Will of Robert Sloan

Submitted by Sloan Mason

  Sloan, Robert - 1840 - Duplin County, NC - Wills & Estate Jackson County, Florida-Division of Estates Will of Robert SLOAN Written: 19 August 1834 Duplin Co., N.C. Source-Duplin County Courthouse-Clerk of Court Office Deed Bk. A, p.547-551 Probated January 1840 Transcribed by Sloan S. Mason (Surnames capitalized for easier reading) In the name of God, Amen, this 19th day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. I, Robert SLOAN, of the State of North Carolina and County of Duplin being frail of body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that all men must die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, to wit: principally and first of all I recommend my soul to God who gave it me and my body I resign to the Earth to be buried in a decent and christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter to be nam ed; and as to what worldly estate with which It has pleased God to bless me, I give and bequeath it in manner and form following, to wit: 1st, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son David SLOAN my manor Plantation in Duplin county on the north side of the Run of Beaver dam and my plantation on the East side of Maxwell Creek joining Ozborn CARR and a piece of land on the South side of Island Creek together with my Cummings land on the South side of the Run of Beaver dam to him and his heirs forever. 2nd, I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter, Mary HOWARD, all my lands in New Hanover County on Holley Shelter and Ashes Creeks together with the mills and timber thereunto to her and her heirs forever. 3rd, I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter, Susannah NIXON my land and plantation in Duplin County on the South side of the run of Beaver dam, known by the name of the Holden Survey and an entry joining to it; to her and her heirs forever and further it is my will and desire that all the above lands of these three shares at my decease be valued by a committee to be chosen by the Legatees for that purpose, and the shares of the least value shall be made equal to that of the highest value in money to be raised out of my perishable estate so as to make these three children equal in my real estate. 4th, And further it is my will and desire after my decease that all of my stock and other property (negroes excepted) should be sold and a fund or legacy be raised therefrom for the children of my daughter Margaret DICKSON, dec'd (to wit Robert Sloan DICKSON, Barbary Ann CHAPMAN, Wm. David DICKSON, Martha DICKSON & Edward DICKSON) so that they collectively may secure a portion equal in value to any one share of my land given by this will to my children. And if not enough, they collectively shall have negroes valued to them until their share be made equal in value to any one share of my children in my real estate, and I do further give and bequeath to the above named children of my daughter, Margaret DICKSON my negro woman ROSELLA and all of her future increase from this date all of the above described property bequeathed to my Daughter Margaret's children I wish to be allotted to each after my death as he or she may be or may become of age so that Robert may receive one hundred dollars less than Edwards portion and Barbary Ann may secure $80-00 less than Edward's portion and William David may receive $60.00 less than Edward's portion and Martha may receive $50.00 less that Edward's portion in as much as I have by deed of gift given to Margaret a negro deferent in value. 5th, I give and bequeath to my son in law William DICKSON my negroes, CHARLES, MARY, JOHN BILL, NANCE, MARIAH, LUCE and all of her children that she has heretofore had and all of their future increase to him and his heirs forever all of the above named negroes to my son in law William DICKSON, he has heretofore received of me. 6th, I give and bequeath to my son David SLOAN, my negroes, JIM, TONEY, WILLIS, CHARLES, RHODA, MANIRVA, SAM, TEMPERANCE, MARIAH, ALECK and ABRAM, and all of the future increase of the females from this date to him and his heirs forever, all of which negroes are now in his possession. 7th, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary HOWARD, wife of James HOWARD, my negroes, JOHN, DANIEL, YORK, CLARRICY, MARIAH, and all of MARIAH'S children that she has heretofore had and JIN and her children, ANTHONY, BRYAN, ADY, ALFNER and all the children that JIN has had since she has been in the possession of my daughter Mary. And all of the future increase of the females from this date to her and her heirs forever. All of which negroes are now in her possession. 8th, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Susan NIXON, wife of Wm. NIXON, my negroes GARRETT, NED, HENRY, PHEREBY and all of her children that she has heretofore had, and JOHN and DICK also HANNAH and her children ISHAM and SARAH, and all of HANNAH'S other children that she has had since she has been in the possession of my daughter Susan and all of the future increase of the above female negroes from this date, to her and her heirs forever all of which negroes are now in her possession. 