall and them to
His Intenst whill He comes to the age of twenty years
and then for him to receive his whole Estate into his own
hand also my Gray Horse Caled Mayer with his bridle
And Sadle
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary
Plantation on white Oake Branch containing
Three acres wheir James Dob Lives
(Page) Peace of Land lying on Panther Swamp containing one
Hundred and Thirty five Acres and the Benefits arising from
them to be Put to her use and benefit also Negroes Peter
Genny Isaac Lucyu and Pheby also my Roan Mair Caled
Rorm with her Sale and Bridle ~
Item I order that my Daughters Negroes be kept at my Mill
and that they shall have Six Cowes and Calves ten
Sowes and Pigs and the Benefit arising from the said Mill
Negroes and Stock Shall be put to her use whill my
Son Comes of Eage as above mentioned then the Mill to
be hisen
Item I order that all my Houshold furniture 3with all my Plan
Tation Tools and Salers tools with all my Stock of all
Sorts be Sold at Publick vardcie at Six months Creadit
And the money arising therefrom to be Eaqually divided
my two children ~
that my Plantation may be Rented out with my
my son whill He Comes of Eage as above
all my out standing debts be Eaqually
between by Children when Received by
it is my urgent Desier that my
may have Sufficient Education given
and the Expence to be Payed out of their own
Shair each for themselves
Lastly I do appoint my Friends Felix Kenan William Godden
And George Smith Executors of this my Last Will and Testament
Thereby Revoking all former and other Wills by me made
and Confirming this and only this to be my Last Will and
reald Pronounced and
in the Presenic of Description: Easily legible except on the bottom right hand side of the first page and bottom left hand side of the second page, the ink has leached out, leaving these small areas blank. Typed to try to represent this. This will is typed just as it was sent to me by email from Hunt Sanders.
This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!
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