Will of Snodan Pearce ~ 1820

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

  Source: North Carolina State Archives Written: December 12, 1820 Will of Snodan Pearce (Dec. 12, 1820): In the name of God amen. This my last and solam Will & Testimony --- Thou my state of bodily helth ??? preasent is veary low. Yet Ime in my per??t sincis I am not the leaste adled or intoxicated (?) I Give & bequeath all my percep?? of Land on the Easte side of the new Roade to ?y son Wilea after they death of his mother inc??ding the manor plantation. I Guive & bequeath ??l the Land I percess laying between the New ?oad & old Road to my son Sampson after the dea?? of his mother. I Guive & bequeath all my Lan? laying over the old road ? on the West side ?? said to my son Hugh. N? should Either of my 2 ???ngist sons decease before becomes of age his brother shall Heir his percession of land. I Lone to my son Alexander the Bed he lays on and firniture dureing his lifetime & $25 left in the hands of my Executor at his disposal. I Guive & bequeath to my Daughter Mary $5. all they stock both consisting of catle & hogs on my primises marked with a smorie crop in the right ear I disclame I Guive & bequeath them to my son Hugh one sow & calf one 2 Year old Heffer marked with a crop & slit halfmoon in the rite ear I Guive & bequeath to my son Wilea. one cow & calf & 2 Year old heffer marked with a crop & slit & halfmoon in the left ear I ?uive & bequeath to my son psamson (Sampson) I ??ne to Cythe my beloved wife 2 cows & calvs one 3 Yea? ?ld heffer & one 2 Year old Heffer the choise of my ???ck. I allso lone one feather bed & furneture dureing hir li??. allso all my plantation tools & plowing teem dureing hir life allso I guive hir 10 Hogs the choice of all my stock. The balance of my parishable property I leave to be sold and after my debts is paid and equal devised amonge all & Ruthays part let out on interest for hir children ----- This my Will I make in my solid sensices as witness where of I here into sit my hand and ------- seal Snodan Pearce NB I chose Darling Dauphin as an ??? utor to my Estate ===== Attest James Dauphin Attest Wm. Alexander Pearce Jr.

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