This information is contributed by Carolyn Shank Source: Duplin County Court Minutes Written: January 21, 1788 Recorded: January 21, 1788 21 January, 1788 SARAH WILLIAMS, wife of BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, rendered a verdict of a Jury concerning some property which she claims and prayed the same to be recorded; Granted and is one words following: State of North Carolina, Duplin County, June 2, 1787: We the Subscribers being summoned to try the property of a certain Gray Mare now under execution by WILLIAM MCGEE, Constable, do say upon our oaths that from the Testimony delivered to us on the Tryal, do give it as our opinion that this mare is the property of the children of children of SARAH WILLIAMS, that are of the name of HANCOCK by her first husband; it appearing on oath before us the said Jury that all the property of SARAH HANCOCK, before her marriage with BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, was lawfully made over to her Children of which we consider the aforesaid mare to be a part thereof. Given under our hands and seales the place and date as above set forth: JAMES MCINTIRE, NICHOLAS HUNTER, WILLIAM CARR, JAMES MIDLETON, JAMES DICKSON, DAVID SLOAN, JOSEPH MALLARD, LEWIS BROCK, SOLOMON BEESLEY, ROBERT MILLER, JOHN COS, JAMES EVENS. |