Will of William Barnes

Contributed by Jason Bourdeaux

Transcribed by Susan Burns

Will of Peter Young

Original Will


  Will of Peter Young Dated: 25 November 1799 Recorded & approved July Term 1802 T Teachy Executor Qualified In the Name of God amen— I Peter Young of the state of Northcarolina and County of Duplin being of perfect mind and Memory blessed be god Calling to mind the uncertainty of Life, and knowing if is affirmation for all men About to Die. Make and ordain this to be my Last will and testament In manner and form following Viz First I Recommend Soul to God that gave it me, and my body to have Cristian Like burial at the Discression of my Executors here after to be Named, Secondly I will and ordain that as Much of the perishable part of my property may be sold as will pay all my just debts and Funeral Expenses— Thirdly I Give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Jeane Young, one Mair and one halfe of my stock of Cattle and hogs and Sheep and also my house hold firniture and plantation tools to his and his heirs forever. Fourthly I give and bequeath to my son James Young one hundred acres of Land including the plantation whair on I Now Live, and one horse saddle and Bridle, and the one halfe of the Remaining part of my Stock of Cattle hogs and seep [sic] & house hold firniture and plantation tools to him and his heirs for Ever. Fifthly I will and ordain after My Diseras [???] that the Above Mentiond Cattle hogs and sheep & house hold Firniture of Every Nature and Kind to be Equally Divided betwixt the sd Jeane Young and my son James Young—Turn over to the 2d page Sixthly I will and ordain that my Beloved wife Jeane Young have peacable and Quiet posseson On the plantation I Now Live During her Life— Seventhly I give and bequeath to my sons John Young & William Young and Peter Young five Shillings Sterling Each to them and Theair heirs for Ever— Eighthly I will and ordain that my Two Daughters Margaret Browne and Ann Blanton have five shillings Sterling Each to them and their heirs for Ever— Ninthly and Last I constitute and appoint My Worthy friend, Timothy Teachey as Executor of this My Last will and Testament and my Beloved wife Jeane Young Executrix In Testimony here of I have Here unto set my hand and fixe my seale this 25th day of November 1799 I publish and Declare This to be my Last will his And Testament in the presents Peter X Young Seal of –the word Peter Young interlined mark before signed Test Timothy Teachey his Test John X Williams Mark John Cazin State of N. Carolina July Term 1802 Duplin County Then was the within Will proved in open Court by the Oath of Timothy Teachey one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto. And at the same time Timothy Teachy the Executor named in the said Will came before the Court and Qualified according to law Ordered that letters issue accordingly. Test Wm Dickson C.C. This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!

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