Will of Samuel Gavin
21st. Day of December 1761
In name of God amen
I SAMUEL GAVIN being sick but of sound mind and
memory and calling to mind the uncertainly if this transitory life do make this my last
will and testament.
Viz- First I resign my soul to Almighty God that gave it & my body
to the ground to be decently buried as my Executors thereafter named shall direct &
and as for my worldly estate that it hath pleased God to bless me with I leave in manner
and form following that is to say,
I leave and bequeath to my beloved wife PATIENCE
GAVIN the use of all and singular my lands, negroes, houses as follows & but upon
her death or ----marriage or the arrival at the age of twenty one years of my son JOHN
I give and bequeath to said JOHN my son the
plantation wherein I now live with all the apurtanances thereunto. Belonging as also
one negro boy named Cuff & and as for the rest of my estate,
I give & bequeath to my
beloved sons SAMUEL, LEWIS & CHARLES GAVIN, to be equally divided except
their mothers third
& and lastly I nominate and appoint my beloved wife PATIENCE
GAVIN and my beloved friend THOMAS CARRILL Executors of this my last will and
Signed & sealed this 21st. Day of December 1761 in the presence of
SAMUEL GAVIN (his mark)
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