North Carolina Marriage Records 1847Transcribed by Bill Umphlett Aaron, Sarah Louisa to Jesse W. Burton of Petersburg, Va. Sept. Halifax county. R.R. Oct 2, 1847 Abernathy, Robert L. to Mary Ann Hays, Mar 11. Caldwell county. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Albright, Sarah to John C. Donnell, Sept 29, Guilford county. R.R. Oct. 6, 1847 Albritton, Archibald to Elizabeth Whitehead, Nov. Pitt county. R.R. Nov. 6, 1847 Albritton, James T. Lucretia Taylor, Je. Greene county. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Allison, Margaret A. to Augustus Houston, Sept. Iredell county. R.R. Oct 2, 1847 Allison, Selina E. to Rev. T.C. Crawford, Sept. Iredell county. R.R. Oct 2, 1847 Alston, Westley Fletcher Skidmore of Wake county to Emily Moring Clifton, Sept 9, Smithfield. R.A. Sept. 15 1847 Andrews Col. W.S.G. to Sarah H. Washington, Mar. 17, Waynesboro. R.R. Mar. 26, 1847 Arrington, Sallie A. to Dr. John T. Watson, Je. 10, Hilliardston, Nash county. R.R. Je. 22, 1847 Askew, Elizabeth C. of this State to Felix Grundy Dotson, Feb. Hinds county, Miss. R.R. Feb 26, 1847 Askew, William F. to Harriet J. Moore, My. Wake county. R.R. My. 21, 1847 Ballard, Margaret S. to John M. Horah, Nov. Salisbury. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Barton, Christiana to Dr. Charles J. Freeland, Oct. Rockingham county. R.R. Oct 9, 1847 Barton, W. of Orange county to Mary E. Mitchell, My. Fayette county, Tenn. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Battle, Laura C. to Charles Phillips, Dec 8, Chapel Hill R.R. Dec 15, 1847 Baucom, Mrs. Fanny to Rigdon Johnson, Apr. 14, Wake County. R.R. Apr. 20, 1847 Baucom, Ransom to Patsy Helms, Jly. Union county. R.R. Jly, 31, 1847 Beam, Jacob to Euphe;mia Hoke, Sept. Lincoln county, R.R. Sept. 25, 1847 Benbow, Julia E. to James Kyle of Rockingham county, Va. Je. Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 25, 1847 Biggs, Patsey to James Moore, Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Bingham, Olivia of Raleigh to William Miller, Je. Tuscaloosa, Ala. R.R. Jly. 9, 1847 Blackman, Jeremiah of Johnston county to Seney Godwin, Apr. Sampson county. R.R. Apr. 16, 1847 Blackwell, John, Jr. to Louisa M’Clanahan, Jan 13, Oxford. R.R. Jan. 19, 1847 Blair, Dr. John S. to Emily Ann Dunn of Franklin county, Je. Holly springs, Miss, R.R. Jly 9, 1847 Blount, Sarah E. to Jno. R. Cawthorn, Dec 23, Warrenton. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Blount, Wm A. of Washington to Mary J. Washington, My. 18, Mount Vernon, Lenior county. R.R. My. 21, 1847 Boone, Caroline Frances to John S. Maultsbly, Nov. Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Bowers, Sampson to Caroline Jackson, My. 14, Orange county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Brice, William to Margaret Ann Register, Sept. 9, Sampson county, R.R. Sept 18, 1847 Bridgers, John L. to Rebecca Louisa Dicken, My. Halifax county. R.R. My. 7, 1847 Bridges, Gray of Marengo county, Ala to Margaret A. Brown, Je. Nash county. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Brown, Catherine to James E. Howell of Raleigh, Nov. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Nov. 20, 1847 Brown, Harriet I. To Dr. H. James, Nov. Salisbury. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Brown, Margaret A. to Gray Bridges of Marengo county, Ala. Je. Nash county. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Brownlow, Margaret C. to Dr. James B. Yellowly, Oct 12, La Valle, Halifax county. R.R. Oct 20, 1847 Bryan, Harry to Eliza Thornton, Apr. Johnston county. R.R. Apr. 16, 1847 Bryan, Julia W. to Dr. Jesse D. Hines of Trenton, Mar. 14, Newbern. R.R. Mar. 30, 1847 Bryan, Susan Elizabeth John to Joab B. Cox, Jan. Sampson county. R.R. Jan. 8, 1847 Bryant, Jonathan Evans to Sarah Ann Edwards, Jly. Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Burton, Jesse W. of Petersburg, Va. To Sarah Louisa Aaron, Sept. Halifax county. R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Cade, Joseph to Sarah Holmes, My. 11, Cumberland county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Cameron, Daniel to Caroline M’Kenzie, Jly..Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Campbell, Mary to Jno. M’Phail, Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Canady, Susan D. to Rev. Wm. S. Langdon, Nov. Beaufort, Cartereet county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Cansler, Alexander J. of Lincolnton to Mary Ann Martin, Sept. Wilkes county. R.R. Sept. 15, 1847 Cason, Francis H. of Alabama to A.S. M’Alphin, My. Onslow county, R.R. My. 25, 1847 Cawthorn, Jno. R. to Sarah E. Blount, Dec 23, Warrenton. R.R. Dec 29, 1847 Chapman, Mrs. To William Lumsden, Jr. Mar. Cumberland county. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Chisholm, Maria to James M. Vann, Jly. Fayetteville, R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 Clifton, Emily Moring to Westley Fletcher Skidmore Alston, of Wake county, Sept 9, Smithfield. R.R. Sept. 15, 1847 Cocke, Colin R. of this State to Minerva Moore of Petersburg, Va. Sept. 23. R.R. Sept. 29, 1847 Coghill, Mary F. to Wm. H. Hughes of Granville county, Oct 6, Henderson, R.R. Oct. 23, 1847 Coney, John B. of New York to Margaret M. Fraley of Wilmington, Oct. Wilmington, R.R. Oct. 9, 1847 Cooper, Rebecca to William Herring, Nov 10, Parish Grove, Wake county, R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Courts, Daniel W. of Rockingham to Martha Jones of White Plains, Nov. 16, White Plains, Wake county, R.R. Nov. 20, 1847 Covington, Sally A. to John Little, Jr. Richmond county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Coward, Delia to Calvin Straughan, Aug. Chatham county. R.R. Aug. 25, 1847 Cox, Joab B. to Susan Elizabeth John Bryan, Jan. Sampson county, R.R. Jan 8, 1847 Crawford, Martha H. to Robert N. Fairly, Sept. Richmond county. R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Crawford, Rev. T.C. to Selina E. Allison, Sept, Iredell county. R.R. Oct 2, 1847 Crocker, A.J. to Mary D. Royster, Dec. 30, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 5, 1847 Cromartie, Amanda J. to William I. Parker of Sampson county, Jly. Bladen county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Culbreth, Gray to Rebecca Maxwell, Jly. Cumberland county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Daniel, Susan to Alexander Maxwell, Jly. Cumberland count. R.R. Jly 17, 1847 Davis, Mary F. to Rev. S. Jones, Jly, Robeson county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1847 Deavor, Capt. R. of Sulphur Springs, buncombe county to Mary S. Torian of Perquimons county, Apr. 26. R.R. My. 14, 1847 Dees, Shadrack to Rodiah M’Callum both formerly of Robeson county, My. 6, Onslow county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Dees, William of Chesterfield District, S.C. to Margaret Ozina Parker of Union county, Sept. Union county. R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Derr, Jane of Catawba Springs, Lincoln county to Wm. A. Lenoir of Caldwell county, Dec. 14, R.R. Dec 29, 1847 Dicken, Rebecca Louisa to John L. Bridgers, My. Halifax county. R.R. My 7, 1847 Dickens, Benjamin A. of Halifax county to Ella rives Eaton, Oct 28, Warrenton, R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Donnell, John C. to Sarah Albright, Sept 29, Guilford county. R.R. Oct. 6, 1847 Dortch, Mary L. of Nash county to William A. Pope of Rocky Mount, Nov. 16, Nash