Hallsborough - Petition to Establish~1818

    This information is contributed by Carolyn Shank

    Source: Petition to Establish Town of Hallsborough, Duplin Co., Nov. 1818
            General Assembly, Session Records, November-December 1818.
    To The Honorable, The General Assembly of the State of North Carolina,
    The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of the County of Duplin. Respectfully Sheweth 
    that the Lands on the Lower Side of Limestone Rock near the Mouth of the East Side 
    of the North East of Capefear River is a healthy Situation and well calculated for 
    the Establishment of Several Stores which might lend Greatly to the Corsetiere and 
    advantage of Great part of said County. 
    Your Petitioners therefore pray that your Honorable Body will take the Subject into 
    Consideration and pass a law to Establish a Town on the lands of William HALL, Senr. 
    and sons Situated as above Stated by the Name of Hallsborough, and your Petitioner 
    as in duty bound will Ever Pray.
    November 1818.
    John BISHOP
    Thomas KENADY
    A. Newkirk
    Lewis JONES
    Edward HOUSTON
    John HOUSTON
    Merril WILLIAMS
    Danl. SOUTHERLAND, Junr.
    Merit MANNING
    William HALL, Sr.
    Lewis HALL
    Abraham HALL
    Nicholas HALL
    Joseph T. RHODES
    John CARR
    Hillary BISHOP
    Thomas P. HALL
    Felix KENEDY
    James SIMPSON
    Levin WALLER
    David BROCK
    Martin MANING
    A Bill to Establish a Town on the Lands of William HALL, Senr. & Sons, in the County 
    of Duplin.
    Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina, and it is herby 
    enacted by the Authority for the same, that Nicholas HALL, Thomas P. HALL, John FARIOR, 
    Nathan WALLER, Archibald MAXWELL, & Samuel HOUSTON, Thomas KENNEDY (crossed out) be and 
    they are hereby appointed Commissioners for the purpose of laying off a town on the 
    lands of William HALL, Senr. & sons, on the lower side of Limestone Creek near the 
    Mouth on the East Side of the North East of Cape Fear River, in the County of Duplin, 
    by the name of Hallsborough, and it shall be the duty of said Commissioners or a 
    Majority of them, as soon or may be to lay off & exhibit a fair plan of said Town in 
    acre or half acre lots, on such part of the lands of the said William HALL, Senr. & 
    Sons, as they or a Majority of them may think proper; and when the said lots shall be 
    so laid off, the same shall be at the entire will & --- disposal of the aforesaid 
    Commissioners, and the money arising from the sale of said lots shall be applied to 
    the use of the said William HALL, Senr. & Sons. Provided that the consent of the 
    Proprietors of the Land shall first have been obtained. Provided, further that the 
    said William HALL, Senr. & Sons, shall at and before the laying out & selling the lots 
    of the said Town, execute to the Commissioners aforesaid a good and sufficient title 
    in fee simple to the lands upon which the said Town of Hallsborough is to be 
    In Senate, Dec. 1818, Read the first Time and passed, By Order
    HENDERSON, Clrk.
    In Senate Dec. 11, 1818
    Read the first time and passed
    By Order
    Robert WILLIAMS, C.S.
    In. H. COMMONS 23rd. Dec. 1818. 
    Read the second time, amended and passed.
    By Order
    In Senate, Dec. 24th, 1818
    Read the second time and amended and passed.
    By Order
    Robert WILLIAMS
    In Commons 25 Dec. 1818. Read the third time and passed By Order.
    Honorable Comm.
    In Senate Dec. 25th, 1818. Read the third time and passed and Ordered to be ----
    By Order.
    Robt. WILLIAMS, C.S.
    A Bill to Establish a Town on the Land of William HALL, Senr. & Sons in the County 
    of Duplin.

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