James Outlaw Petition ~ 1796
To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina
The Memorial of James OUTLAW of Duplin County respectfully Sheweth, That
your Memorialist did in time of the late American War furnish James
GILLISPIE, Esq'r then a Captain of Militia in said County with Ten head of
Sheep and one beef for the use of the Troops under the Command of Gen'l
LILLINGTON, for which Said James GILLISPIE Gave your memorialist a
Certificate. Your Memorialist then presented the same to Thomas ROUTLEDGE
one of the Auditors in order to have it Audited agreeably to law. But by
some accident it was lost or mislaid, your memorialist therefore Humbly
request that you will Grant him a Certificate for the Value of Said Sheep
& Beef or Such other Compensation as you in your wisdom and Justice May
think proper, and your memorialist as in duly bound will Ever pray &c
November 10th 1796
On reverse: The Memorial of James OUTLAW. In Senate 7 Dec'r 1796, read &
referred to the Com. of propo. & grieve. No. 2. S Haywood C. In the House
of Commons 7 December 1796 read & ref'd as by the Senate. By order.
J Hunt CHC.
The Committee of Propo's & Greivances No. 2 to whom was referred the Petition
of James OUTLAW, praying to be allowed for certain supplies furnished the
late Army of this State.
That in the Opinion of your Committee the claim stands in the same
situation with several others heretofore reported on by them, and they are
of Opinion that it would be highly improper to make any partial allowance
for said supplies, they theretofore recommend that the prayer of the
petition be rejected.
Which is Submitted
Jno. M. BINFORD Ch'n
In Senate 12th Decem'r 1796.
The forgoing report was read and concurred with.
Benja. SMITH, Spk'r
By order
On reverse: In the House of Commons 13 Dec'r 1796
Concurred with M. MATHEWS S. H. C.
By Order
Report of the Committee of Propo. & Grievances No. 2 on the petition of James
Lanier concurr
Source: General Assembly. Session Records. November - December 1796. Box 2.
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