county. R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Dotson, Felix Grundy to Elizabeth C. Askew of this Stat, Feb. Hinds county. Miss. R.R. Feb 26, 1847 Douglass, Hon S.A., U.S. Senator from Illinois to Martha D. Martin of Rockingham county, Apr. 7. R.R. Apr. 23, 1847 Dowell, Albert H. of Greene county to Rosina Duffey of Alexandria, Va. R.R. Apr. 16, 1847 Dudley, Margaret to Thomas M’Ilhenny, Nov 2, Wilmington. R.R. Nov. 10, 1847 Duffey, Rosina of Alexandria, Va. To Albert H. Dowell of Greene county. R.R. Apr. 16, 1847 Dunn, Emily Ann of Franklin county to Dr. Jophn S. Blair, Je. Holly Springs, Miss, R.R. Jly. 9, 1847 Durnah, D.T. of Johnston county to Julia Smith, Nov. 30, wayne county. R.R. Dec 11, 1847 Eaton, Ella Rives to Benjamin A. Dickens of Halifax county, Oct 28, Warrenton, R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Eaton, temperance to Daniel S. Hall, Sept. 21, Stokes county, R.R. Oct. 6, 1847 Eckel, A.P. to Mary E. Hill, Nov. Greensboro. R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Edwards, Corbin to Matilda Carolina King, Sept. 6, Raleigh. R.R. Sept 11, 1847 Edwards, Emily to John C. King, Feb.10, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 19, 1847 Edwards, Sarah Ann to Jonathan Evans Bryant, Jly. Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Elliott, Alex to Jane S. Evans, Jan. Cumberland county. R.R. Jan. 29, 1847 Erwin, Col. Joseph J. of Burke county to Elvira Holt, Jt. 9. Lexington, R.R. Je.15, 1847 Evans, Jane S. to Alex Elliot, Jan . Cumberland county. R.R. Jan. 29, 1847 Fairly, Robert N. to Martha H. Crawford, Sept. Richmond county. R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Farrar, J.W. E. of Mississippi to Elizabeth M. Pascall, Aug. 12, Oxford. R.R. Aug. 28, 1847 Fort, Cornelia to James C. Lee, Mar. 17, Wake county. R.R. Mar. 26, 1847 Fox, Philadelphia to Charles L. Torrence of Salisbury, Oct. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Oct. 13, 1847 Fraley, Margaret M. of Wilmington to John B. Coney of New York, Oct. Wilington. R.R. Oct. 9, 1847 Freeland, Dr. Charles J. to Christiana Barton, Oct. Rockingham county. R.R. Oct. 9, 1847 Fuller, Albert G. to Ann Powell, Oct. Caswell county. R.R. Oct. 30, 1847 Gales, Annie Freeman to Charles B. Root, Je. 10. Raleigh, R.R. Je. 15, 1847 Gillespie, Daniel D. to Catharine A. Woodburn, Nov. Guilford county. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Godwin, Seney to Jeremiah Blackman of Johnston county, Apr. Sampson county, R.R. Apr. 16, 1847 Gray, Elizabeth to Alex H. Hogan of Randolph county, Mar. Randolph county, R.R. Mar. 9, 1847 Green, Margaret A. of Hertford county to Perry C. Tyler, Jr. of Bertie county, Apr. 8. R.R. Apr. 20, 1847 Green, Miss S.L. to J.C. M’Farlane of Wilmington, Nov. Newbern . R.R. Nov 6, 1847 Grist, Olivia to David Russell of Brunswick county, Nov. 11, Washington, Beaufort county. R.R. Nov. 20, 1847 Hall, Daniel S. to Temjperance Eaton, Sept. 21, Stokes county. R.R. Oct 6, 1847 Hamilton, Benjamin F. to Eliza Walthaw, Mar. Greensborough, R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Hardin, Susan Marion to Dr. Alexander Fridge Mallett, Je. 23, rose Hill, Cumberland county. R.R. Je. 25, 1847 Harper, Martha Ann of Wel;don to Thomas J. Hudson of Wilmington, Jly. 14, Weldon. R.R. Jly 24, 1847 Hawkins, Mary Jane of Warren to Major Benjamin Morrow, My. Charlotte. R.R. My. 7, 1847 Hays, Mary Ann to Robert L. Abernathy, Mar. 11, Caldwell county. