Redrawing of Wayne & Duplin Co. Lines ~ 1826
Legislative/General Assembly Papers
Session from Dec 1826 to Feb 1827
Box 5
Archives, Raleigh, NC
Most of the pages that go into this file are dated. Some are
not, so the sequence of this listing may not be the exact time
The Lines Between Wayne and Duplin Counties
Run by Britton Hood Nov 2nd day 1825
To the People of Wayne/Duplin Counties
We hereby give you notice that a Petition will be presented to the
next General Assembly praying them to Establish a Boundary line
between Duplin & Wayne Counties
In behalf of the Petitioners
John F Bryan
John Roberts
Willis Hines
Henry Sherrard
Sept 1st 1826
To the Honble General Assembly of the state of North Carolina
We the undersigned named as commissioners in the act of
Assembly of 1824 to run and mark the dividing line between Wayne &
Duplin Counties as now established by law, Report to your Honble Body
that we can find no law restricting the boundaries between the said
11th Sept 1826 E Slocumb
John Watkins
Stephen Smith
J J Bryan
Petition from Duplin County
To the Honble The General Assembly of North Carolina
The Memorial of the undersigned Citizens of the County of Duplin
humbly sheweth to your Honorable body that in 1824 an act was passed
appointing Commissioners to run and mark the division line between the
Counties of Wayne & Duplin as then Established by law. That the
Commissioners met & after looking into all the old laws ever passd upon
the subject, have not been able to find any law pointing out or so
demarking the line as to enable them to perform the duty assigned them.
Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will be pleased to take
the subject into Consideration & pass a law establishing a division
line betweeen the two Counties of Wayne & Duplin as follows,- Beginning
at a Pine stump on a Ditch near John Elliot's house the corner of Sampson,
Wayne & Duplin Counties running from thence South 300 poles thence South
80 E 54 W to Thunder Swamp ___ head thereof thence a direct line to the
North East river at the mouth of Calf Pasture branch, then down the
various courses of the North East to the mouth of Sandy run, thence a
direct line to a pine near Joel Hines' well known as the Corner of Wayne
Duplin & Lenoir Counties. That in Soliciting this to be Established as the
Division line your Petitioners are influenced by the very natural desire
of having their public duties to perform in the County where it can be
done with the least inconvenience, trouble & Expense to themselves.
Many of us reside nearer the Court House of Wayne than that of Duplin &
the whole of us fully as near - our trading is done allmost exclusively at
Newbern or at other town or stores on the Neuse. The whole of us reside
at such a distance from both Waynesboro & Kenansville, as to put-it-out
of our power while attending Court as Witnesses or Jurors to return to
our families at nights, in such cases we should be much more certain of
Meeting with Comfortable Accommodations at Wayensborough than at
Your Petitioners therefore pray that you will be pleased to pass a
law establishing the dividing line between the Counties as herein
before set forth & as in duty bound they will ever pray
14th Oct 1826
J N Bryan
John Beerd__
Charles A Hines
Yamuel J Williams
H B Shenoll?
M C Williams
B Kornegay
L Hines
John Roberts
Samuel Bowden
Wright Smith
Willis Hines
William Underhill
M Whitfield
John Cassey
Is hereby given that an application will be made to the General
Assembly of North Carolina at this next ___ meeting, for establishing
a division line between the Counties of Duplin & Wayne Counties
which will attach a small part of which has heretofore been
considered Duplin County to the County of Wayne (on the north side
of the North East from the moth of Calf Pastur branch down to the
mouth of Landy Run) to the County of Wayne
15th Oct 1826 J J Bryan
Willis Hines
John Roberts
Henry Sherrard
Duplin County Court
Before me Bryan Kornegay esquire one of the Justices of sd County
John F Bryan an maketh Oath that he put refr (referenced) on one of
the Pillars of the Court House of Duplin County at the time of the
Session of the Superior Court fall term 1826 a copy of the within
2nd Dec 1826 J A Bryan
test B Kornegay
Duplin County Viz
Before me Bryan Kornegay Esq one of the Justices of said County
Charles A Hines who maketh oath that he set up at the Public Court
House of Duplin County a copy of the within on the Tuesday after the
third Monday on October last while Court was in session
22nd Dec 1826 C A Hines
test B Kornegay Jr
15th Oct 1826
(Date of this is left off or may be referenced by one of these other
short paragraphs)
To the Honorable the General Assembly of North Carolina
The undersigned citizens
of the County of Duplin, have heard with no such suprise that an attempt
will be made by a number of the citizens of the County of Wayne and some
few citizens of the county of Duplin, to have run and marked the line
between the two Counties materially different from what it has been
supposed and recognised by the citizens of the respective Counties ever
since the original divisions of the Counties. It will be sufficient for
the present, to state, that the old line was marked by the water courses,
betwen the waters of Neuse River and the North East. To pursue the said
water courses, would make a very tortuous line. The undersigned however
feel no hesitation in saying that they would most cheerfully join the
Citizens of Wayne and such of the Citizens of Duplin, as live immediately
upon the margin of the two Counties, to petition the General Assembly for
an act to run and mark, the line in such a way as would not do unjustice
to the rights and claims of either of the Counties
It will be recollected that at the session of eightheen
hundred and twenty four, an act was passed appointing Commissioners to
run and mark the said line, according to the original division, of the
Counties. Your petioners have learned with some regret that more attention
has not been paid by the Commissioners, to ascertain the true line, of the
division between the said Counties. Your petioners scarcely think it
necessary to offer any arguments to prove that no line can be made which
will do justice to the interest of both Counties, except, that which would
regard the original lines and boundaries of the Counties aforesaid. Should
however the line be made to run, contrary to what has been so long
recognized by the Citizens of each County, to be the dividing line it
will take off from the County of Duplin, a considerable portion of its
revenue. The line as it is now known is nearly equidistant from the Court
House of each County. The few citizens of Duplin who may wish to have
themselves attached to Wayne consequently would have nearly the same
distance to travel to Court as they now have. They have never experienced
any inconvenience in attending our Courts on account of bad roads, deep
water, or indifferent accomation. But on the contrary, they have all the
advantages which high, dry roads, two ferries and good accomodation can
give. Your petioners therefore humbly beg that you will weigh well the
interest of our County before you make sacrifice of it, for the
advancment of another
J Swinson Jr D Glisson Senr
A Swinson H Kainegy
James Swinson Smith ___
J Gillespie George J Kodm
Abraham Taylor George F Korny
Wm Kornegay Thos Saely
David Kornegay Jonathan Taylor
Henry Swinson Lanie Outlaw
Alexr Leaton David Irons
Whitfield Grady Samuel Dickson
Fredk Grady CB John Chambers
Abraham Kornegay Solomon Jones
John Winders Ralph Jernigan
A Glison Bryan Branch
Calvin Davis Ivey Herring
John Matthews Wm Herring
Samuel Swinson Sampson Grimes
Isaac Kornegay Wm Creech
Levi Swinson Wm McGowen
Needham Johnson Jack Jones
John Gainey Bryan Branch (signed twice)
Everett Standby B Carroway
James Winders Ben C Wilkins
Bo Parker Jno Daniel
Tere Pearsall Charles Grimy
W Middleton Tho Kenan
Stn Williams D Jones
John Borcey Allen Morris
Elias Faison Edw Pearsal
James Lawson D L Kenan
Jno Wright Jr Giles T Loftin
Benj Oliver James T Rhodes
John Faison Thos Hill Jr
John B Wright John Miller
R Miller Wm Frederick Senr
John L Hill James Sullivan
William L Hill
W K Johnson
Theof Garfield
Taylor Rhodes
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