Will of Robert Southerland ~ 1833

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

  Will of Robert Southerland, dated August 22, 1833 I Robert Southerland of the County of Duplin and State of NoCarolina Being antient and Infirm though of Perfect mind and memory Thanks be to god for it and calling to mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, though proper to make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and Form Following First I Recommend my Soul to almighty God he that gave it and my Body Be Buried in a decent and christian like manner, and as for my worldly goods I dispose of them as Follows Item=I Give to my Son William B. Southerland the whole of my lands and Plantation wherein I now live Item=I give unto my daughter Elizageth Jewell (Sewell?) a negro girl by the name of penny and All her Increase which She has already Received Item=I leave a negro man named Tom in The care of my Son david Southerland to be hired out yearly for the Suport of Zilpha Southerland and her Family till her youngest child comes of age that lives that She now has=Then to disposed of david Southerland and Zilpha Southerland may think most proper for her Benefit And the remaining part of My Estate after Just Debts and Funeral charges is paid I leave to be Sold and Equeally devidid Between David Southerland Nancy Mallard William B. Southerland and Zilpha Southerland And I nominate David Southerland and William B. Southerland Executors to this my Last Will and Testament here by Revoking all Former or other will or gifts by me made I pronounce this my last will & Testament Signed seald & acknowledged Rob Southerland {seal} In preasance of us Owen Bishop Hillory Bishop * * * * * Robt Southerlands will 1833 State of North Carolina} Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Duplin County } October Term 1835 The william(?) will of Robert Southerland is duly proved in open court at this term by the oaths of Owen Bishop & Hillory Bishop the Subscribing witnesses thereto & David Southerland & William B Southerland the executors ment in said will came into court & qualify as executors and it is ordered by the court that the will be recorded Test James Dickson CC

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