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Heartt, Edwin to Alice Wilson, Dec. Hillsborough. R.R. Dec 22, 1847 Helms, Patsy to Ransom Baucom. Jly. Union county. R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 Henderson, Lucy F. to William P. Mitchell of Warren county, Oct. 13, Ashland, Granville county. R.R. Oct. 20, 1847 Herring, William to Rebecca Cooper, Nov. 10, Parish Grove, Wake county. R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Hicks, Lucretia to M.V. Lanier, My. 12, Woodla3wn, Granville county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Hill, Anna A. to Dr. N.L. Stith of Raleigh, Apr.. 29, Orton, Brunswick county. R.R. My. 4, 1847 Hill, Mary E. to A.P. Eckel, Nov. Greensboro, R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Hines, Dr. Jesse D. of Trenton to Julia W. Bryan, Mar. 14, Newbern. R.R. Mar. 30, 1847 Hodges, Sarah A. of Marion District, S.C. to William S. Mullins, My. Fayetteville. R.R. My. 21, 1847 Hodgsen, R.W.B. of Thomasville, Ga. To Sarah Ann Yarbjorough of Raleigh, Je. 16, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Hogan, Alex H. to Elizabeth Gray of Randolph county, Mar. Randolph county. R.R. Mar. 9, 1847 Hoke, Euphemia to Jacob Beam, Sept. Lincoln county, R.R. Sept 25, 1847 Holmes, Lucian of Wilmington to Mary Shaw Mitchell, Nov. Chapel Hill. R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Holmes , Sarah to Joseph Cade, My. 11, Cumberland county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Holt, Elvira to Col. Joseph J. Erwin of Burke county. Je. 9, Lexington. R.R. Je. 15, 1847 Horah, John M. to Margaret S. Ballard, Nov. Salisbury. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Houston, Augustus to Margaret A. Allison, Sept. Iredell county. R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Howell, James E. to Catharine Brown of Raleigh. Nov. 16, Raleigh, R.R. Nov. 20, 1847 Hudson, Thomas J. of Wilmington to Martha Ann Harper of Weldon, Jly. 14, Weldon. R.R. Jly. 24. 1847 Hughes, Wm. H. to Mary F. Coghill of Granville county, Oct 6, Henderson. R.R. Oct.23 1847 Hunley, Richard of Alabama to Martha Johnson, Jly. Lincoln county. R.R. Aug. 4, 1847 Hunter, Sarah Ann of Portsmouth, Va. to Willis F. Riddick of Gatesville, Sept 9, Gates county. R.R. Sept. 22, 1847 Irwin, Edward of Virginia to Jane F. Lewis of Milton, Dec.15, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 18, 1847 Jackson, Caroline to Sampson Bowers, My. 14, Orange county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 James, Dr. H. to Harriet I. Brown, My. 14, Orange county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 James, Samuel W. to Mary M. Wall, Dec. Salisbury. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Jeffreys, Ann J. to Benjamin Rogers, Dec. 23, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 8, 1847 Johnson, E.A. to Mrs. Martha Nicholson, Nov 11, Raleigh. R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Johnson, John to Ann Jane Townsend. Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Johnson, Rigdon to Mrs. Fanny Baucom, Apr. 14, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 20, 1847 Johnston, Martha to Richard Hunley of Alabama, Jly. Lincoln county. R.R. Aug. 4, 1847 Jones, Joseph J. of Franklin county to Mrs. Jane E. Williams, Nov. Warren county. R.R. Nov. 10, 1847 Jones, Col. Jordan F. to Lucy J. Stamper, Dec. Franklin. R.R. Dec 22, 1847 Jones, Martha of White Plains to Daniel W. Courts of Rockingham, Nov. 16. White Plains, Wake county. R.R. Nov. 20, 1847 Jones, Rev. S. to Mary F. Davis, Jly. Robeson county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1847 Jones, William H. of Wilmington to Mary C. Nixon, Dec.21, Wilmington. