Will of Jesse Carroll

Submitted by Jackie Purdy and Sarah Studstill


10th day of March 1802

 In name of God amen

 I JESSE CARREL Senior, in proper health and of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life, do make this my last will and testament.

 First, I give and yield up my soul to Almighty God that gave it, and my body to be decently buried as my Executors hereafter named shall think proper, and as for the worldly estate that it hath pleased Almighty God to bless I leave in manner and form following.

 First I give and bequeath to my beloved son JOHN CARREL the Plantation whereon he now lives with two hundred and ninety five acres of land of several different tracts and one negro boy named Lewis.

  I give and bequeath to my beloved son JESE CARREL my old plantation whereon I formerly lived myself with three hundred and fifty five acres of land by estimation bounded by lines agreed upon. Also two negro boys one named Dick the other named Ben, one feather bed and furniture. One rone mare called Bonny and sadle and bridle and three cows and calves and one of two years old.

  I also give and bequeath to my beloved son THOMAS CARREL three hundred and fifty six acres of land by estimation bounded by lines agreed upon. Lying on the upper side of Stewarts Creek joining my Mill branch. It being part of several different tracts, and also three negroes, one named David, and one girl named Jean, and one boy named Abam and one feather bed and furniture, and three cows and calves or year olds, and one two year old and one sorrel mare near two years old and sadle and bridle.

 I also give and bequeath to my beloved daughter MARY HOLLINGSWORTH one negro girl named Mosley.

  I also give and bequeath to my beloved daughter PRISCILLA CARREL one negro woman named Doll and tree cows and calves or year olds, one feather bed and furniture one cotton wheel and cards.

 I also give and bequeath to my beloved daughter RACHEL CARREL one negro girl name Dianh, and three cows and calves or year olds and one two years old, and one feather bed and furniture and one cotton wheel and cards.

  I also give and bequeath to my beloved son JOSEPH CARREL, the plantation whereon I now live with three hundred and fifty five acres of land by estimation bounded by lines agreed upon and one hundred acres of land with a small improvement on it on the Precoson Branch and three negroes. One named Hal, one boy named Willis and one woman named Rose and my Mill and Still and all my stock of creatures of every kind that remains with all my household furniture and all my working tools of every kind at the death or intermarriage of my beloved wife RACHEL CARREL, and I also devise that my beloved son JOHN CARREL and my beloved son JESE CARREL to be Executors to see that all the above articles be duly executed, in witness whereof . I have hereunto set my hand, this, tenth day of March 1802.

 Signed sealed and delivered in presence of: Test




 Jesse Carrel

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