Will of John Dickson

Transcribed byElizabeth Dickson Golbach

The Will of John Dickson

 In the name of God Amen. The third day of September in the year of our Lord 1774.

 I John Dickson of Duplin County in the Province of North Carolina, being aged and far advanced in years but in perfect bodily health, and of sound mind & Memory Thanks be to Almighty God for His Mercies to me. And thoughtful of a future state, calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that God hath appointed a time for all men once to die, and considering this to be the most suitable time to Settle my affairs in this life, do therefore make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and from following that is to say, I recommend my soul to God who gave it to me, hoping that through the mediation of Jesus Christ I shall thereby enjoy Eternal felicity and happiness. And my Body, I recommend to the Earth from whence it came, to be Buried in a Decent and Christian like manner, at the Discretion of my Executors hereinafter named. Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God.

 And as to what worldly Estate I now possess, which God hath been pleased to Bless me with in this life, I give and bequeath in manner and form following that is to say,

 In the first place it is my Will and desire that all my Just and lawful debts be paid out of the principal part of my Estate, and the remainder is to be disposed of as follows, to- wit:

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Michael Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money to him and his Heirs forever,

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son John Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money to him and his Heirs forever,

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son William Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money to him and his Heirs forever,

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Robert Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money to him and his heirs forever,

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Joseph Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money to him and his Heirs forever,

 Item, I give and bequeath to my Son Alexander Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money to him and his Heirs forever, one Negro Girl named Lucy, with all her future increase to him and his Heirs forever.

 Item, I give and bequeath to my Son Edward Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money and one Negro Girl named Dinah, with all her future increase, to him and his Heirs forever.

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Son James Dickson, twenty Shillings Proclamation money and one Young Negro boy named Sam and my Land and Plantation whereon I now live, together with all the Lands, houses, Buildings, Improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereon or thereunto in any wise belonging or appertaining to him my said son James Dickson and his Heirs forever.

 Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter, Mary McGowan, Twenty pounds Proclamation money and one Young Negro Wench named Rose which is now living with her in her own possession with all her future increase to her and her Heirs forever.

 All the Residue and Remainder of my Estate both real and Personal including all my other Negroes, herein not before named and bequeathed and all my Stock of every kind, Household furniture etc., it is my Will and desire it may be Sold by my Executors herein after named, for the best prices that may be had, and the money arising from such Sales to be Equally divided, amongst my said Sons and Daughter, to-wit Michael Dickson, John Dickson, William Dickson, Robert Dickson, Joseph Dickson, Alexander Dickson, Edward Dickson, James Dickson, and Mary McGowan, to them and their Heirs forever.

 And lastly I do hereby Nominate, Constitute and appoint my trusty and well beloved Sons William Dickson and Robert Dickson to be my whole and Sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament hereby Revoking and utterly disannulling and disallowing all and every other Will or Wills, Testament or Testaments, by me heretofore made, or intended to be made, hereby declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.

 Signed, sealed, acknowledged

 Published and declared the day and


 date first above written, in the

 presence of

True copy certified by
James Sampson C. C.

 John Wright

 William Dickson

 Mary Dickson



 I do hereby certify that the within is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of John Dickson dec’d compared with the Copy thereof which I as Executor formerly obtained from James Sampson then Clerk of the said County Court of Duplin.

 And again compared with the original Will Recorded and filed in the Clerk’s office of said County Court of Duplin.


W. Dickson, C. C.

 This is the last Will and Testament of John Dickson Born: 1704 --Died December 25, 1774

 Transcribed on April 8, 2006 by Elizabeth Dickson Golbach, from the 1933 Revised Edition of THE DICKSON LETTERS , compiled and edited by James Ozborn Carr, Esq. of the Wilmington North Carolina Bar (Formerly Duplin County)

This will is not to be copied and posted on any other site!

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