The Will of Alexander Dickson
June 19th 1813
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I, Alexander Dickson, of the County of Duplin, being infirm in Body, but sound and perfect memory, blessed be God, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, IMPRIMIS. My will is, and so I direct, that all my just debts and personal expenses be first paid out of my estate by my Executors hereinafter named. It is my Will and desire that all my Lands be sold at Public Auction by my Executors, for the highest price that may be got, in the following manner, that is to say, the Manor Plantation containing 300 acres bought of Joseph Dickson deceased, that 213 acres adjoining the same bought of Austin Beasley, and 4 ½ acres adjoining that, where the dead tree is, bought of Thomas McGee and 86 acres between his own and Joseph Brays lines, bought of said Bray, containing in the whole 716 ¼ acres, which said parcels of land, as above described, is to be sold all in one lot, also 150 acres on the West side of Maxwell Swamp on the head of Jimmie’s Branch bought of Abner Huggins, that is to be sold in one lot. Also 50 acres on the South side of the head of Green Branch, bought of Robert Dickson, deceased. Also 50 acres adjoining the same, at the East end and joining John McGowan’s line, Patented by myself, the two above mentioned pieces to be sold in one lot. Also 300 acres, or thereabouts, below the cross roads and on both sides of the main road, adjoining and between Gabriel H. James, Robert Dickson, and John Hunter’s lines to be sold in one lot, Patented by myself.
Item I leave and bequeath to my nephew John Dickson (son of my Brother Robert Dickson, of Cumberland County, Blockers Ferry) my young Negro Winch named Amy and her increase to hem and his heirs forever.
Item I leave and bequeath to my Nephew, Jones Dickson five hundred Dollars to be paid in Notes, if so much in possession at the time of my death, if not, to be raised out of the sales of my estate and paid to him by my executors.
The residue of my negroes is to be sold in the following manner, that is to say, Old Lucy and her Daughter Lucy and her son Frank and her increase hereafter to be sold in one lot, and not separated. Also Kitt and the three youngest children that she may have at the time of my decease to be sold in one lot, and not separated.. Old Tarisman is to be well treated by my Executors and not let him want for anything. The Negroes not herein names are to be sold separate to the highest bidder. The remaining part of my estate, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, Household and Kitchen furniture and Plantation tools of every description. And Kinds of Crop and Produce are to be sold in the same way as my other property. The money arising from the said sales are to be collected by my executors when due as soon as may be.. Should there be any money, Bonds, or Notes, or accounts on hand at the time of my decease, my Executors are to account for them and after paying out all expenditures that may have accrued heretofore or may hereafter accrue, the net proceeds are then to be kept and put by my executors to the use of a Free School or Schools for the Benefit of the Poor of Duplin County.
Lastly, I hereby nominate and appoint my Nephew, John Dickson, son of my Brother Robert Dickson deceased, living at Blockers Ferry, Cumberland County, and also my Nephew, Joseph, of Duplin County, son of William McGowan, deceased, my whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Alexander Dickson, have hereunto set his hand and seal this nineteenth day of June Eighteen hundred and thirteen.
Signed, sealed and delivered by
the Testator to be his last Will
and Testament, who hath in our pre-
sence signed the same and we at his
request have signed the same as wit-
nesses thereto.
Stephen Graham
William Mallard
State of North Carolina, July term of the County Court of
Duplin County Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said
County of Duplin
The within Will was exhibited into Court and after being duly debated and discussed was admitted to probate and Record. And was duly proved in open Court by the oaths of Stephen Graham and William Mallard and subscribing witnesses thereto.
And at the same time John Dickson and Joseph McGowan the Executors named in the said Will came before the Court and Qualified as Executors thereto according to law.
Ordered that letters issue accordingly
Across the back of said Will is the following endorsement:
Alexander Dickson’s Will
Proved and Recorded
July Term, 1814
I, Herbert Smith, Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the last Will and testament of Alexander Dickson, Deceased, with the endorsements thereon which is on file in my office. Witness my hand and seal, this 12th day of May, 1902.
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