Will of James Sullivan, Duplin County, North Carolina - 1848
I James Sullivan of the County of Duplin And the State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory,
but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner of form
following; that is to say,
First: My Executor (herein of this named) to pay all my just debts.
Second. I leave to my beloved wife Sally during her widowhood the following property.
All the land I possess not otherwise disposed of.
Third. I give to my beloved son James my Shot Gun and one feather bed and furniture.
Fourth. I loan to my beloved wife Sally during her widowhood all the other property I may die in possession of
consisting of horses, cattle and stock and furniture and farming tools, of all kind.
Fifth. In the event of my widow’s marriage my will and design then is that all the above mentioned property left
to her during her widowhood be sold and a credit be given monthly and the proceeds be equally divided between my five daughters by :
Susan, Fanny, Sally, Kitty and Zilpha. Should either of my daughters die leaving no issue, it is my will and desire that that be distributed
to the daughters by the executors of my sons.
Sixth. I will and bequeath to my four single daughters one bed furniture each, that they now have in possession.
Seventh. I constitute and appoint my dearly beloved wife Sally Executor to this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal January 9 A.D. 1848
James G Dickson
J. Swinson
7th Item. As the negros have not heretofor been named in the will (Forish, Penny, Rachel, Edny and Aed). I give and
bequeath the same to my beloved wife and after her death to be sold at a Lin Months credit and the proceeds of the sale be equally divided
among all my children, to wit: Elisha , Samuel, Henry, and James Sullivan, Susan Sullivan, Fanny Jones, Sarah Sullivan, Kitty Sullivan, and
Zilphia Sullivan and to their heirs forever. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day February A.D. 1848
D. Jones
W.J. Karnegay
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