Will of Hugh Grimes In the name of God amen the second of April ano Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty. I HUGH GRIMES being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remembrance the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call do make constitute ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following and annulling by these presents all and every testament and testaments will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or writing and this is to be taken only for my last will and testament and none other and first being penitent and sorry from the bottomness of my heart for my sins past most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my soul unto almight God my savior and redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe already to be saved and to have full remission and forgiveness of all my sins and that my soul with my body at the general day of Resurrection shall rise again with Joy and through the merits of Christ death and passion possess and inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his Elect and chosen, and my body to be buried in such a place as shall please my Executors hereafter named to appoint and now for the settling of my temporal estate and such goods chattels and debts as it hath pleased God for above my deserts to bestow upon me I desire to give and dispose of the same manner and from following that is to say. First of all, I will that all those debts and dues as I owe in Right or conscience to my manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be will and truly counted & paid or ordered to be pain within convenient time after my desires by my Executors hereafter named. I give to my grandson JESSE GRIMES one feather bed and furniture, and the rest of my estate which I now possess I do bind to my beloved wife her lifetime and at her decease to be equally divided amongst my children and I leave my son JOSEPH GRIMES and son J__ GRIMES, executors to this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this day and date above mentioned. In presence of us, JOHN WHITEHEAD, JOHN SILVERY (sic) SULLIVAN, BURWELL WHITEHEAD. State of North Carolina January Court, 1781 Duplin County Then was the within will proved in open court by the oath of JOHN SULLIVAN and BURWELL WHITEHEAD, two of the subscribing evidences thereto and at the same time SAMPSON GRIMES one of the Executors thereto come before the court and qualified by taking the oath of an Executor agreeable to law. Ordered that letters issued accordingly. WILLIAM DICKSON, CC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Source: Abstract DUPLIN CO., WILLS (PAGE 62 #203) GRIMES,HUGH (CR.035.801. 5/a-158) 2 Apr 1780 -- Jan Court 1781 grandson Jesse 1 fether bed & firneytuer; wife (not named) Rest of my Estate which i now presess for her lifetime and at her deceas to be equaley divid amongst my Children (not named). extrs; sons Joseph & Samson wit: John Whitehead, John Suliven, Burwell (his X) Whitehead signed: HUGH GRIMES
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