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Jones, Maj. Willie D. of Forestville to Elizabeth J. Smith, Jan. 6, Wake Forest. R.R. Jan. 29, 1847 Kendall, Dr.Thomas W. to Martha Pickett, Oct. Anson county. R.R. Oct 9, 1847 King, Amy Ann to James Kinnon Oct. Anson county. R.R. Oct. 9, 1847 King, John C. to Emily Edwards, Feb. 10, Wake county. R.R. Feb. 19, 1847 King, Matilda Caroline to Corbin Edwards, Sept. 6, Raleigh. R.R. Sept. 11, 1847 Kinnon, James to Amy Ann King, Oct. Anson county. R.R. Oct. 9, 1847 Kissam, Mary to H. I. I. Solomons, Nov. 10, Raleigh, R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Kyle, James of Rockingham county, Va. to Julia E. Benbow, Je. Fayetteville. R.R. Je. 25, 1847 Langdon, Rev. Wm. S. to Susan D. Canaday, Nov. Beaufort, Carteret County. R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Lanier, M.V. to Lucretia Hicks, My. 12, Woodlawn, Granville county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Lee, James C. to Cornelia Fort, Mar. 17, Wake county. R.R. Mar. 26, 1847 Lenior, Wm. A. of Caldwell county to James Derr of Catawba Springs, Lincoln county, Dec 14. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Lewis, Jane F. of Milton to Edward Irwin of Virginia, Dec. 15, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 18, 1847 Little, John to Sally A. Covington, Jly. Richmond county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Logan, J.W. of Rutherford to Miss A.L. Wilson, Nov. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Lucas, William of Cumberland county to Elizabeth Ann Ryals of Johnston county. Oct. 14, R.R. Pct. 20, 1847 Lumsden, William, Jr. to Mrs. Chapman, Mar. Cumberland county. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 McAlphin, A. S. to Francis H. Cason, of Alabama, My. Onslow county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 McCullum, Rodiah to Shadrack Dees both formerly of Robeson county, My. 6, Onslow county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 McClanahan, Louisa to John Blackwell, Jr. Jan 13, Oxford. R.R. Jan. 19, 1847 McFarlane, J.C. of Wilmington to Miss S. L. Green, Nov. Newbern. R.R. Nov. 6, 1847 McIlhenny, Thomas to Margaret Dudley, Nov. 2, Wilmington, R.R. Nov. 10, 1847 McKeithan, Christian to F. P. Matthews of Stewart county, Ga. Jly. Elizabethtown, Bladen county. R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 McKenzie, Caroline to Daniel Cameron, Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 12847 McPhail, Jno to Mary Campbell, Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 McRae, Carolina A. of Richmond county to Dr. Wiley Smith of Wadesboro. Sept. Wadesboro. R. R. Oct. 2, 1847 Mallett, Dr. Alexander Fridge to Susan Marion Hardin, Je. 23. Rose Hill, Cumberland county R. R. Je. 25, 1847 Mann, Elizabeth J. Edwin M. Whitehead, Nov. Chatham couonty. R.R. Nov. 6, 1847 Marshall, W.K. to Sarah Julia Perkins, Je. Newbern. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Martin, Martha D. of Rockingham county to Hon. S.A. Douglass, U.S. Senator from Illinois, Apr, R.R. Apr. 23, 1847 Martin, Mary Ann to Alexander J. Causler of Lincolnton, Sept. Wilkes county. R.R. Sept 25, 1847 Matthews, F.P. of Stewart county, Gxa. To Christian McKeithan, Jly. Elizabethtown, Bladen county. R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 Maultsby, John S. to Carolina Frances Boon, Nov. Fayetteville. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Maxwell, Alexander to Susan Daniel, Jly. Cumberland county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Maxwell, Rebecca to Gray Culbert, Jlly. Cumberland county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Miller, Laura P. to Louis H. Pierce, Jly. Wilmington, R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 Miller, William to Olivia Bingham of Raleigh, Je. Tuscaloosa, Ala. R.R. Jly. 9, 1847 Mitchell, Mary E. to W. Barton of Orange county, My. Fayette county, Tenn. