Will 1762, Codicil 1765 Thomas KENAN wife: ELIZABETH, the plantation whereon I now live, houses, out houses and other improvemnets, upon her death or marriage the said plantation and improvements shall go to my two youngest sons Tho and Michael to be divided between them Item: wife, two negroes named Tom and Anthony and a negro called Flora , if wife dies or remarries negroes go to three Daughters Arebella, Elizeabeth and Penelope. son: THOMAS negro boy son: MICHAEL negro bo daughter: JANE negro girl called Hannah my wife Elizabeth all the rest ___ and remainder of my real and personal estate her only proper use and benedit and to be disposed of by her as she may think proper As to my two Eldest Sons as I have already made proisions for them by giving them land in my lifetime all I leave them with Justice to any other children is my fatherly blessing.Executors: wife ELIZABETH and David THOMSON signed 13 June 1762, by Thos. KENAN witness Edw. Match__ Edward Ca_____ John Matchot CODICIL “Let it be remembered this 6th of Nov 1765 that in my former Will I left my Son MICHAEL a negroe boy called Derry which I have since given unto m y son in law Richard CLINTON and since that I have purchased a negroe wench called Moll which I give to my son MICHAEL instead of the negroe noy called Derry and that my Last Will to be inforce except the above Exchange of the Negroe Wench for the Negroe Boy Witness Wm Howton (Houston?) Is___Hantey (HUNTEY?) book A pae 255
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