Will of John King ~ 1735

Transcribed by Joan S Dunn

  Source: Courthouse at Hampton, Virginia Written: 1735 The Last Will and Testament of John King of Elizabeth City County, Virginia (1735) In the name of God amen(,) I John King of Elizabeth City County being sick and weake (weak) of body But of Sound and perfect memory thanks be to almighty God do make constitute(,) ordain and appoint this to be my last will and Testament revoking and disanulling (disannulling) all former wills or Testaments by me heretofore made in manor (manner) and form following wit(:) Item(-) I give and bequeath my Soal (Soul) to God that gave it and my body to the Earth from where it was taken in Sure and certain hope through the Words and Sufferings of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive a joyful resurrection at the last Day & as to my worldly Estate I give & dispose thereof as follows(;) Item(-) I will that my Funeral Charges and just Debts be first paid and discharged(.) Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my loving Son John King all that my tract of land lying & being in the uper (Upper) Parish of Nansomond (Nansemond) County near the head of Sumertons Swamp containing Four hundred and forty Three acres and another tract of land laying in Albermale (Albemarle) County at the head of Bennitts (Bennetts) Creek in the Province of North Carolina containing one hundred acres and likewise on negro (Negro) Girle (girl) named Frank now in his possession To have and to hold to him the Said John and his heirs for ever on Condition he the Said John King pay unto Mr. William Folk of Nansom’d (Nansemond) County what mony (money) I owe him for _______ the Said Folk and if he refuseth to do that then and in Such case I will appoint & order the said two tracts of land and negro (Negro) be sold by my Exrs. (Executors) for the most that can be got for the Same towards discharging my Debts. Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my loving Son William King my tract of land lying & being in Chowan precinct in North Carolina containing one hundred and Eighty acres to have and to hold to him the Said William and his heirs for ever. Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my loving Son William King my Manor plantation in Elbet. (Elizabeth) City County on the South Side of Back river (River) containing Five hundred acres land to have and to hold to him the Said William and his heirs for ever on condition that he pay to my loving wife Rebecca King on Demand the yearly rent of Six pounds Curt. (current) mony (money) every year During her natural life(.) Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Michl. King Son of Michl. King one hundred acres of land part of a tract comonly (commonly) called and known by the name of the name of the round (Round) Pond to be lands adjoining on the lands of Sarah Cox and Dorothy Wilson and so adjoining to Holme’s line this land being formerly given to his Father by a Deed and is here given to Strenghten the land to one of the heirs of my Said Son Michl. apprehending this Said Deed not be athentick (authentic) in law to convay (convey) the Said land. Item(-) I appoint and ordain that one hundred & Sixty two acres of land laying and being in the County of Albermale (Albemarle) in the province of North Carolina be by my Son John King Sold and the mony (money) arising therefrom I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Michl. King Son of Michl. King & his heirs for ever and that the Same be laid out as Soon as conveniently may be by his Mother Jane King in negros (Negroes) or land for the only use & benefit of the said Michl. & his heirs. Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my loving Sons Armistead and Charles King all the remainder of _________ one hundred acres before given my Grandson Michl. King of my tract or parsell (parcel) of land known by the name of Riverbend pond (Pond) to be Equally Divided between them to have and to hold to them the Said Armistead and Charles and their heirs for ever. Item (-) I will and ordain that my tract of land laying and being in Nansomond (Nansemond) County on the Southern Branch wch. (which) I purchased of Wm Perry be by my Exrs. (Executors) Sold towards paying Benj. Dobbs. Item(-) I lend the use and labour (labor) of my Two negros (Negroes) by the name of Jack Russell and Cato unto my loving wife Rebecca King During her natural life and that they be no way loyable (liable) to the payment of my Debts if my other Estate be Sufficient and after her death that they be Equally Divided between my Three Sons Wm King(,) Armistead King and Charles King to them and their heirs for ever. Item (-) I lend the use and labour (labor) on my two negros (Negroes) by name Jack Crumall & his wife Sarah unto my loving Son William King During the life of my wife Rebecca King and after her death that then the Said two negros (Negros) be Equally Divided between my loving Sons William King(,) Armistead King and Charles King to them and their heirs for ever. Item(-) I lend the use of my Mulatow Girle (mulatto girl) by name Sarry unto my loving wife Rebecca King During her natural life and that She be not loyable (liable) to the payment of my Debts as aforesaid. Item(-) I give unto my loving Son Armistead King my negro (Negro) woman named Frank and her two children Peter & Nanny to him and his heirs for ever(.) Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my Son Charles King my negro (Negro) woman named Rachel and her child Will to him and his heirs for ever(.) Item(-) I give unto my loving Son William King my Two negro (Negro) Boys by name Cato and Nod to him and his heirs for ever(.) Item(-) I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Rebecca King a Bed and furniture her choice of any I have(.) The Chest of Draws (Drawers) that Stands in the Poarch (Porch) Chamber and the large looking Glass that was Maj. Armisteads (Armistead’s) & one Silver Tankard wch. (which) was Maj. Armisteads (Armistead’s) as (and) also her choice of all my Horses and Mares. Item(-) I give unto my Son Wm. King my Silver hilted Sword. Iem(-) I give and bequeath unto my loving Sons Armistead & Charles King a Sealed ring and a Gold Buckell (Buckle) to them & their heirs for ever. Item(-) I give unto my Daughter in law & her two Sons to Each of them a Mare(.) Item(-) My will and Desire is that all the rest of my negros(,) Stock & House hold Goods be Equally Divided amongst my loving wife and Three Sons Wm. King (,) Armistead King & Charles King & their heirs(.) Lastly(-) I hereby Constitute(,) ordain and appoint my Two loving Sons John King & William King my True and lawfull (lawful) Exrs. (Executors) of all and every part of this my will Except of that part relating to my loving wife Rebecca King and my Two younger Sons Armistead King and Charles King for the due performance & Execution of wch. (which) I ordain & appoint my Loving wife Rebecca King to be my True & lawfull (lawful) Exetx. (Executrix) and Gardian (guardian) to my Two Said Sons Armistead and Charles until Such time as they Shall come to the age of Twenty one years(.) In Witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand & affixed my Seal this 13th Day of January 1735. Sealed(,) published and Declared by the Testator to be his last will & Testament in the presence of (;) John Robinson Junr. John King (signature & seal) Miles Cary Wm Armistead Samuel Markham (his mark)

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