Edward Armstrong ~ 1870
Source: Superior Court Minutes Of Duplin Co.-nc State Archives
Written: August 1870
Edward ARMSTRONG executor of Gibson SLOAN plantiff against Benj. ROCHELLE,
The State of North Carolina:to the Sheriff of New Hanover County: you are
hereby commanded to summon Benjamin ROCHELLE,J.K.JAMES,Martin S. ROCHELLE, Ohio
MAREADY and J.N.MASHBURN the defendats above named, if to be found in your
county to appear before the Judge of the Superior Court for the county of
Duplin at a court to be held for said county at the court house in Kenansville
on the twelfth Monday after the fourth monday in August 1870 and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff a copy of which will be filed in the office of the
Superior Court Clerk within the 1st three days of the Term and let them take
notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint at that time the
plaintiff will take judgement against them for the sum of $280.30 with interest
on same dollars from the 28,day of April 1870.
SOURCE-Superior Court Minutes of Duplin Co.,N.C.-N.C. State Archives
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