William Shoalar Sr. Petition ~ 1779
Source: General Assembly Session Records, October - November 1779,
Petitions Addressed to Governor & Council Folder
To his Excellency Richard Caswell Esquire Captain General Governor and
Commander in Cheif in and over the State of North Carolina the Petition
of William Shoaler of Duplin County in the State aforesaid, Father of
William Shoaler Jun'r
Humbly Shewith
That the aforesaid Willaim Shoalar jun'r being one of the late Baloted
Soldiers for this County, did March with Others agreeable to your
Excellencys Proclamation & joined the troops under the Command of General
Lincoln when he Served the time Out Baloted for Agreeable to Law - with
those that Marched with him who were discharged and is Returned Notwithstanding
your Petitioners Son is Still retained and undyly returned over into the
Regular Service as your petitioner understands by the Means of a Certain
Cap't Dan'l Williams of Duplin County Contrary to Law and the Justice of
the State - Your petitioner further Represents that his Said Son has
faithfully Served the public as a Volanteer heretofore and has now again
discharged his Duty - Your Petitioner therefore humbly entreats your
Excellency in Council to take into Consideration the Premise & procure
your Petitioner some Relief in the Procuring my Sons Liberty & your
Petitioner as in Duty Bound will ever Pray &ca
Wm Sholer
Duplin County
State of N'o Carol'a September 14th 1779
We the underwritten -
Subscribers do Represent unto your Excellency that to our Certain Knowledge
do sett forth the truth of the forgoing petition of William Shoaler Sen'r
so far as his son Served heretofore faithfully & did March & join'd the
Company in this County sometime before they Marched & then Proceeded with
the Company to the Southern States where he has Remained ever Since -
Ja's Lockhart
Isom Sheffild } Cap'tn of the Company out of which Said Shoaler was Baloted
Wm Johnson
James Picket
William Pickett
William Pickett Juner
William Burtin
No 12 Pet'o in behalf of Wm Shoaler j'r
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