Last Will and Testament Of Lutson Stroud, Jr. August 22, 1798 In the name of God Amen, I LUTSON STROUD, JR. of the county of Duplin and State of North Carolina, being sick in body but of perfect sound mind and memory thanks be to God for the same, but calling to mind that the mortality of my body and that is appointed for all men once to die. I do hereby make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, First of all I recommend my soul into the name of God that I give it, and my body to be buried in a Christian like manor in the manor at the descressian (looks like probably descretion) of my Ex. Hereafter appointed. All the property that I possess at this time of all kinds I leave to be sold, and all my just debts be paid out of the money, and the rem-to be equally divided between 2 my wife HANNAH STROUD and four of my children LEWIS, SELAH, WINNY and ISAAC STROUD to them and them forever--- As ZILPHA and ABEL CROOM STROUD has all reached their part?--and for my son LEWIS and A CROOM to have one years schooling a piece out of their part or portion of my Estate, and my ISAAC and my daughter WINNY STROUD to have one year and a half schooling out of their part or portion of my estate, and if in case that one or all these children should be first Out whosoever takes the must(?not sure if this is correct) Give them the schooling before mentioned and for it not to come out of their estate.--- And for my wife HANNAH STROUD to have the chance of living on the place whereon I now live until my son ABEL C STROUD come of age if she sees cause, but not clear any more land, now if she don't live on it for it to be rented out, and the money be for my son AC STROUD. I leave my brother, ARTHUR STROUD and JOHN MAXWELL this my last will and testament, and I do hereby acknowledge this to be my last will and testament in witness where of I have here unto set my name and seal this 22nd Day of August in the year of our Lord 1798----- Signed Sealed and Declared In the presents of His Lutson Stroud Jr. {Seal} Mark Tho. Shelton Stephen Smith This was the within will proved in open court in due form of law by the oath of Thomas Shelton one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and at the same time John Maxwell one of the executors named in the said will came before the court and qualified as such according to law--ordered that letters issue accordingly. Test. WM. DICKSON C.C. Lutson Stroud Will proved October Term 1798. John Maxwell Esquire Book A Page 429
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