Edmund Duncan Petition ~ 1795
State of North Carolina
Wake County
Edmond DUNCAN of the County is of Dupiland who being Duly Sworn on the Holy
Evangelist of Almighty God deposeth and bequeath that as well as he this deponent
can Remember sometime in the year 1700 this deponent entered one Hundred Acres of
Land with the Entery taken of Dupiland County ----- the same on the Land of Jacob
KORNEGAY of his own lines, that the Said Jacob KORNEGAY combining with a certain
Joseph DICKSON surveyor for said County of Dupiland has by a Warrant Pretended to
be of an Older Date than this Deponents Warrant Rumor? Bound to be Run a false?
Line so as Admitting? The Said Jacob KORNEGAY to have his full compliment of Lands
agreeable to his Pretended Claim by Running the Lines Duly as they Aught to be Run
in that can the surplus of one Hundred acres of Land would? Remain for the Purpose
of this deponent to say his Warrant ---- therefore He Prays that His Excellency
the Governor Would Suspend the Issuing of any Grant in favor of the said Jacob
KORNEGAY until a Legal investigation of the same can be had.
Sworn before me at the City of Raleigh this 17th Nov. 1795.
M. L----------
State of North Carolina
To James GLASGOW, Esqr. Secretary
You are hereby notified that I have suspended the execution of the Grant mentioned
within agreeably to the prayer of the deponent which you will Certify to the Justices
of the County accordingly.
Raleigh, November 6th, 1795
Rich'd Dobbs SPAIGHT
By Command
Frans. HAWKS, P.Secry.
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