Daniel Webb Petition
Source: G.O.110; Council Papers; 1663-1779
To His Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esqr.
Captain General Governor and Members of His Majesties Councill
constituting the Court of Claims
The Petition of Daniel Webb
Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioner being a Poor Man, having wife and Six Children, and
not having any Lands but what he rented to Support his Family, one Martin
Fryer being about to Remove to the Southward, on or about the Tenth day
of April last, offerd to Sell your Petitioner Four Hundred Acres of Land
Lying in Duplin County on the Western side of the Six Runs near the Mouth,
and near Charles Gavens Lands, on which the said Martin had some small
Improvements and for which he told your Petitioner he had a Patent, but
that he had left it at his Brother John Fryer's, to which your Petitioner
giving Credit Purchased the said Land of the said Martin for the Sum of
Thirteen Pounds Proclamation Money, which your Petitioner paid to the said
Martin, and in a very few days after inquiring for the said Patent he
found that the said Martin had not left any Patent at the said John Fryers,
and that the said Martin had no Patent for the said Land and had deceived
your Petitioner, but being desirous of holding the said Land, resolved
within himself to apply for a Warrant the first Court of Claims that shoud
then next Happen to Secure the said Land in his own name, that on the
Twenty Seventh day of the Same Month of April being in Company with the
said Martin Fryer and one William Grantham Nephew to the said Martin, they
offerd to give your Petitioner Thirty Shillings to Suffer the said Grantham
to have the use of the Clear Land and a Small House that was on the said
Land, for to make a Crop on that Summer, and that the said Grantham for
the said Money wou'd get out a Warrant for your Petitioner for the said
Land, to all which your Petitioner agreed, and the said Grantham Entered
upon the said Land in Pursuance of the said agreement, but your Petitioner
being anxious to Secure a Title to the said Land, being Fearful that the
said Grantham might Neglect getting a Warrant for your Petitioner or
deceive him, and being an Illiterate Person, and a Stranger to the Method
of Proceeding in the offices, Some time in July last Traveled about Seventy
Miles, to meet Mr. Shibbs a deputy Surveyr to get him to take out a Warrant
for your Petitioner for the said Land, but not meeting the said Mr. Shibbs,
he being from Home, Surveying Lands as your Petioner was informed.
Your Petitioner in his Return Home Call'd on one Mr. John Sampson, to whome
he was well known and desired him to advise your Petitioner how he shou'd
Proceed to obtain a Warrant for the said Land, upon which the said Mr.
Sampson told your Petitioner he designed to made a Visit to your Excellency
at the time the then next Court of Claims wou'd be held, and kindly offer'd
then to take out a Warrant for your Petitioner if he sent the Money by him
to Pay the Charge of the Same, upon which your Petitioner gave his Money
to the said Mr. Sampson and told him to take what he thought wou'd be
Necessary for that Purpose, of which the said Mr. Sampson took thirty three
Shillings Proclamation Money which he said he thought would be enough to
Pay the Charge of the said Warrant, but your Petitioner afterwards hearing
the said Court of Claims was over, and that the said Mr. Sampson having
by some accident or other been Prevented from going to Newbern and had
not Procured the said Warrant, your Petitioner on hearing the Court of
Claims was now to be held, came to apply for a Warrant for the said Land,
But now so it is may it Please Your Excellency and Honours, your Petitioner
on coming to the Office for the Purpose aforesaid found that the said William
Grantham Comebining with his Brother in Law one Thomas Tadlock (an
Inhabitant of Virginia) to Circumvent your Petitioner, there is a Warrant
taken out and Retun'd in the Name of the said Thomas Tadlock but your
Petitioner humbly hopes the Premisses Considered, that your Excellency and
Honours will not Suffer a Patent to Pass to the said Thomas Tadlock for the
said Land, but that you will grant a Warrant to your Petitioner for the Same
and a Patent on the Survey and return of such Warrant, and that the said
Thomas Tadlock and his Friends who first Imposed on your Petitioner by
selling him Land they had no Title to, my be Presented in their fradulent
Intentions of for the Injuring him; and Your Petitioner as in Duty bound
Shall ever Pray
Daniel Webb
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