Will of Thomas Kenneday

Transcribed by Alice Kennedy Lee

Will of Thomas Kenneday -- 1851


Original Will


Original Will Page 1


Original Will Page 2


Thomas Kenneday Will page 2

 August the 5th 1840

 After reflecting on the above will I find that I must make some alterations as follows, Item - I give & bequeath to my son Henry in addition to the above one horse & one bed & furniture. Item. My will is that should my Negro man Sam be sold agreeable to the above will My will is that my daughters, Nancy and Susan have twenty dollars cash in addition to what I have named to them above, also I give to my son David Kenneday my blacksmith tools which is in his possession at this time. I also give to my daughter Rebecca Kenneday after the death of her mother the feather bed & furniture above named.

Thomas X Kenneday
his mark

  Signed in presence

 of David Southerland

 William Brown

 State of North Carolina Court of Pleas & Quarter Session

 Duplin County April Term 1851

 A paper writing purporting to be the last will & testament of Thomas Kenneday Is exhibited in open Court & offered for probate & duly proved upon the oath of David Southerland one of the subscribing witnesses thereto whereupon it is considered By the Court & adjudged that the same is sufficient to pass the real & personal estate therein devised & bequeathed. Ordered to be recorded.

J.H Jer________ Clk
By B.F. Grady, DClk
This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!

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