This information is contributed by Dorothy White WILLIAMS, Joseph Jr, Private/Ensign/Lieutenant, N.C. Malitia Soldier was born Dec. 20, 1760 to Joseph Sr. and Mary Hicks Williams. On 16 Jan 1833 in Telfair County, Ga., personally appeared Joseph Williams, now 73 years old, and under oath says that he was in school until 1779 when his brother Aaron came and got him to join his militia company, that he entered military service in Duplin County in March 1779, that he was promoted to the rank of ensign at the last of March 1781, that his company was commanded by Aaron Williams his brother of Duplin County, that he was attached to the regiment under Col. James Kenan and Major Gillespie (a man who died after the War in Washington DC as a member of Congress), that most of his fighting was in the Pee Dee River section against the Tories who called themselves "true men", that his principal fight was one at the Big Bridge 10 miles above Wilmington, that his principal officers were Gens. Ashe, Lillington and Kenan, that the continental officers he remembers were Majors Dougherty and Rhoads, that his company was commanded at first by Capt. Owen Kenan under Majors Gillespie and Molton, that at one time they were stationed a few weeks at Major John Treadwell's in the fork of the Coharie Rivers (now in Sampson) where they received an express from Col. Thomas Bloodworth ordering them elsewhere, that his company and one under Tory officer Scarborough met at South River, that after fighting they had found the Tories too much for them, that they had agreed to capitulate and were to meet at a Widow DeVane's on Black River for terms, that they decided not to capitulate so hid themselves and waited in ambush for the Tories to return, that when Scarborough's Company came they jumped them and captured all 11 without firing a gun, that they guarded the prisoners from Capt. Merritt's in now Sampson County to the Duplin Headquarters Bull Pen (Gaol) from where they were to be marched on to Edenton, that 10 of the men decided to swear allegiance to the American Government except for Scarborough, that the converted Tories were placed in an American Company, that he (Joseph Williams) then went with Major Molton to the Neuse River and on as far as Newbern at the Trent River, then to Limestone Creek, then to Long Creek and there they had an engagement against McLeod's Corps of Tories, that his company was not engaged in this fight as they had been sent by Col. Caswell to a bridge one mile higher up the creek, that after persuing the Tories for some time they joined the forces under Gen. John Ashe. That they were then sent to Newbern with 5 wagons to fetch the magazines (large ammunition supplies) to the Long (Big) Bridge 10 miles above Wilmington, that soon after they arrived the enemy came on and routed them with some losses, that perhaps 7 men were killed and some wounded, that Gen. Kenan made a stand 50 miles higher up the river, that after collecting their men they marched on and entrenched at Rockfish Bridge, that while there they subsisted on pork and bread and some days with nothing but cowpeas boiled in bogpond water without salt, that these poor rations caused about 20 men to desert in one night, that the Tories came at them and they (Americans) were routed again with a loss of two men and one of the enemy shot dead, that as well as he can remember all this took place in March 1781, and that he received his discharge from Gen. Kenan in May 1781. That he knows of no one who can verify his claim except Stephen Bowen and John Goff, pensioners who served with him. As witnesses of his veracity and character he referred the court to William Parker, Noah Paramour, John Williams, Edward Burke, Jeremiah Wells and Stephen Bowen. He stated that he was born 20 Dec 1759 in Duplin County and his birth is recorded in his father's church bible, that he lived in Duplin County until 1823, and that he then moved to Telfair County, Ga. On 17 April 1835, before Lott Warren then sitting at Telfair County, Ga., Judge of Superior Court of the Southern Circuit, appeared John Goff of the County of Lowndes, Ga., who declared that in March 1779 he entered the service of the U.S. as a volunteer in a company commanded by Capt. Aaron Williams and attached to the Regiment commanded by Gen. James Kenan. Goff served as sergeant and then as ensign. When promoted, Joseph Williams was then acting in the capacity of ensign of his company and was promoted later to 1st Lieutenant and served two more years. On 7 Jan 1833, before Telfair County Clerk of Court Lucien Church, appeared Stephen Bowen who declared under oath that he was a regular soldier of the U.S. in the War, that he is now a pensioner and when in service was well acquainted with Joseph Williams, Ensign and 2nd Lieut. in Aaron William's Militia Company, that they saw and conversed with each other in 1780 and 1781, and that after the resignation of Lt. Clifton Bowen (father of the depondent) the said Joseph Williams seceded to the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Joseph Williams was granted a pension 21 March 1834. It was for $318.33 per annum. However, it was called into question, the proofs found insufficient and it was discontinued 4 March 1845. Thereupon, additional proofs were found and the pension was reinstated. On 20 Dec 1845, at age 86, he stated that he was the son of Joseph Williams Sr who was sheriff of Duplin County from 1754 to 1758 and that he was the 2nd son in his father's family who lived to be grown. The others were Aaron, (himself), David and Byrd Williams. |