Spencer Dew Hanging ~ 1773
The Cape Fear Mercury
Wednesday, September 22, 1773, Numb. 190.
The Confession of Spencer DEW, lately Executed at Duplin, taken by Felix
KENAN, Esq.; Sheriff of said County, and signed by the said Spencer DEW,
at the Gallows, in presence of a large concourse of people. It is published
at the request of Mr. KENAN from the original now in his hands.
I am about thirty-eight years of age, I was born in North-Hampton County in
this Province of honest Parents. I was first induced to Steal Cattle and
Horses by George DUKES then joined in partnership with Tom and Michael ROGERS,
and we Stole six Horses, and Passed? To the amount of One Thousand Pounds
Conterfeit Money, but the greatest part thereof was Virginia Currency, which
the said Tom and Michael made themselves.
In the Year 1771, I joined in partnership with Ephraim and George LANE; and
George LANE and myself Stole two Horses and a Mare, and Ephraim LANE bore our
expences whilst we were in search of the said Horses, and he drew one third of
the money we got for them. Then Ephraim LANE and myself Stole eight head of
fat Hogs, and he said he had taken more before, and that they were the property
of John TURNER. After this, Thomas HUNTER and myself broke open a House of
Joseph PRICE on Roanok River, and took a finall? Trunk with some money in it,
and a large Shot Gun.
In the Year 1772, I joined with William and Pearson LANE, and we Stole six
Horses and two Mares; we also unlatched the Door of Sarah HUNTER, went into the
House, and lighted a candle, took a Key out of a Boy's pocket, unlocked the
Store door, and went in, and took about Four Pounds in Proclamation Money, and
about Fifty Pounds in Goods.
I was also in partnership with Thomas ORMOND, and we Stole three Horses and a
Mare, and about seventeen or eighteen Pounds Virginia Money from John HILL in
Craven County, in South Carolina. Then with Ludowick OUTLAW we passed about
Four Hundred Pounds Conterfeit Proclamation Money that one Captain JOHNSTON
made; he lives on Thomsons Creek in South Carolina; afterwards ORMOND, Joseph
CLARK, William JOHNSTON and myself, broke open the Store of Thomas COLLINS on
Broad River; and Stole about One Hundred and Fifty Pounds Virginia Money, and
Twenty Pair Of Blankets.
Then with Drury GOODWIN, and Samuel LANE, we passed about Three Hundred Pounds
Conterfeit Gold, Silver, and Virginia Money, John Nicholas SMITH and myself Stole
from John MCINTOSH, a Horse and a Mare, and about Forty Shillings Cash; and from
William WHITE in South Carolina about Thirteen Pounds Virginia Money.
About the first of March last we were all apprehended in Hillsborough, and Samuel
LANE made his escape; but having had notice given us, we hid our Counterfeit Money
under the head of a bed, and when we were searched, finding none about us, we were
I was in combination with J---s D-V-S, P-t-r in NewBern, and received him Three
Hundred Pounds Proc. Which I saw him make to Pass, and I was to give him one half
of what I got for it; and in 1773, he also gave me Eight Hundred Pounds ore of his
own make on the same terms, which I left in the possession of William MARSAULT?, I
have seen Ja-s C---R, receive from said D-V-S, a 1/2? The full amount of Two
Thousand Pounds Conterfeit, to Pass, and I verily do believe that John & George
KENNEDY, are in Confederacy with said DAVIS.
William MARSAULT and myself Stole from Joseph HOLT, nine barrels of Pitch; three
barrels of Tar from Mr. CORNELL, and two barrels from Mrs. SMITH. In January or
February, 1772; Robert MCLEAN and myself Stole from Mr. CORNELL, two barrels of
Pork out of a Boat that came down Neuse River, and attempted to Steal another, but
were discovered, I knocked down a man, and we both made our escape. About a Month
ago William STRINGER got from J---S D-V-S (James DAVIS) One Hundred and Fifty
Pounds Conterfeit to Pass on the same terms that I had mine.
Since I broke custody after my Condemnation, I broke open Thomas SMITH'S House, on
Neuse River in Dobbs County, and stole a Surtout? Coat, a Beaver Hat, a pair of
Leather B----, ------ Jacket, a pair of thread Stockings, a Knife, ----------
Chissel, --- --- Powder, ------- ---- Meat and Shoulder of Pork.
William MARSAULT and myself Stole from Samuel PARSONS, thirty eight pound of Bacon;
and from Samuel CORNELL, two barrels of Corn. We made an attempt to break open
John GREEN'S Store, but were prevented by feirce door?
It has been maliciously reported, and industriously spread about that Felix KENAN,
Esq. High Sheriff of Duplin County received a Bribe from me, when I was left in
his Custody, to favour my Escape.
I now Declare before GOD and the WORLD, as I hope for SALVATION, that neither he
the said Felix KENAN, nor any other Person, ever received any Bribe or Reward
from me for that Purpose; nor was the said Felix KENAN privy to the means byt
which I made my Escape.
Signed: Spencer (X) DEW
Spencer DEW was Condemned last June, and Executed the sd. Of August following.
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