Jas Dickson Clk Bonds Deed 22 October 1839
Transcribed by Diane Siniard
Deed Book 12 Page 54, & 55
Jas Dickson Clk Bond
State of North Carolina Duplin County
Know all men by these presents that we James Dickson Jere Pearsall John Carr Benjamin
Oliver all of Duplin County are held and firmly Bound unto the State of North Carolina
in the just and full sum of ten Thousand dollars the payment of which well & truly to
be made and Done we bind our selves our heirs Executors & administrators jointly and
severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 22nd day of
October AD 1839
the condition of the above obligation is such that whareas the above bounden
James Dickson has been elected clerk of the court of pleas and Quarter Sessions for
Duplin County now if the said James Dickson shall well and truly and faithfully Keep
the papers record &c of said Court and shall in all times faithfully dischage the several
duties of the office of clerk of said Court as the Law directs during his contuance in
said office then the above obligation to be void otherwise to Remain in full force & virtue
James Dickson
Jno Carr
Benj Oliver
Jere Pearsall
signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Test J. K. Hill
State of North Carolina Duplin County
The within bond was duly acknowledged in open Court let it be Registered 22nd Oct 1839
Copy N Routledge rgr Jas K Hill Chirm
James Dickson Clk Bond
State of North Carolina Duplin County
Know all men by these presents that we James Dickson Jeremiah Pearsall John Car Benjm Oliver
all of Duplin County are held and firmly bound unto the state of North Carolina in the Just
and full sum of Four thousand dollars the payment of which sum well & truly to be made and
done we bind ourselves our heirs executors administrators Jointly and severally firmly by
these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 22nd day of October AD 1839 The condition
of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounden James Dickson has been Elected
clerk of the Court of the of please and Quarter Sessions for Duplin County now if the said
James Dickson shall make due and proper returns to the comptroler of State of the taxable
property that may issused in Duplin County and in all things shall discharge the several duties
of the officer of of clerk of said Court as the Law directs during his ontinuance is said office
then the above obligation to be void no effect otherwise to remain in full force and virtue
James Dickson
Jno Carr
Benj Oliver
Jere Pearsall
signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Tes Jas K Hill
State of No Carolina Duplin County the within Bond was duly acknowledged in open Court let it
be registered
22nd Oct 1839 Jas K Hill Chm
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