John Hay ~ 1782
Source: Colonial Records
Written: 1782
Acts of the North Carolina General Assembly, 1782
Volume 24, Pages 413 - 474
An Act to vest in John Hay the property of certain lands in Duplin county.
I. Whereas it was resolved by an assembly held at New Bern, in the month of
April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, that a law, vesting in John Hay,
his heirs and assigns, two thousand eighty three and one third acres, part of
a survey of land patented by the late Governor Dobbs, containing six thousand
acres, more or less, in Duplin county, and bounded to the southward and
eastward by the six runs, and Alexander Stewart's survey, &c., to the
northward and westward by John Sampson's and Smith's lands, should pass: To
carry which resolve into effect,
II. Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That William
Dixon, James Kenan and James Moore, be, and are hereby appointed
commissioners, who shall cause to be surveyed and laid off unto said John Hay,
in as small a number of surveys as is practicable, two thousand and eighty
three acres and one third of an acre of said land, in such manner as to them,
or any two of them, may appear just.
III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the surveyor
shall make two sets of plots of his surveys, one copy of which he is to
deliver to the said John Hay, and the other into the register's office of
Duplin county, there to be recorded by the proper officer, which record shall
be expressed to be made pursuant to this Act.
IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Sheriff and
commissioners of confiscated property for Duplin county, or either of them,
shall, and they are hereby directed to give to John Hay aforesaid, entry and
possession of all and every part of the aforesaid two thousand eighty three
and one third acres, to have and to hold the same by himself, his heirs and
assigns for ever, against all persons whatsoever claiming otherwise than under
Arthur Dobbs aforesaid
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