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Mitchell, Mary Shaw to Lucian Holmes of Wilmington, Nov. Chapel Hill, R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Mitchell, William P. of Warren county to Lucy F. Henderson, Oct. 13, Ashland, Granville county. R.R. Oct. 20, 1847 Moore, Harriet J. to William F. Askew, My. Wake county. R.R. My 21, 1847 Moore, James to Patsey Biggs, Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Moore, Minerva of Petersburg, Va. to Colin R. Cocke of this State, Sept. 23. R.R. sept. 29, 1847 Morrow, Major Benjamin to Mary Jane Hawkins of Warren County, My. Charlotte. R.R. MY. 7, 1847 Mullins, William S. to Sarah A. Hodges of Marion District, S.C. My. Fayetteville. R.R. My. 21, 1847 Myers, Dr. Albert to Eliza Pickett, Jly. 7, Anson county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1847 Nicholson, Mrs. Martha to E.A. Johnson, Nov. 11, Raleigh. R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Nixon, Mary C. to William H. Jones of Wilmington, Dec. 21. Wilmington. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Norcum, Edward H. of Edenton to Laura Ann Dusenbery, Nov. Lexington. R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Parker, Margaret Ozina of Union county to William Dees of Chesterfield District, S.C. Sept. Union county. R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Parker, William I. Of Sampson county to Amanda J. Cormartie, Jly. Bladen county. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Paschall, Elizabeth M. to J.W.E. Farrar of Mississippi, Aug.12, Oxford. R.R. aug. 28, 1847 Paschall, William V. to Mary A. Spencer, Jly. 28, Oxford. R.R. Aug. 4, 1847 Pennell, Gabriel to Mary Ann Wilson, Feb. Franklin county. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Perry, Mary B. to Archibald Taylor of Oxford, My. 12, Franklin county. R.R. My. 25, 1847 Phillips, Charles to Laura C. Battle, Dec. 8, Chapel Hill. R.R. Dec. 15, 1847 Pickett, Eliza to Dr. Albert Myers, Jly. 7, Anson county. R.R. Jly. 14, 1847 Pickett, Martha to Dr. Thomas W. Kendall, Oct. Anson county. R.R. Oct. 9, 1847 Pierce, Louis H. to Laura P. Miller, Jly. Wilmington. R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 Pointer, Emily of Halifax, Va. to Adolphus H. Young of Granville county, Nov. 24. R.R. Dec. 4, 1847 Pope, William A. of Rocky Mount to lMary L. Dortch of Nash county, Nov. 16, Nash county. R.R. Nov. 17, 1847 Reaves, Mary Louisa to James H. Smith of Raleigh, Aug. 4, Wilmington, R.R. Aug. 14, 1847 Register, Margaret Ann to William Brice, Sept. 9, Sampson county. R.R. Sept. 18, 1847 Reid, Mary A. to William R. White of Raleigh, Nov. 4, Griffin, Pike county, Ga. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Respass, Sarah Ann to Joseph D. Satchwell, Jan 12, Washington, Beaufort county. R.R. Jan. 26, 1847 Reston, Anna Jane to James M. Swann of Brunswick county, Jan. Wilmington, R.R. Jan 8, 1847 Riddick, Willis F. of Gatesville to Sarah Ann Hunter of Portsmouth, Va. Sept. 9, Gates county. R.R. Sept. 22, 1847 Rogers, Benjamin to Ann J. Jeffreys, Dec. 23, Wake county. R.R. Jan. 8, 1847 Rott, Charles B. to Annie Freeman Gales, Je. 10. Raleigh. R.R. Je. 15, 1847 Royster, Mary D. to A.J. Crocker, Dec. 30, Raleigh. R.R. Jan. 5, 1847 Russell, David of Brunswick county to Olivia Grist. Nov. 11, Washington, Beaufort county. R.R. Nov. 20, 1847 Ryals, Elizabeth Ann of Johnston county to William Lucas of Cumberland county. Oct. 14. R.R. Oct. 20, 1847 Satchwell, Joseph D. to Sarah ann. Respass, Jan 12, Washington. Beaufort county. R.R. Jan. 26, 1847 Simpson, Alex’r to Ann Kelly Watts, Jan. Cumberland county. R.R. Jan. 29, 1847 Smith, Elizabeth J. to Maj. Willie D. Jones of Forestville, Jan. 6, Wake Forest. R.R. Jan. 29, 1847 Smith, James H. of Raleigh to Mary Louisa