9th, It is my will and desire, after my death, that the following named negroes, to wit: BILL, LANCASTER, JOE JR., PRIMUS, TOM, EPHRAIM, MURIAH, SOLL, SILVIA, NANCE, JOE JR, WINSON, CEASAR and ISRAEL (after the portion to my daughter Margaret's children shall have been made equal to a share in my real estate as mentioned in the 4th clause of this will) be divided among my heirs as follows: my son David to receive one fourth in value my daughter Mary HOWARD, one fourth in value, my daughter Margaret DICKSON (to wit; Robert L., Barbary Ann CHAPMAN, William David, Martha, and Ed ward DICKSON) one fourth in value to them and their heirs forever. Lastly, I constitute and appoint my son David SLOAN and my son in law, Wm. A. NIXON, Executors to this my last will and Testament hereby ratifying and confirming this and this only to be my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed: Robert (his X mark) SLOAN, Seal Signed, Sealed, published and declared in Presence of us. James DICKSON W. CARR, Jr. *the words-to bless and hereunto interlined before signed. State of North Carolina Duplin County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions January Term, 1840 The annexed Last will and testament of Robert SLOAN, Dec'd is brought into court and offered for probate and is duly proved by the oath of James DICKSON and William CARR, Jr., the subscribing witnesses thereto and is ordered to be recorded and at the same time David SLOAN, one o f the executors named in said will, came before the court and qualified as such. Ordered that letters issued. Test. James DICKSON, CLK. State of North Carolina Duplin County County Court Clerks Office I, James DICKSON Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Duplin County. Certify that teh foregoing and annexed is a true transcript of the last will and Testament of Robert SLOAN, Dec'd proved & recorded in said Court at January Term of its Sessions AD 1840. In Witness where of I have hereunto Set my Seal of Office and Subscribed my name this 5th day of July AD 1841. James DICKSON, Clerk of the County Court of Duplin County State of North Carolina Duplin County I, Benjamin F. GRADY Chairman of the court of Please and Quarter Sessions in and for said County do hereby certify that James DICKSON whose name appears to the foregoing certificate is and was at the time the same ---- date --- of said Court, that full faith, and credit should be given to all his official acts as such, that he is the proper office for certifying the same and that his forgoing attestation is in due form. Given under my hand and that being my seal of office and private seal at my county aforesaid this 12th of March 1842. B.F.GRADY, Clk. Territory of Florida Chambers 4th April 1842 Jackson County The foregoing records of a will made and provided accoring to the laws of the State of North Carolina being prescribed for record in this countya nd the said record being duly certified as required by the laws of the United States in such cases provided. It is ordered that the said will with the accompanying certificats be filed and recorded in the Books in relation to Estates. Rick H. LONG Clk of Crt. Will of Robert SLOAN Filed April 4th, 1842 F. R. PITTMAN, Clerk. File 12 Territory of Florida County of Jackson I Frederick R. PITTMAN Clerk of the County Court in and for said County do hereby Certify that the foregoing and annexed will of Robert SLOAN has this day been Recorded by and in Record Book of Estates Pages 634 and 635. April 8th, 1842. Frederick R. PITTMAN, Clerk of the County Court of Jackson County Division of Negroes under Will of William SLOAN Filed July 2, 1842. F. R. PITTMAN, Clerk and Recorded same day in Record Book of Estate, book A 686 Frederick R. PITTMAN, Clk. File 12 We the undersigned Commissioners appointed to divide the following property between the individuals hereinafter named, who claims under the will of Robert SLOAN report as follows- We divided the said property into five Lots, names Lot number One consisting of LANCASTER valued six hundred dollars, which lot is entitled to thrity five 67/100 dollars, which was drawn by and is hereby alloted to William D. DICKSON. Lot number Two consisting of IVE valued at six hundred dollars which Lot is entitled to thrity five 67/100 dollars which was drawn by and is hereby alloted to William D. DICKSON assignee of John R. CHAPION? Lot number three (3) consisting of TOM valued at five hundred and twenty five dollars which lot is entitled to one hundred and ten 67/100 dollars was namedly and is hereby alloted to William D. DICKSON Guardian of Edward R. DICKSON. Lot number four consisting of ISRAEL valued at two hundred twenty five dollars, ELLEN valued at two hundred dollars, SALLY at one hundred dollars, which lot is entitled to sixty nine 67/100 dollars was drawn by and is alloted to William D. DICKSON assignee of Robert S. DICKSON- to William D. DICKSON assignee of Robert S. DICKSON- Lot number five consisting of ROSELLA & the child ISHAM valued at four hundred and twenty five dollars which lot is entitled to two hundred and ten 67/100 dollars, was drawn bya nd hereby alloted to William D. DICKSON Guardian for Martha DICKSON- We also to make the said lots equal taking property & money into the calculation allows that William D. DICKSON in his own right and as the assignee of John R. CHAPMAN should recive sixty dollars as the Guardian of Edward R. DICKSON one hundred dollars, and as the Guardian of Martha DICKSON fifty dollars. 1 July 1842 E. L. MERRITT E. C. PITMAN Commissioners END OF DOCUMENTS This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!

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