Brittain Powell

This information is contributed by Bobby Joel Johnson

This is what I have for Revolutionary War information on my GGG GF Brittain
(Britain, Briton, Britons, Britton) Powell, c 1740-1838.  
This information is actually about his and his wife Mary (maiden name unknown)  application
for Revolutionary War pension, but also contains a lode of information about other people.

Powell, Brittain (Briton Powells)
(Mary) W4768 N C service and Agcy; Cert. 81890 for $50 issued 12 Oct 1841.
Act 7 June 1832; also Cert. 7616 issued 13 Mar. 1846, Act 4 Mar. 1843
Briton Powel, Duplin Co., N. C., app'd 28 Nov. 1832, aged about 92 yrs.;
enlisted In Rev. War under Col. James Kenon, Maj. John Moulton, Capt. Shadrack
Stallings, Lt. Elijah Bowen, Ens. Clifton Bowen, in Spring,  1777/78 as Light Horseman;
rendezvoused at Duplin, Court House, now Duplin Old Court House and served about 2 yrs.; 
then hired Louis Peneat to substitute for him because of illness of wife; volunteered 1779
under Capt. Frederick Wells;  in 1780/1781 under Capt. Aaron Williams, Capt.H. Holmes; 
Gens. Rutherford and Butler; Took 7 tories prisoner at home of Mrs. Mary Devane on Black 
River, New Hanover Co., N. C. (detailed service in 9 pages Affidavit size);  he joined Col. 
Hawkins' Army at Maj. Richard Clinton's (now Sampson Court House) and pursued Tories; 
in Minute Service; no major battles; pursued Tories up and down North East River;  mentioned 
Lt. Joseph Williams and Capt. John Goff; heard of capt. of Lord Cornwallis and joined Col.
William Washington's Regt. Of Continental Line; Marched to S. C.
Briton Powel deposed he was born in Virginia, About 1740, did not recollect county;
no record but recalls what older brother told him;  lived in Duplin Co., N. C. when called into 
service, and after the Rev. War, still lived there.
Stephen Williams, Alfred Ward, Wm. Rivenback, J. P., test in applicant's behalf.
George W. Hufham, clergyman, deposed he Was acquainted with applicant who was about
90 yr. of age.
William Bland, Duplin Co., N. C. deposed he was acquainted with Briton Powel.
Briton Powel, Duplin Co., N. C., 20 June 1834, 93 yrs., submitted an 8-page supplimental  
affidavit giving same information as before;  also amended affidavit on 28 Jan. 1835, 92 yrs.
Stephen Williams, Duplin Co., N. C., 28 Jan. 1835, 71 yrs. deposed following deposition 
on behalf of Britton Powell as to his Rev. War service, 21 July 1835 (all of Duplin Co., N. C.):
William Bland, H. Newkirk, Alfred Wavel, J. P., George W. Hufhans and J. N. Williams.
Mary Powell, Duplin Co., N. C. 3 July 1841, 81 yrs.,  wid. of Brittain Powel,  alias Britton Powell, 
applied for a pension on account of decd.  husbands Rev. War service, she married him 
10 May 1784 (maiden name not given);  rec. of children's ages in her possession and husbands 
for 50 odd yr. and in writing of Morris Fennell a neighbor; Bible bought soon after their marriage
by her husband; she was still a widow.  The Bible was translated from the Original Greek -- 
onehalf page torn, 3 by 3 inches, bore the following records:
Elijah Powel, the s. of Brittain Powell  and Mary Powell, b. 4 Oct. 1786;
Milly Powel, b. 29 Jan. 1788   Brittain Devan Powel, s. of Elisha and Mary Powel, 
b. 19 Oct. 1810         Polly Powel, b. 15 nov. -(Rest of page missing.)
Mary Powell dep. 27 Sept. 1841 that her husband Brittain Powell died about 12 Oct. 1838 
in Duplin Co., N. C.
Mary Bland, Duplin, N. C. 21 Sept. 1841, 73 yrs., dep. she saw Brittain Powell going to 
New Hanover Co., N. C. to be married by magistrate as he was more convenient in that county 
than Duplin, where Mrs. Powell lived, being near the dividing line of the county.
Mary Powell, Rockfish District, Duplin Co., N. C. 21 Sept., 1844, age 85 yrs, stated she was 
m. 10 May, 1786, or about, year before or after, in New Hanover Co., N. C. bt Thomas Devane, 
Esq.; Brittain Powell d. 13 Oct. 1838.
William Bland, Duplin Co., N. C. 21 Sept. 1844, 73 yrs. on 23 Feb. "last", dep. he was not at 
marriage in Spring 1786 but saw guests going to wedding and was at the Infair; acq. ever since 
with Mary and Brittain Powell; after his death Mary Powell lived in family of William Bland for 
4/5 years.
James Blanton, Sampson Co., N. C. 20 Sept. 1844, age 82 yrs. on 15 Mar. "last", dep. he was 
at "infair" day after the wedding, Summer 1786.
Daniel Alderman,  New Hanover Co., N. C. 20 Dec. 1845, age 71 yrs. "last Mar.," dep. was well 
acq. with Mary and Britton Powell and at "their Infair" when he was 12/14 yrs. old; acq. with 
sons: Elisha, Isaac, and Jacob Powell;  he (Daniel Alderman) was about 15 yrs. older than 
Elisha Powell the eldest son.
James Stringfield, Sampson Co, N. C., 17 July 1845, resident of New Hanover Co., N. C. aged 
65 yrs. on 20 Dec. "last," dep. he was a small boy under 10 yrs. and was present in 1787 or 
thereabouts at assemblage of persons at res. of Briton Powell, decd., of Duplin Co., and 
recollected it was occasion of his mar. with Mary, his wid.; did not see tham m. and thought it 
was the "infare" as it was "usually called in this section."
James Lee, New Hanover, N. C. 19 Dec. 1845, "62 yrs. 14 Feb. last," was acq with
Briton and Mary Powel from boyhood; acq. with their ch.: Elisha, Isaac, Jacob, Milly and 
Molcey or Mary; he "is about 5 years older than Elisha Powell, eldest son"; raised in about 
2 ½ miles from Briton Powel's.
Isaac Newton, New Hanover Co., N. C., 20 Dec. 1845, 59 yrs. old "last Aug." (b. Aug. 30, 1786) 
gave added information that Milly Powell married Joel Johnson and Molsey  (or Mary) married 
James Bland; was raised near where children of Mary and Briton Powel were raised.

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