Source: Nc Archives & History
Written: 1775
(State Archives Box CR. 928.6)
John Shackleford to John Woodard
North Carolina - Duplin County
This bill bindeth me John Woodard of Duplin County in the province at Sd
planter. In the just sum of sixty six pound proc money to be paid unto John
Shackleford his executors administrators or assignes lator upon the twelfth
day of December with lawfull interest for the true payment whereof I bind my
self my heirs executors and administrators jointly and separately in the penal
sum of one hundred and thirty two pounds proc money and further I do hereby
impower Thomas Gray or any other attorney in any of his majesty court of
record to appear for me and after one Mr. Moore declaration filed for the
above penalty there upon to confer judgment as of any terms of time after said
time of with Stay of exaction until the said twelvth day of December and I do
hereby remife and releafe unto the said John Sahckleford all error and errors
that may happen in and about entering and obtaining the said Judgment. Witnefe
my hand and seal this twelfth day of December Anno Domini 1775
(signed) John Woodard
Sealed and delivered in the presence of (signed) William Shaw (his mark)
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