This information is contributed by Carolyn Shank Source: Duplin Court Minutes Written: July 20, 1789 Recorded: July 22, 1789 Entries on Isaac Hunter Estate Appointed PRISCILLA HUNTER Guardian to her three daughters, NANCY, BETSEY and CATEY. She offer CHARLES WARD, SAMUEL hOUSTON and JAMES MCINTIRE as securities. They gave bond of 1,000 pounds. Ordered she take Estate of said three daughters into her possession where she can find it. NICHOLAS HUNTER, appointed Guardian of JOHN HUNTER,HOGAN HUNTER and THEOPHILUS HUNTER, Orphans of ISAAC HUNTER, dec'd. He gave bond of $1,000. Ordered he receive estate of said orphainsin his possession where he can find it. Ordered that NICHOLAS HUNTER be Guardian to ISAAC HUNTER, Orphan about two months of age being one of the children of ISAAC HUNTER, deceased. Ordered he give bond of 350 pounds. PRISSILLA HUNTER, widow of ISAAC HUNTER, deceased, prayed for her dower on 1/3 lands of her deceased husband. Ordered Sheriff to convene a jury upon the premises to lay off her third and report to next Court. As at last Term JAMES GILLESPIE, THOMAS HOOKS and JAMES MIDLETON Sr. were appointed a Committee to appraise and value the estate of ISAAC HUNTER, dec'd. in order that the widow of said dec'd might draw her seventh part of said estate and as it appears to the Court that the principal part of said Estate was appraised, and that the widow has proceeded to draw her part thereof. Ordered all pard of said estate so far as was appraised after the Widow's sevent part is taken out that the remainder be considered as the right of the children of said dec'd notwithstanding it sold for more than the sum it was appraised for. Transcript of proceedings of Jury convened to lay off dower of ISAAC HUNTER'S land to widow. Ordered recorded and is as follows: State of North Carolina, Duplin County, October 29, 1789 -- We the Subcribers, being a Jury summoned and sworn to lay off the dower of lands for which PRISSILLA HUNTER was entitled to out of the lands of her deceased husband's estate, have proceeded and laid off to her as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post in the old field running No. 15W to the Run of Grove Swamp, thence up the run of said swamp as it meanders to the Main Road, thence as the Road until a Court of No. 18E stricks the beginning. And that all the remainder of the Manor Plantation Tract which was as it stood undivided one hundred & fifty acres be the property of said PRISSILLA HUNTER during her natural life, including the buildings and orchard thereon and the use of the woodland so far as necessary for the repairs of the said Plantation, also fire wood and timber for buildings, but not to cultivate any land that is at this time in the state of nature. Also we have allowed to the said PRISSILLA HUNTER the privilege of a patent of ten acres joining the above and one patent of 20 acres joining to NICHOLAS HUNTER and JAMES MIDDLETON'S lands. This we adjudge to be an adequate third of the lands of said deceased ISAAC HUNTER. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals in Duplin, the date aforesaid. NB Be it remembered that we also have allowed to the said PRISSILLA HUNTER the use of the Spring on that part of the land which is left out of her dower. Witness our hands as aforesaid. THOS. ROUTLEDGE, JOSEPH DICKSON, THO'S HOOKS, JAMES MIDLETON, ALEXANDER DICKSON, JAMES PEARSALL, JAMES JAMES, WILLIAM HALL, WILLIAM BEST, WILLIAM MAGEE, JAMES MCINTIRE, WILLIAM FREDERICK. True copy of the proceedings of the4 said jury as returned by the Sheriff and filed in the Clerk's office. Test: W. Dickson, C.C. |