Will of Bryant Kennedy

Contributed by: Lillian Houston

  State of North Carolina Duplin County IN THE MATTER OF THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF BRYANT KENNEDY BEFORE R. C. BROADHURST, CL. OF COURT John R. Miller, Sr. being duty sworn doth say: that Bryant Kennedy late of said County is dead, having first made and published his Last will and Testament and that John R. Miller, Sr. is the Executor named wherein further that the property of said Bryant Kennedy consisting or real estate open and in all property is a mouth about $300.00 so far as be as curtained at the date of this application and that E. J. Kennedy widow of said died. Martha Bishop, wife of J. T. Bishop, Mary Lanier, wife of Wright Lanier, Margaret Jackson, wife of Curtis Jackson, Julia Jackson, wife of John H. Jackson, Susan E. Kennedy wife of Brantly Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, Priscella Kennedy, wife Jepri Kennedy, all of full age except Caroline Kennedy and all are residents of Duplin County except Margaret Jackson who is a resident of Onslow County are the parties entitled under said right to the property. John A. Miller, Sr. Sworn to and Subscribe before me The 14th day of Feb. 1888 R. C. Broadhurst Clerk of Court IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN I, Bryant Kennedy of the county of Duplin in the state of North Caroline, being of said mind and memory precluding the uncertainly of this frail and transitory life do therefore make ordain, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament: this is to say first, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged and my funeral expense paid the residue of my estate real of removal, I give bequeath and disposed of as follow to wit: Item 1st the lands that I own in Limestone Swamp is to sold in three lots, in twelve months, after my decease on a condition of six months and to be secured by mortgage—the proceeds of such sale is to equally divide between my wife, E. J. Kennedy and my daughters Martha Bishop, Mary Lanier, Margaret Jackson, Julia Jackson, Susan E. Kennedy, and Emily Caroline Kennedy, except eight dollars to be deducted from Susan E. Kennedy share, and ten dollars from Margaret Jackson, share they having been advanced the above amounts. Item 2nd I do hereby requested all the balance of my lands that has not been otherwise conveyed to my wife E. J. Kennedy and to my daughters, Martha Bishop, Mary Lanier, Margaret Jackson, Julia Jackson, Susan E. Kennedy, and Emily Caroline Kennedy, it is my will that the above lands shall be sold for cash on their twelve months after my decease and the proceeds of such sale is to be equally divided among the parties named above. Item 3rd I give and bequeath to my daughter Priscella Kennedy five dollars. Item 4th I give and bequeath to my daughter Emily Carolina Kennedy one large green chest, and the kitchen I now use as a cook house as long as she remains unmarried Item 5th To my beloved wife Emily J. Kennedy I give and bequeath all my personal property that I may die seized and possessed of to use and make such depositions of as she wishes. Likewise I make constitute and appoint my trusted friend and neighbor John A. Miller, Sr. to be Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hence unto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, this 17th day of October AD 1887 Bryan (X) Kennedy (seal) This above written instrument was subscribe by the said Bryan Kennedy in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us at the same time published, and declare the above in much so subscribed to be LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT and at the testator request and in his presence have signed our name as witness hereto and written opposite our name of respectable place of endure. WITNESS: Wm. Laudlin, John W. Grisham, Limestone Duplin County, N. C. PROBATE OF WILL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINE--------------IN SUPERIOR COURT DUPLIN COUNTY A paper writing profiting to be the LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF Bryan Kennedy died is exhibited before me the undersigned clerk of Superior Court for said County by John R. Miller, Sr. the Executor therein MENTIONED AND THE DUE EXECUTOR THEREOF BY THE SAID Bryan Kennedy is proved by the oath and examination of William Landlin and John w. Grisham the subscribing witness to the paper writing shown them profiting to be the LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF BRYAN KENNEDY, THAT THE SAID Bryan Kennedy in the presence of this deponent subscribing his name at the of said paper wiling and him as a aforesaid and which bears date of the 17th day of October 1887, and the deponent for this act, that the said Bryan Kennedy the testator afore said did at the time of subscribing his name as a inward declare the said paper wiling so subscribed by him and exhibited to be his LAST WILL AND TEATAMET and this deponent did thereupon subscribe his name at the end of said paper wiling as an attending witness thinks and at the request and in the presence of said testator and in the presence of each other. And this dependent further with that at the said time when the testator subscribed his name to the paper wiling as a forward and at the time of deponent subscribing his name as are attesting witness then do as a foreword the said Bryan Kennedy was of sound mind and memory full age to execute a will and was not under any restraint to the knowledge information or belief of this opponents and further these opponents say not. It is therefore considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper wiling and every part therefore is the LAST WILL AND TEATAMENT of the said Bryan Kennedy died and the same is ordered to be recorded and filed, and thereupon the said John R. Miller, Sr. Executor as a fine and duly qualities as such by taking and submitting the oath persecuted by law R. C. Broadhurst Mc Court Re. Will and testament Book 4 Page 76 Clerk of court

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