Will of Davis Strickland
Transcribed by Donna Sherron
Davis Strickland – son of Samuel and Mary Strickland October 21, 1806 Prob. November 1806 Nancy (wife) all land during internal life or widowhood. Benjamin (son) all land across Bay Branch, after death of wife. David (son) all lands this side of Bay Branch, after death of wife. Abba Strickland (dau.) Bed and Furniture Furniture not to be moved Anny Strickland (dau.)Bed and Furniture moved in less than 8 Sally Strickland (dau.)Bed and furniture years unless they marry Remaining property, real personal, to wife Nancy and after her death be sold and money divided equally between last 5 children, to wilt: Moses, Polly, Leve, Nansey and Disrey. Exe: (none named – Court Menities November 25, 1806- Administration of Estate with wills annexed, granted to John Williams. Wet: William Ingram, Uriah Strickland. David (o) Strickland. (MY NOTES TO WILL) David Davis Nancy md (2) Osburn Howell she sold land 1833 with son Davis Benjamin Jr. md Elizabeth Toler David son Abba dau Anny dau Sally dau Moses son Polly dau Leve son Winifred Braddy 3-27-1824 JoCo? Nansey dau Jeremiah Parnell July 22, 1724? Disrey dau Robert Braddy December 27, 1824 JoCo?
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