Reaves, Aug. 4, Wilmington, R.R. Aug. 14, 1847 Smith, Julia to D.T. Durham of Johnston county, Nov. 30, Wayne county, R.R. Dec. 11, 1847 Smith, Dr. Wiley of Wadesboro to Caroline A. McRae of Richmond county, Sept. Wadesboro, R.R. Oct. 2, 1847 Solomans, H.I.I. to Mary Kissam, Nov. 10, Raleigh, R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Speight, Louisa H. to David H. Stephenson, Mar 2, Wake county. R.R. Mar. 26, 1847 Spencer, Mary A. to William V. Paschall, Jly. 28, Oxford. R.R. Aug. 4, 1847 Stamper, Lucy, J. to Col. F. Jones, Dec. Franklin. R.R. Dec. 22, 1847 Stephenson, David H. to Louisa H. Speight, Mar. 2, Wake county. R.R. Mar. 26, 1847 Stevenson, Susan to Richard N. Taylor, My. Newbern. R.R. My. 14, 1847 Stitch, Dr. N. L. of Raleigh to Anna A. Hill, Apr. 29, Orton, Brunswick county. R.R. My. 4, 1847 Straughan, Calvin to Delia Coward. Aug. Chatham county. R.R. Aug. 25, 1847 Sturdivant, Mrs. To Samuel Whitaker, Apr. 6, Wake county. R.R. Apr. 13, 1847 Swann, James M. of Brunswick county to Anna Jane Reston, Jan. Wilmington. R.R. Jan. 8, 1847 Taylor, Archibald of Oxford to Mary B. Perry, Mr. 12, Franklin county, R.R. My. 25, 1847 Taylor, Lucretia to James T. Albritton. Je. Greene county. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Taylor, Richard N. to Susan Stevenson, My. Newbern. R.R. My.14, 1847 Thornton, Eliza to Harry Bryan, Apr. Johnson county. R.R. Apr. 16 1847 Torian, Mary S. of Perquimans county to Capt. R. Deaver of Sulphur Springs. Buncombe county, Apr. 26, R.R. My. 14, 1847 Torrence, Charles L. of Salisbury to Philadelphia Fox, Oct. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Oct. 13, 1847 Townsend, Ann Jane to John Johnson, Jly. Rockfish village. R.R. Jly. 17, 1847 Tyler, Perry C. Jr. of Bertie county to Margaret A. Green of Hertford county. Apr. 8. R.R. Apr. 20, 1847 Vann, James M. to Maria Chisholm. Jly. Fayetteville. R.R. Jly. 31, 1847 Wall, Mary N. to Samuel W. James, Dec. Salisbury. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Walthaw, Eliza to Benjamin F. Hamilton, Mar. Greensborough. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Washington, Mary J. to Wm. A. Blount of Washington, My. 18, Mount Vernon, Lenior county. R.R. My. 21, 1847 Washington, Sarah H. to Col. W.S.G. Andrews, Mar. 17, Waynesboro. R.R. Mar. 26, 1847 Watson, Dr. John T. to Sallie A. Arrington, Je. 10, Hilliardston, Nash county. R.R. Je.22, 1847 Watts, Ann Kelly to Alex’r R. Simpson, Jan. Cumberland county. R.R. Jan. 29, 1847 Whitaker, Samuel to Mrs. Sturdivant, Apr 6, Wake county. R.R.Apr. 13, 1847 White, William R. of Raleigh to Mary A. Reid, Nov. 4, Griffin, Pike county, Ga. R.R. Dec 29, 1847 Whitehead, Edwin M. to Elizabeth J. Mann, Nov. Chatham county. R.R. Nov. 6, 1847 Whitehead, Elizabeth to Archibald Albritton, Nov. Pitt county. R.R. Nov. 6, 1847 Wicker, David A. to Emma J. Williams, Dec 22, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Williams, Emma J. to David A. Wicker, Dec. 22, Raleigh. R.R. Dec. 29, 1847 Williams, Mrs. Jane E. to Joseph J. Jones of Franklin county, Nov. Warren county. R.R. Nov. 10, 1847 Wilson, Miss. A.L. to J. W. Logan of Rutherford. Nov. Mecklenburg county. R.R. Nov. 13, 1847 Wilson, Alice to Edwin Heartt, Dec. Hillsborough. R.R. Dec. 22, 1847 Wilson, Mary Ann to Gabriel Pennell, Feb. Franklin county. R.R. Mar. 19, 1847 Woodburn, Catharine to Daniel D. Gillespie, Nov. Guilford county, R.R. Nov. 3, 1847 Yarborough, Sarah Ann of Raleigh to R.W.B. Hodgsen of Thomasville, Ga. Je.16, Raleigh. R.R. Je. 18, 1847 Yellowby, Dr. James B. to Margaret C. Browlow, Oct 12, La Valle, Halifax county. R.R. Oct. 20, 1847 Young, Adolphus H. of Granville county to Emily Pointer of Halifax, Va. Nov. 24. R.R. Dec. 4, 1847 |