Sampson Grimes b 1749 d 1828 son of Hugh and Elizabeth Whitehead Grimes, m Bathsheba Winders b1761 Md d bef 1820 NC, dau of John and Ann Bright Winders, brother to my line of James and Sarah Winders Grimes. Source : papers in the Kennanville courthouse,Duplin Co., NC. Most of the papers were copied by Hugh and Betty Grimes of Houma ,La., and i have copied from them. Deed bk 4a page 494 (Abstracted by CGT)some words very hard to read. Surveyed for Edmond Duncan fifty six acres of land , on the east side of Halls Marsh, it being part of a five hundred acre survey Patented ___, and was deeded to said Duncan by the heirs of David Sullivan. Beginning at a white oak on the edge of Halls Marsh, James Grimes ' corner etc etc, the first ,second corners above mention was proved by Sampson Grimes, May 28,1813. wit: Jesse Outlaw (sign by) Hugh Maxwell,Jurn~ Solomon Jones State of N Carolina Duplin County July Term 1813 -----was the written Platt of 50 acres of land returned to court as ?padsepioned?? by Hugh Maxwell the county surveyor & ordered to be registered. Copy H. Routledge, Rety. Test, Wm Dickson CC. Will of Sampson Grimes Will BK page 169. In the name of God amen, I Sampson Grimes being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do this day in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Tweny Eight do publish, this my last will and Testament in manner as following, that is to say. First i give and bequeath to my son Jesse Grimes one fourth part of my lands to be laid of at the lower part joining the land I gave him or so much thereof as to make that part equal with the rest. Item 2 give and bequeath to my son James Grimes one fourth part of my lands to be laid off at the upper part of my lands or so much thereof including the lands that i gave him,as to make it equal with the other four, the remainder of my lands my wish is to be equally divided between my son William Grimes, and my daughter Easter Branch, to be equally divided, Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Stoud and my daughter Ester Branch (not a typo,name spell both ways) : and my son Jesse Grimes and my son James Grimes and my son William Grimes. The remainder of my property of everykind to be equally divided amongst the five to them their Heirs or assigns forever, but each Heir shall give a fair seridul of what they have recieved, so as to make the last Item equal all to share and share alike. My will and desire is that all my just debts shall be paid, and my body disently buried at the discretion of my Extr's . I appoint my son James Grimes and son-in-law Archelaus Branch,Extr's to this my last will and testament. Signed This 27th day of March 1828. Signed, published, and acknowledged in the presence of - Jno Watkins, Tho J Kinnead, Samuel Sullivens. Sampson Grimes (seal). This next item is where the land was divided and the sale was held ,there is about 19 pages so i am going to do a lot of Abstracting, these papers came from the Archives in Raleigh,Nc what is called the Stack Files, Hugh Grimes bought all the papers they had on the Grimes, some are so bad you cannot read them, but they still charge for them, he made 2 copies each June of 1998, cost over 70 dollars. 13 Nov 1828 Committee to divide land, persons on the committee were : W.A. Mims, H. Kornegay, Wm Herring, Sere? Pearsall, Wm Kornegay,Sr. James Grimes 297 acres? Wm Grimes 246 " including House &paying $120.00 . Jesse Grimes 199 " and 300 acres given by deed. Archelous Branch 530 " " $80.00 from Wm Grimes. At the sale 436 items were sold for a total of $2,677.70. 6-26-1828. 78 different names bought the items, there is a James Grimes and Jas Grimes, so it looks like there was more than 1 James Grimes at the sale, along with a few others but i am only going to list them once. Baker, Nancy- Benton, Ally- Bizzel, Elijah- Blizard, John- Branch, A., Archelaus, Bryan.- Bruton, Pinkney,- Burder,John- Cannan,Elizabeth- Cherry, Lamuel- Creech, Benjamin- Curdy, Wm M.- Dail, Henry- Daniel, Jonathan- O'Daniel, John- Dickson, Samuel- Grimes, James, John, Charles, Stephen, -Glisson, Daniel, Frederick, George W., Hinton, John, Nicy, Sally- Gufford, Andrew- Herring, William, Stephen- Hill, Albert G, James K., Thomas- Hines, Charles A., Frederick,- Hudgins, James- Huggins, Luke- Houston, James- Jernigan, Daniel - Jones, John,- Keaton ?Alen??,- Kornegay, Abraham, George F., Harget, Wm, Wm Sr.- Mann, Wm,-Miller, John, Stephen,- Morris, Axum,-Outlaw, Edward, Lewis, Wm.,- Pearsall, Jerimiah, Joseph D.,- Pope, Robert,- Quinn, Jesse,- Snipes, James,- Southerland, David,- Summerlin, Cherry, Dennis, Jacob, Needham,- Sullivan, Curtis, Hamilton, Hillory, James, Samuel,- Smith, James M., Edward,- Swinson, Levi,- Taylor, Jonathan,- Turnage, Wm,- Watkins, John,- Williams, James, James Sr, Blany. (cgt714 6/28/1999).
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